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Underworld (TV story)

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

Underworld was the penultimate story of Season 15, and the first over which script editor Anthony Read had complete creative control. Read had requested that writers Bob Baker and Dave Martin make the script an explicit allegory of the ancient myth of Jason and the Quest for the Golden Fleece.

Beyond this, though, Underworld was unusual in number of regards. Perhaps most obviously, it was the serial that used by far the most colour separation overlay (CSO) in the programme's history. Rampant inflation had eaten away at the budget for the back half of the season, and using CSO to recreate virtually every shot of the alien world featured in the story was the only feasible way to preserve production of The Invasion of Time. It also advanced the mythos of the Time Lords, by explaining the origin of their non-interference policy.


The TARDIS arrives on a Minyan space craft, the R1C, commanded by a man named Jackson. Jackson and his crew are on a long quest to recover the Minyan race banks from a ship called the P7E which left their planet centuries before. The Doctor helps to free the R1C after it becomes buried in a meteorite storm, but it then crashes into another newly-formed planet.

Inside the planet is a system of caves at the heart of which is the P7E. The P7E's computer, the Oracle, was programmed to protect the race banks but subsequently went insane and - with the aid of its servants, the Seers - imposed its rule upon the Minyan survivors and their descendants. It allows Jackson to take what appear to be the race banks, but they are actually imitations containing fission grenades.

The Doctor realises the deception and obtains the genuine race banks. He then tricks the Oracle's guards into taking the grenades back to their leader. The resulting explosion destroys the planet and the P7E and boosts the R1C off on a voyage to Minyos II, carrying with it the Minyan survivors.


Episode one

Captain Jackson

Aboard the TARDIS, the Doctor is painting and Leela is playing with the the console. When they reach the edge of the cosmos, the Doctor is in awe, but K9 informs him that there is a nearby spacecraft and that they are both heading into a spiral nebula. The TARDIS escapes and materialises aboard the vessel, the R1C. When its crew hears the TARDIS, they recognise it as the technology of the gods.

The Doctor, now in the ship's cargo hold, determines that it is from Minyos, a planet on the other side of the universe. The Time Lords once helped the Minyan civilisation to develop before being rejected, which led to their non-interference policy after the Minyans destroyed their own world. Leela uses a Shield gun to blast the door open and they head for the bridge. As the crew try to avoid the nebula, the Doctor offers to help. Herrick holds a weapon on him, until Captain Jackson orders Orfe to use the Pacifier to subdue Herrick and Leela. Jackson explains that the R1C has been searching for another ship, the P7E, for 100,000 years and, while the crew can endlessly regenerate, their ship is failing. The P7E contains the genetic race banks necessary to rebuild Minyos.

The Doctor connects K9 to the failing systems and the R1C escapes the nebula. However, the signal from the P7E is still coming from inside and Jackson orders the ship to go back in. With K9's help, the ship survives the journey, but its huge mass starts to attract debris. As the rock starts to build up, the Doctor suggests using the ship's weapons to blast itself free, but the laser cannon starts to burn through the hull as well...

Episode two

The laser punches through just in time and the R1C escapes, only to encounter another planetoid that has built up over centuries. The Doctor suggests that this could be the P7E. With no fuel left, the R1C hits the soft surface of the planet and heads for the core.

The Planetoid around the P7E

In tunnels under the planet's surface, several slave workers known as Trogs are buried by a rockfall. Guards are dispatched to restore order and accuse a Trog named Idmon of heresy for suggesting that there is a sky. His son, Idas, runs away from the guards.

Jackson and his crew explore the tunnels and spot security cameras, suggesting a technologically advanced society. The Doctor and Leela see the guards chasing Idas and lead them away, eventually losing them and finding Idas in the airlock of the R1C. The Doctor tells Idas about his people's past and learns about the legends of the Sky Gods and the Seers who rule the society on behalf of the Oracle.

As Herrick scouts ahead, he is accosted by guards who do not believe his story and attack him. He easily deflects their fire, but the head guard, Rask, orders the tunnel sealed off and gas pumped in. When the Doctor detects the gas, he finds the environmental controls and tries to reverse the flow, but cannot concentrate and slumps over the machinery...

Episode three

At the last second, the gas clears. Jackson, Orfe and Tala free Herrick while the guards are overcome by their own gas. When the Doctor wakes, Idas tells him about the punishment that his father will endure for his heresy. Idmon will be sacrificed in the Citadel to appease the Oracle by having a sword dropped upon him. The Doctor sends K9 to find Jackson, while he takes Idas and Leela to stop the sacrifice.

The Seers revealed

Idas warns them of dragons that guard the Citadel, but it is merely a defence mechanism that Leela makes short work of with the shield gun. When they reach the planet's core, which has zero gravity, they are able to float down to the Citadel. At the sacrifice, the Oracle speaks to the Seers, who light a lamp to burn through the strap holding the sword. The Doctor's party are taken by the guards to the sacrifice, where the lamp is moved at the last moment. Idas incites a rebellion and frees his father, with Jackson's crew arriving to assist. Herrick remains behind as a rearguard to allow the rebels to escape, but he is captured.

The freed Trogs explain the endless futility of their lives, working for no purpose. Jackson agrees to help the Doctor infiltrate the Citadel and find the Oracle. The Doctor and Leela lie down in an ore cart headed for the Citadel.

Herrick is tortured by the Seers, who refuse to believe his story of a millennia-long quest. They then remove their ceremonial masks to reveal strange, metallic faces.

As the ore cart approaches the Citadel, the automated system tips the contents of each cart into a crusher, including the Doctor and Leela...

