Ninth Doctor (Scream of the Shalka)

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Template:NcThe Ninth Doctor saved the planet Earth from the Shalka in the year 2003.



The Doctor had been involved in circumstances which had led to the death of a companion. During these events, he also gave the Master a chance to redeem himself by somehow placing him in a robotic body confined to the Doctor's TARDIS. The Doctor implied that something had happened to the Time Lords.

Arriving in the small Lancashire town called Lannet, seemingly against his own will, he cursed the unknown people he served, telling them "[he] won't do it". The melancholic Doctor met a barmaid Alison Cheney. Together, they fight to save the world, and win against the silicon-based Shalka. Afterwards, Alison left with the Doctor in the TARDIS. (WC: Scream of the Shalka) The two, along with the android Master, shared at least one more adventure together, involving vampires. (WC: The Feast of the Stone)


This Doctor was serious, and often angry, but wasn't averse to the odd bit of fun. He kept an android version of the Master in his TARDIS.

Habits and Quirks

  • This Doctor was known to drink alcohol.
  • He carried a mobile phone, taken from a charging cradle hidden behind the telephone panel in the TARDIS' police box shell. Shaped like the TARDIS, the phone was in fact part of the TARDIS itself.
  • This Doctor displayed a fondness for singing, and had a repertoire of showtunes.


"Do you lot use the Euro yet?"

The Doctor, considering what to donate to Mathilda Pierce, an elderly homeless woman.
  • Prime: "We understand the workings of your ship."
  • Doctor: "Really? Could you explain it to me?"
  • Alison: "What are you?"
  • Doctor: "Mildly annoyed!"
  • Doctor: "Don't you ever offer me a gun again."
  • Doctor: "I do however have some last words for the universe and they are ... battery low?"
  • Doctor: "Tell me honestly, am I annoying you yet?"

Mysteries and Discrepancies

  • What in this timeline, had happened to the Time Lords? He's shouting abuse at someone when he lands about being used. And it's certainly not in the direction of the TARDIS or the Master, it's possible that he's referring to the Time Lords, and that they're using him as an agent again.
    What incarnation of the Doctor is this one? He refers to Warholl wanting to paint "all nine of him", which could refer to the incarnation who met Warholl.

Behind the Scenes


Just after the new 2005 series was announced with the official Ninth Doctor, the BBC webcast starring the "new" Doctor, Scream of the Shalka, was released onto the BBC website. This caused this Doctor to be shunted into "unofficial" status. Lance Parkin in his AHistory reasons that since this incarnation of the Doctor never literally specified himself as the ninth (but only heavily implied it) that this version of the Doctor could still one day exist in the Tenth Doctor's future.

Paul Cornell, who wrote Scream of the Shalka, has since referred to this Doctor as his "unbound."[1]

In EDA: The Gallifrey Chronicles it is noted that the Eighth Doctor has three possible Ninth bodies: (presumedly) this version, The Curse of Fatal Death version and the official Ninth Doctor.

Possible appearance in The Cabinet of Light

Some fans have noted the coincidental similarity between the unspecified incarnation of the Doctor seen in the Telos Novella The Cabinet of Light by Daniel O'Mahony and the Shalka version.
