15 May

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15 May




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15 May was a date.


In 1905, Las Vegas was founded. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)

In 2009, the date fell on a Friday. Donna Noble had the Tenth Doctor take her home to Chiswick so she could see her mother and grandfather on the anniversary of her father's death. The Doctor then received a message on his psychic paper that led him to meet half-brothers Lukas and Joe Carnes, and realize there was a mystery afoot. That evening, Wilf took the Doctor up to the allotments and showed him a star he had discovered, 7432MOTT. The two then witnessed the sudden appearance of more stars, Chaos Bodies. (PROSE: Beautiful Chaos)

Meanwhile, Dara Morgan and his employees at MorganTech worked to advance the spread of the new M-TEK computer worldwide in time for the culmination of the Helix's plans on 18 May. A malfunction at the New York City offices prompted the Helix to take over Kittel Software Inc. as a subsidiary of the company. At various locations around the Earth, individuals were taken over by the Helix to become its servants: Professor Rossi, his assistant Tonio, and his students Jayne Greene, Ben, and Sean in Moscatelli, Italy; Nikos Takis in Greece; and newlyweds Donnie and Portia DiCotta in Connecticut. (PROSE: Beautiful Chaos)

In 3005, Space Vegas was founded. As well as money, the casinos of Space Vegas accepted luck, days of one's future, memories and hope as currency. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)

Births and deaths

In 2008[1], Geoff Noble died at a filling station. (PROSE: Beautiful Chaos)

In 2009, multiple deaths occurred due to the schemes of the Mandragora Helix: Terry Lockworth and Johnnie Bates at the Oracle Hotel in London; the staff of MorganTech's New York City branch, including Melissa Carson and Milo, by a systems malfunction; Harvey Geller, CEO of Kittel Software Inc., due to a lift malfunction; and Babis Takis and Katarina Spiros in Greece through the Mandragora's possession of Nikos Takis. (PROSE: Beautiful Chaos)


  1. Beautiful Chaos dates itself as beginning on 15 May 2009, which is stated to be the one-year anniversary of Geoff Noble's death.