4 January

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4 January




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4 January was a date.

Holidays and observances

4 January marked the observation of the Rites of the Tin Vagabond in the Metallarch System. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary [+]Loading...["Time Traveller's Diary (novel)"])


In 1969, US Defence Forces went into Def Con 2, the "highest state of alert short of outright war", after an attack on a United States Air Force base by the Revolution Man. (PROSE: Revolution Man [+]Loading...["Revolution Man (novel)"])

In 2600, Bernice Summerfield arrived on the planet Kasagrad and took rooms at "Piccolini's". (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript [+]Loading...["Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript (novel)"])