Guy Fawkes

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Guy Fawkes, attempted to bomb Parliament in defiance of the Protestant King James I.


Fawkes was a Catholic. He learnt his trade of gunpowder

Headline text

Fawkes learned to use gunpowder when he fought with the Spanish against Dutch Protestants.

Tthe Eleventh Doctor posed as a fellow conspirator. He nicknamed Fawkes "Guido". He assisted Fawkes in finding some fuse wire which Fawkes had previously thrown over (though not off) London Bridge disposed of allay suspicion. The Doctor, for his part, wanted to learn about the involvement of the Rutan known as Lady Winters and wished history to proceed according to its known course.

Fawkes was trapped inside a locked room filled with barrels of gunpowder beneath Parliament, when he lit five of them in another room to launch a Rutan ship belonging to the Rutan plotter Lady Winters as the Eleventh Doctor briefly put Parliament safely in orbit. As he attempted to set off the remaining 36, King James' men captured him. (VG: The Gunpowder Plot)

Another account suggests that following the collapse of the plot, Robert Catesby and Sir Thomas Percy fled to Holbech House in Staffordshire, where they were shot and killed by the Sheriff of Worcester's men. Also killed was the genuine Guy Fawkes. The presence of the First Doctor and his companions had slightly altered history so that Fawkes died a year early. Sir Robert Cecil, King James' chief minister, immediately seized upon the political opportunity inherent in a dead Fawkes. He fingered his political rival, Robert Hay, as Fawkes, allowing for Hay's execution under Fawkes' name the next year. History thus healed itself. (MA: The Plotters)

His failure was celebrated yearly on Bonfire Night, when effigies of him were burned. During one of these celebrations, an alien animated the dummies to attack the crowd. Following the death of the alien, they returned to normal. (WC: The Night After Hallowe'en)


Clyde Langer objected to letting Sky, who could manipulate electronic devices, enter a power station, comparing it to a "Houses of Parliament tour with Guy Fawkes". (SJA: Sky)

When the TARDIS was attacked with explosives by the Chumblies, the First Doctor stated "I guess Guy Fawkes must have been resurrected, hmm..." (DW: Galaxy 4)

Guy Fawkes