Davros (Barusa's universe)

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In one of the infinite parallel universes of "possible space", (COMIC: Fire and Brimstone) Davros created the Daleks, only to be out-maneuvered by the Master, who convinced his Daleks to turn on their creator before taking control of them. (PROSE: The Chronicles of Doctor Who?)

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

This version of Davros was not only injured, but mutated, following a Thal bombardment. His body was unable to support its own weight, forcing him to keep most of himself contained inside an "extraordinary protective shell" with a life support system powered by a "tiny nuclear reactor". Additonally, his eyes, ears, voice box and left arm had to be replaced with vat-grown bio-mass plastic duplicates. Nevertheless, he retained his brilliant mind and became the military and scientific leader of the surviving Kaled forces as head of the Kaled High Council.

When the Doctor and Barusa visited the war-torn Skaro on behalf of the Time Lords, they first met with the rest of the Kaled High Council before being allowed an interview with Davros. Davros acted surprisingly calm and urbane, agreeing to immediately stop all weapons development and pledging to focus on a humanitarian cause: the creation of improved life-support systems for mutated Kaled newborns. However, staying with Davros over the next couple of days, the Doctor came to realise that the "life-support systems" were actually military-grade armour, and the part-machine race of mutants Davros was creating were the very Daleks he had been sent to destroy.

The Doctor denounced Davros before the Kaled High Council, but Davros retaliated by giving away the location of the Kaled hideout to the Thals before retreating to a bunker with his Dalek creations — wiping out all other Kaleds, and thereby ensuring his experiments could go on unperturbed. Having survived inside his TARDIS, the Doctor watched on helplessly as Davros directed the first batch of completed Daleks on devastating attacks on the Thals. He finally hatched a plan to sneak into the part of the bunker where Davros kept incubators filled with further generations of Dalek embryos, and destroy them. When he arrived there, Davros, who had anticipated this, caught him out and ordered the adult Daleks to devour him. Before they could do so, however, the Master arrived on the scene and revealed to the Daleks that Davros had betrayed their ancestors to the Thals. Outraged, the Daleks turned on Davros and gruesomely killed him, whereupon the Master took control of the Daleks. (PROSE: The Chronicles of Doctor Who?)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Davros as illustrated in the Leekley Bible.

The version of The Chronicles of Doctor Who? included in the original Leekley Bible presented an illustration of the rebooted Davros as still very similar to the original Michael Wisher portrayal. The version of the story which eventually obtained an official release in Doctor Who: Regeneration did not include this illustration, instead using a different piece of concept art for John Leekley's planned reboot as an illustration.