Filthy Lucre (novel)

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Filthy Lucre was the twelfth full length novel published by Big Finish Productions as part of their Big Finish Bernice Summerfield series. It was written by James Parsons and Andrew Stirling-Brown.

Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]

Money makes the world go round, as can a few too many strong drinks. But when Benny, in a fit of sobriety, agrees to do a pre-Advent favour for Irving Braxiatel, little does she suspect that a bit of corporate schmoozing with a fast food magnate is going to lead her into the biggest spin she's experienced for a very long time.

In a whistle-stop tour of frontier planets, she encounters mysterious burials, guns and swords, legs and claws, lost treasure, mortal combat, conspiracy, stomach-churning posh nosh and a little man called Perkin.

Oh, and love and war, again.

Meanwhile, Jack has to tackle possibly the most irritating computer virus ever created, and Ruth must clamber through the bowels of a crashed ship with "the Man With The Vulpine Tattoo".

And this was supposed to be the holiday season?

Chapter titles[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. Pay Day
  2. Pecuniary Interest
  3. The Best Things in Life...
  4. Spend, Spend, Spend
  5. Quantitative Easing
  6. Filthy Lucre
  7. C(r)ash
  8. Deposit Box
  9. Danger Money
  10. Death Duties
  11. Squids In
  12. Secret Stash
  13. Too Tight to Mention
  14. Filthy Rich
  15. Life Savings
  16. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
  17. Knight's Fee
  18. Credit Where It's Due

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

On Benny's chosen day of sobriety, Ruth takes her to the White Rabbit where Irving is serving free Yarryl's Root Vegetable Chips as part of a deal with Adam Yarryl. Irving calls Benny into his office and asks her to meet with Adam, an enthusiast of archaeology who has heard of Benny and might be willing to fund her, and she agrees on the condition that she, Ruth, Jack and Peter get a holiday on Bella Sol afterwards. Peter, however, is unavailable.

Benny attends Adam's party dressed as Twiggy and meets the host, who tells her about his dig on the war-torn planet Tugara and invites her to join him there. When she does so, Dr Shima Vassari shows her the graves of nine mummified girls that they have found and Benny identifies it as a Clock of Children indicative of worshippers of Time. Privately, Vassari shares with her that she has found evidence that Adam intends on expanding his factory and knowingly wrecking an archaeological site. She wakes up next to Adam and sees on the news that Vassari's mutilated body has been found in Elanara.

As Benny, Ruth and Jack return from Bella Sol in the Irverfield, they receive a distress call from a freighter and go to help. Jack remains in the shuttle whilst Benny and Ruth investigate, but Sylana tells them that the distress call was an accident and that they do not require assistance. Sylana Shakhar reveals that she, Jardin and Wolf are pirates and have taken over a Five Systems Bank freighter carrying unlawfully-gained money. Benny uses the Irverfield's systems to reboot the freighter and they crash in a lake on Oxyrincus, which Wolf knows to be a nightmare world of hybrid creatures.

The freighter is attacked by giant squid/lobster hybrids and Jardin is killed. Whilst Jack deals with Vira, a virus that has infected the Irverfield, Benny, Ruth and Wolf decide to leave, but Sylana is unwilling to leave the treasures aboard. She shoots Wolf and is killed by one of the hybrids as the ship is flooding. Benny and Ruth get back to the Irverfield and leave with Jack, flying back to Legion.

Benny is invited to speak at a Yarryl Corporation event and exposes Adam as an art thief and smuggler. She reveals that those left in the wake of Adam's crimes have formed the group Fightback, using a sphere of evidence acquired from a princess to prove her claims. Peter defends Benny from Adam's guards with Robo-drones and escapes with her to the Irverfield.

When they get to Legion City, Benny is kidnapped by Adam, now a bankrupt fugitive, who tells her that her romantic feelings for him were due to his pheromone-enhanced aftershave and body splash. He is obsessed with history and warfare and has been deliberately causing wars around the universe, as well as making those who disappoint him fight to the death, which is what he did to Vassari. Benny is given a squire, Perkin, and made to fight a robot which she defeats by knocking its legs from under it before sending Adam flying onto its lap, leading to his death.

Benny returns to the Silo Base and updates Irving on the past thirteen days. Ruth, she learns, is still recovering from what happened on the freighter and that Peter wants to speak with Benny about a mission. She accuses of Irving of having manipulated, but he denies it and claims to have been unaware of the extent of Adam's crimes, which she comes to believe due to the honest look on Irving's face.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]