Strax Field Report: The Name of the Doctor was a webcast released in the build up to the final episode of the seventh series of Doctor Who.
Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]
Field Report Report T713/D: Strax reports about an upcoming task he must perform, which he aptly named "The Name of the Doctor", in which he believes the Doctor's greatest secret is revealed...
Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]
Strax reports to Sontar that a medium in Whitechapel has informed the Paternoster Gang that they have a new assignment. Strax is displeased with the fact that they must travel to a foreign country. He mentions the the Doctor's greatest secret being involved. The task is to be called: "The Name of the Doctor". Strax gives the Sontaran salute and ends the report.
Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]
Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The designation for this field report is T713/D, "713" referring to episode thirteen of the seventh series and the letters T and D for "The Doctor".