The Gunpowder Plot (video game)

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you may be looking for the episode set in the same time and place.

The Gunpowder Plot is the first episode of the second series of the Adventure Games. It sees the introduction of Rory Williams into the series, and the appearance of the Sontarans, Rutans and the Silents.


The TARDIS lands in 1605, encountering a group of men who are plotting to assassinate the head of state. But the Doctor isn't the only alien in town...


During the Liao Dynasty The Doctor has sent Amy and Rory to get some Chinese food, unfortunately Amy and Rory mistoke the Royal palace as a restaurant and accidentally offended the emporer of China and now has the royal guards on their tails. Unfortunately the Doctor was in the middle of TARDIS matenance when a spear was hurled into the consol forcing a take off from the TARDIS.

The TARDIS bumps into another space ship forcing the latter to crash into earth and creating a portal to another planet inside the TARDIS. The Doctor describes the Portal as a dimensional lesion. Rory accidentally throws the Sonic screwdriver threw the lesion and the doctor orders him to go get it. Rory walks through the lesion onto another planet and finds the Screwdriver before returning to the TARDIS.

While Rory was getting the Screwdriver the Doctor sent Amy to get a Kardanian Vortex Tuner and a Zardak holofield trap from his drawing room and put them together for him. Using the newly invented dimensional equalizer the Doctor closes the lesion with both Rory and Amy in the consol room. The TARDIS picks up a distress beacon from the ship they ran into and they go to investigate.

The group arrives underground London in the year 1605, the group discovers that the proximity of the two alien ships is creating more lesions and if they don't close them soon all of London will be sucked into the Lesions and sent to another planet. While the Doctor hunts down and closes Lesions he sends Amy and Rory to find the ship, the duo soon spot two suspicious figures who are talking about a plan to kill the king.

They follow them to their headquarters in the underground, using the chopsticks from their takeout Amy picks the lock into a secret tunnel and the duo spies on the men through a set of bars. Here they discover that the men are part of the Gun Power plot to assasinate the King of England. Rory notes a detail that wasn't in the historical records, a female member of the group named Lady Winters.

Amy creates a distraction by taking advantage of a plotter's fear of rats using her takeout to lure a bunch of them to him, during which Amy notices that Lady Winter's eyes glow green. While Rory steals a document listing the plotters final meeting before the plot comes to fruition. Lady Winters eventually disappears into thin air leaving behind green goo.

While the Doctor is trying to close a lesion he instead diverts it to Amy's location, where he spots a green eyed cat turn into a Rutan, prompting the Doctor to jump through to save Amy. A scream from Amy reveals the Rutan's sensitivity to high pitched sound and using his Sonic Screwdriver scares the Rutan off. Realizing that there is Rutans in London the Doctor is led to the conclusion that the ship they bumped into is a Rutan ship.

Amy is also led to the conclusion that Lady Winters is the Rutan they just fought off and explains to the Doctor that she is working with the Plotters. The Doctor encounters another lesion and this time a man in shock from having found it. The Doctor closes the lesion and brings the man out of shock. As thanks the Man tells the Doctor about a orphan named Charlie who has had encounters with Lady Winters and with more Lesions.

The Doctor has the man take him to the other lesions while Amy looks for Charlie. Amy quickly finds Barnaby, a friend of Charlies, but he refuses to talk to her for fear that she'll give him the plague. Amy finds a Apothecary who offers to make her a posie said to ward off the plague in exchange for it's ingredients. Using the Posie Amy is able to get Barnaby to talk to her.

Barnaby states that he hasn't seen Charlie in days and that he's been too busy looking after his younger sister Annie to look for him. All that is known is that last time anyone say him he was wet and had been underground. Meanwhile the Doctor and the man, identitfied as Mr. Plum, have tracked down two more lesions.

Amy arrives and explains what she knows about Charlie and based on those clues he's been hanging around the drains and near them is where the Rutan ship is. Meanwhile Rory has been exploring the London underground and has a run in with the Sontarans and their mind controled servent Black Rod. Beleiving that Rory is working with the Rutans the Sontaran's leader Major Kaarsh orders Black Rod to take him prisoner.

Rory is able to learn from Karsh that both the Sontarans and the Rutans are after the Rutan Ship because it contains something of Strategic value to both sides. Once imprisoned Rory is able to snuck up on Black Rod and steal the mind control device thus freeing him. Black Rod explains that he is employ of the king and investigates threats to his person.

He was investigating the Gun Powder plot when he came under the control of the Sontarans. He guids Rory out and away from Sontaran patrols, Black Rod tells Rory to find his friends while he returns ot his post. Rory is found by Amy and the Doctor, all three of them are aware of the Sontarans in the sewers. Rory gives the Doctor the paper detailing the plotters next meeting only to discover it is blank.

Using the Fireplace in his Drawing room the Doctor reveals the details of the meeting have been written in invisible ink. By heating the paper the Doctor learns that the next meeting is to take place at the Duck and Drake at precisely 9:00. Using his Psychic paper the Doctor tricks the plotters into thinking he works for King Phillip and earns their trust by doing a number of tasks vital to the Gun powder plot.

