Gravity Falls (series)
Gravity Falls is a children's animated television series created by Alex Hirsch for Disney Television Animation, and broadcast on Disney XD and Disney Channel. The series stars twin siblings, Dipper and Mabel Pines, as they set out to solve the various supernatural mysteries of the titular location.
The series ran for forty episodes across two seasons, broadcast from 2012 to 2016, its popularity spawning various companion books, and a video game.
The series was among various Disney XD shows to briefly cross over with the Doctor Who universe in an untitled promotional video created to promote Doctor Who's arrival on the North American version of the channel.
The promo involved the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler piloting the TARDIS as it flew through or landed in various locales from Disney XD's library of shows from the time. The last of place it visits is the Mystery Shack; the TARDIS initially clipping the roof, causing Mabel and Dipper to scream in terror, before the TARDIS then flies through the shack's interior, leaving the twins and their Grunkle Stan lost for words at what they had just witnessed, with Stan attempting to move things on by asking the kids if they want to see what's on TV.
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