Gallifreyan (language)

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Various forms of written Gallifreyan have appeared. By the time of the Doctor, the archaic Old High Gallifreyan language spoken in the days of Rassilon had given way to a more contemporary form of the language. (DW: The Five Doctors) This later "vulgate" was presumably the Doctor's native language.


The Home Box discovered by the Eleventh Doctor. (DW: The Time of Angels)

Old High Gallifreyan

Main article: High Gallifreyan

Modern Gallifreyan

File:Written gallifreyan1.jpg
An example of Gallifreyan script written by the Fourth Doctor. (DW: The Deadly Assassin)
This implies that the Renegade Daleks knew how to interpret Gallifreyan writing.

Circular Gallifreyan

An example of the interlocking/overlapping circles. (DW: Utopia)
  • A complex system of interlocking circles was used by the Doctor's TARDIS output screens in "coral desktop theme" mode and was the one seen in the notes that the Doctor scattered around the console room. (DW: Rose onwards) Previous to this, we had seen the TARDIS' displays, when they appeared, in English.
  • Simpler handwritten circles appear on The Doctor's Betamax tape used to trap the Wire, and are scribbled over, presumably saying what the contents of the tape were at one time. (DW: The Idiot's Lantern)
  • The Visionary wrote interlocking circles, which Rassilon and the other Time Lords could understand. One of the words was "Earth" (DW: The End of Time)
  • Text in circular Gallifreyan was seen carved into the Doctor's cot. It was implied that the writing was his name. (DW:A Good Man Goes to War)

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