While the Doctor talks to the plotters Rory and Amy find a trail of Rutan goo and plan to follow it to the Rutan Ship. On their way Rory and Amy discover the Sontarans weakspot on the back of their neck. Rory and Amy enter the Rutan ship via a lesion and deactivate it's security system. They soon run into the brain of the ship, revealed to be alive. The ship doesn't appear to be interested in Rory because he has Rutan goo on him.

Amy on the other hand is nearly killed by the ship, Rory is able to prevent her from getting killed by giving her some of the Rutan goo he picked up. With the ship no longer trying to kill them the duo is able to enter the control room, where they find Charlie having been captured by the Rutans. They free Charlie and on his way out he steals a green sphere from the Rutan Console.

However Charlie left behind his sling shot and a bag of marbles which prove rather effective against Sontarans. Armed with the slingshot Rory and Amy are able to fight their way through the sewers and get back to the surface. While Amy and Rory are dispatching Sontarans the Doctor and the conspirators meet with Lady Winters.

Much to the Doctor's surprise the conspirators are planning to use 41 kegs of powder instead of the historical 36. After the meeting the Doctor convinces Winters that he intends to help her get off earth citing the problems her and her ship are causing. Winters claims that in order to get the ship off earth she needs three things: a pair of Energy conversion rods, Parliament removed from the top of the ship and the momentum from the explosion.

The Doctor sends Rory and Amy to look for the rods, they soon learn that the rods were integrated into a clock and a globe. Rory and Amy individually collect the rods and bring them back to the ship and install them. Meanwhile the Doctor and Lady Winters encounter a stray Sontaran which Winters kills, in the process Winters explains that her ship was carrying a pair of doomsday bombs to wipe out the Sontaran species.

Winters leaves for her ship and at the same time Guy Fawkes, the brains and most famous of the plotters, gets the Doctor's help with the plot. After few complications caused by the Rutan Ship Guy and the Doctor gets to the Kegs. The Doctor convinces Guy to use 5 kegs instead of the 41 Kegs and light the fuse ahead of schedual.

With this the Doctor uses the TARDIS to transport parliment into orbit safely away from the explosion and the Rutans. Lady Winters calls the Doctor and accuses him of stealing the weapon. Amy realizes that Charlie has the weapon who is currently hiding in parliament and under attack by Sontarans. Rory also realizes that the ceremonial mace has the other weapon incorporated into it.

The Doctor gives amy and Rory a Rutan stun device that needs to be repaired before it can be used. The group splits up, Rory and Amy will go after Charlie and the Doctor will go to Black Rod and get the staff. Unfortunately the Rutans and the Sontarans have turned Parliament into a war zone. The Doctor finds Black Rod and convinces him that he is one of Lord Salisbury's agents using Psychic paper.

Unfortunately they wind up cornered by a Sontaran. In the meantime Amy has found Charlie and Rory has repaired the stun device using a musket, after clearing away a few Rutans Rory finds the weapon Charlie stole. The Doctor is able to signal Black Rod to distract the Sontaran while the Doctor gives him a much needed wack to the back of his head.

The Doctor reconfigures the weapon on the end of the staff so that it's non functional. In the meantime Amy is able to distract the Sontaran's by getting them into a fire fight with a Rutan Patrol and free Charlie, unfortunately the Sontarans won the fight and have come back, Rory is able to narrowly save them using his last Marble.

Unfortunately they run into a patrol personally led by Kaarsh, and the Doctor lures a patrol of Rutans led by Lady Winters into the Sontaran Patrol. The Doctor gives both the Sontarans and the Rutans a weapon, one reconfigured to wipe out the Rutans but not telling which one forcing both sides into a stalemate and making them leave. Next the Doctor returns Parliament to where it belongs reassures Guy to continue with the plot just in time for King James guards to come in and arrest Guy.



Story notes

  • Emilia Fox (Lady Winters) previously played Berenice in BFA: Nevermore.
  • The Gunpowder Plot is the first pseudo-historical Adventure Game.
  • This is also the first Adventure Game to feature Rory Williams as a playable character.
  • Whilst in the seeders, Rory asks, "why do all the tunnels have to look the same?" this is most likely a reference to Doctor Who's infamous corridor scenes.

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • The Sonic Screwdriver is clearly seen within the TARDIS in the cut scene when The Doctor asks Rory to retrieve it through a portal.
  • Rory is able to pass through one of the walls within the Clock Tower.
  • When Rory is asked to repair the EMP, he is able to skip it by walking into the bookcase and into the corridor on the other side.
  • When the Doctor and Amy first encounter a Rutan, the Rutan is able to shoot through the boxes you're supposed to be able to hide behind for safety.
  • Sometimes, during the brief door cutscene on London Bridge, the door opens and closes without the Doctor passing through it.
  • When talking to characters, the Doctor may end up facing the wrong way.


