Doctor Who Museum (video game)

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Doctor Who Museum was a game in Quantum Builds's Doctor Who Fortnite, released on 17 March 2022.[1] The game showed off the models which had been created for this event, informing players of the Whoniverse.


Visit the Museum and learn more about the friends and foes of the Doctor. Featuring the Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, K-19 and the TARDIS!


The Museum is a non-gameplay-heavy exploration map containing still models of various characters and objects from Doctor Who. Signs besides each model state their debut story, including the year and medium. Buttons can be pressed which open more extensive text on the subjects, written in an in-universe style.

The player enters the map in a circular lobby with roman statues.

The left side of the museum is a hallway devoted to the Doctor's enemies. Its initial section focusses on Daleks, containing a Time War Dalek, an Imperial Guard Dalek, Dalek Sec, an Ironside, an Imperial Dalek, the Dalek Supreme seen in Remembrance of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Remembrance of the Daleks (TV story)"], a Dalek Warrior, a model of the Dalek City design first seen in The Magician's Apprentice [+]Loading...["The Magician's Apprentice (TV story)"], and the Dalek Time Squad, consisting of the Emperor of the Restoration, the Dalek Time Commander, the Dalek Prime Strategist, the Scientist Dalek, the Dalek Executioner, and a Dalek drone. This is followed by a series of standalone displays: a Pting eating electricity, two Weeping Angels, and two Sontarans in black armour. After this, there is an area with a crack in time the left wall, a gas mask used by UNIT during the Sontaran invasion of Earth on a plinth near the wall, and Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17 on a display to the right. The end of this hallway is a display of weapons-grade Cyberman, with several regular-sized Cybermen emerging from the Cyber-tomb design seen in Nightmare in Silver [+]Loading...["Nightmare in Silver (TV story)"], a Cyberman at a circular table resembling the one from the Eleventh Doctor-Mr Clever chess match, and a big bust of a Cyberman also seen in TARDIS Landing Site [+]Loading...["TARDIS Landing Site (video game)"] behind this scene.

The right hallway is dedicated to the Doctor and their allies. Its contents are: the Eleventh Doctor's Fez and mop, River Song's diary, K9, a puddle labelled "Heather", the Timey-Wimey Detector, Rory's sword, Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, a large hanging recreation of the Thirteenth Doctor's sonic screwdriver, 3D glasses and psychic paper, Handles, a Kerblam! box, the TARDIS police box exterior, and Gallifrey Falls No More.

Between the two far ends of the hallways is a section on the Doctor. One side is taken up by a recreation of the Twelfth Doctor's control room, with an accurate TARDIS console and a chalkboard with Fortnite theorizing on it. The other side has models of the Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Thirteenth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, and Fourth Doctor, with an empty space for another Doctor to possibly go.


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A sign within the level said that the Museum was designed by XWDFr. Other designers for this map were fatalfoo, puzzler, skttlz, spankysully, FNCreativeGnome, and Kawelo.


  • The Sontaran exhibit refers to the Flux as a "cross-universe event".


  • XWDFr released a video on their youtube channel showing off the architecture they designed for this game.
  • The chalkboard asset used in the Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS was created for a Fortnite event storyline involving a secret vault under a location called Loot Lake, with the board's drawings depicting such a structure at the centre of a lake.


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