Episode four

The Doctor and Leela hang on to a ledge by their fingertips and are rescued by the R1C crew. Jackson agrees to hold off the guards while the Doctor's party head for the Oracle.

The race banks

In the Citadel, the Seers suggest letting Herrick have the race bank cylinders, since they are of little value and not worth the risk. The Oracle releases the cylinders and offers to let Jackson have them if he will leave. Jackson agrees and takes the cylinders back to his ship. The Doctor speaks to the Oracle, recognising it as a deranged computer programmed to protect the race banks at all costs. He realises that the cylinders given to Jackson must be fakes and takes the real ones.

Jackson prepares his ship for launch, but stops when K9 identifies his two cylinders as Fission Grenades capable of destroying a small planet. The Doctor takes the grenades back into the tunnels, where he encounters Rask, sent to retrieve the race banks. The Doctor hands over the grenades instead and they are placed back in the Oracle chamber. The Doctor, Leela and Idas help the Trogs escape the tunnels and convince Jackson to take them with him, since they are the descendents of the P7E crew.

The R1C takes off before the Oracle realises that the real race banks are missing. When the grenades explode, they destroy the planet. The resulting explosion is enough to propel the underpowered R1C clear of the nebula. The ship heads for Minyos II, a mere 370 light years away. As they go to leave, the Doctor calls the captain "Jason" and has to explain to Leela about the legend of the Argonauts, wondering if it is also a premonition of the future.




The Doctor

Races and species

  • The Minyans, when living on Minyos, accepted Time Lord technology, then kicked them out by force, went to war and destroyed their world, 100,000 years previously.
  • Minyans can regenerate thousands of times, with mechanical help, but retain the same persona each time.

Story notes

  • The Minyan spacecraft set turned out to be more expensive than anticipated, thus almost all other scenes were created using CSO.
  • The story makes frequent allusion to the story of Jason and the Argonauts, including the similar naming of various characters: Jackson/Jason, Herrick/Heracles, Tala/Atalanta, Orfe/Orpheus, Minyos/Minos, R1C/Argossey, P7E/Persephone.
  • This story had a working title of Underground.
  • The DVD production notes point out that all 4 episodes ran short of their allotted running time, forcing the use of extended shots and repeated shots for padding. Part 2 and 3, in particular, were so much in need of padding that reprises much longer than usual were used in both.
  • Also according to the production notes, the recently released Star Wars influenced certain aspects of the production, especially when it was learned that the film would be released in the UK 10 days before Underworld was scheduled to air.
  • Episode 1 was broadcast only a few days after the Terry Nation-created series Blake's 7 debuted. Composer Dudley Simpson worked on both shows and, according to the DVD production notes, snuck a reference to the Blake's 7 theme music into the score for the Underworld episode.
  • The DVD featurette Into the Unknown reveals that budget restrictions were so tight on Underworld that the idea of cancelling it altogether and allotting its budget to The Invasion of Time (or cancelling The Invasion of Time and using that story's budget to fund a location shoot for the cave sequences in this story) was suggested, but was ultimately rejected as an option by Graham Williams.
  • The scenes of the Doctor shepherding the Trogs through the caves and onto the P7E were devised and organised by Tom Baker himself.


  • Part 1 - 8.9 million viewers
  • Part 2 - 9.1 million viewers
  • Part 3 - 8.9 million viewers
  • Part 4 - 11.7 million viewers


  • Imogen Bickford-Smith was going to replace Louise Jameson as the Doctor's companion. Though an actual news story at the time, it was a complete fabrication of the actor's agent, who had gotten wind of Jameson's impending departure. Producer Graham Williams never considered retaining Bickford-Smith beyond Underworld.

Filming locations

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • The green screen back projection used to create scenes within the caves works surprisingly well, except for a few occasions in which characters can be seen moving through supposedly solid rock, and during episode 2 there are a couple of moments where people's heads can be seen to "vanish".
  • In episode 1, Leela uses a ray gun to blast away a door. Tom Baker wasn't in the correct position when the camera started rolling again when the door was removed, so his body placement is seen to change instantly.
  • Due to incorrect placement of the CSO, K-9 appears to float in midair in a few cave scenes.
  • In episode 2 at 10 29 the large rock behind Lela is obviously a hollow piece of plastic as it squashes in whenever Lela leans against it.


  • Further information is revealed of Minyos in BFG: The Inquiry.
  • In DW: Mawdryn Undead there is seen another example of Time Lord technology allowing for perpetual regeneration.
  • This was the first story to show regeneration being applied by non-Time Lords. A key difference is that the Minyans' regeneration process does not result in complete physical change and new personalities, just a reversal of the aging process.
  • The Doctor mentions that he's gone through regeneration "two or three times" and remarks it's "not pleasant".
  • The Doctor refers to the Oracle as "another machine with megalomania; another insane object; another self-aggrandizing artefact." He has encountered several similary insane machines before, namely WOTAN (DW: The War Machines), BOSS (DW: The Green Death) and Xoanon (DW: The Face of Evil).


Home video and audio releases

DVD releases

  • This story was first released on DVD in the UK on 29th March 2010 as part of the Myths And Legends Boxset. The one disc set includes a restored version of the story, as well as the following special features:
  • Commentary by Tom Baker (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela) and Bob Baker (Co-Writer).
  • Into The Unknown
  • Underworld – In Studio
  • Coming Soon Trailer (The Creature From The Pit)
  • Radio Times Billings
  • Production Subtitles
  • Photo Gallery

A North American/Region 1 release of the story occurred in July 2010, however in that region the story was released on its own and not as part of a box set.

Video releases

Novelisation and its audiobook

Main article: Doctor Who and the Underworld

Novelised as Doctor Who and the Underworld by Terrance Dicks in 1980.

External links


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