Agamya Akhtar

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Agamya Akhtar (PROSE: The Last Few Pages [+]Loading...["The Last Few Pages (short story)"]) was a member of P.R.O.B.E under Giles.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Origins[[edit] | [edit source]]

Agamya was born in Bangladesh (AUDIO: Broken Bonds [+]Loading...["Broken Bonds (audio story)"]) and spent her childhood there. (WC: Shadow People [+]Loading...["Shadow People (webcast)"]) Her grandfather read her stories when she was a girl, (PROSE: The Door We Forgot [+]Loading...["The Door We Forgot (short story)"]) including legends about evil djinns. (WC: Shadow People [+]Loading...["Shadow People (webcast)"]) She was Muslim. (PROSE: The Door We Forgot [+]Loading...["The Door We Forgot (short story)"])

Joining P.R.O.B.E.[[edit] | [edit source]]

At some point, Agamya was the victim of a traumatic kidnapping. The Preternatural Research Bureau helped rescue her and she came to live in England as a refugee, being officially made a part of the P.R.O.B.E. team shortly after. (AUDIO: Broken Bonds [+]Loading...["Broken Bonds (audio story)"])

When Archie MacTavish died Agamya brought Giles cups of tea every five minutes because she was worried about him. (WC: Manchester [+]Loading...["Manchester (webcast)"])

On 13 February 2019 Agamya told Giles he was being too rash and impulsive when he wanted to leave PROBE to be with Stacey Facade. (WC: Stacey Facade [+]Loading...["Stacey Facade (webcast)"]) A "few months" after this incident, she objected strenuously when Tasha Williams and Bedevere brought a captured woman, part of the occult terrorist group Beltane, to P.R.O.B.E. HQ. Despite the woman's dangerous past, she felt some sympathy for her based on her experience of being kidnapped, insisting that no one had the right to hold a woman indefinitely, against her will and without trial. Giles promised that they would hand her off to more regular authorities as soon as they finished trying to get some information about Beltane from her. Agamya was not entirely happy with this compromise, but did not argue further. The issue soon became moot after the woman swallowed a poison capsule to avoid letting anything slip about Beltane's plans, which, as it later turned out, had involved destroying everyone in London, including themselves, very soon already. (AUDIO: Broken Bonds [+]Loading...["Broken Bonds (audio story)"])

In April 2019, the P.R.O.B.E. team, Maxie excepted, were lured to St Thomas's Chapel where they were faced with a huge, looming, but ultimately harmless crowd of Shadow People, eventually being forced to leave without answers or a solution after wasting time and energy chasing the insubstantial beings. On 9 May, the full team investigated reports of a ghost at the London Palladium, which turned out to have been temporal visions transmitted by an Artari Time Projector. As they left, she caught a glimpse of one of the Shadow People at the back of the car. Over the next few days, Giles had Agamya search the P.R.O.B.E. Archive for any records Liz might have left of the Shadow People, but she came up empty. She ended up sharing her theory that the Shadow People were malevolent djinns, harbingers of disease and misfortune. (WC: Shadow People [+]Loading...["Shadow People (webcast)"])

After Giles placed Varunastra in the P.R.O.B.E. Archive in June 2019, Agamya expressed safety concerns, even with all the precautions Giles had taken. (WC: Varunastra [+]Loading...["Varunastra (webcast)"])

In November 2019, while trying to socialise with one another with mutual awkwardness, Agamya and Maxie both spotted one of the items on the high-security "Dr Smith shelf" giving off a flash of green light. A few days later, Agamya noticed that the item, Box, was gone, and spoke up to Giles about it, accusing Maxie of having stolen it. She was baffled when Giles told her that he had allowed Maxie to take Box off the shelf and try to repair her. Learning that the computer was in fact sentient and alien, Agamya tried to convince Maxie not to repair it, fearing that the A.I. would turn out to be malicious. Maxie persevered, although she was, to a degree, shaken by Agamya's fears.

Things came to a head when the entire P.R.O.B.E. team (minus Bedevere) came along on a mission to Bildbriain Dairies to get her out of H.Q. and help her clear her head. She took Box along, and, after the team found themselves captured by the Greth, Box, now able to communicate through text messages on her screen, convinced Agamya to vouch for her and let Maxie take the risk of fully "freeing" Box, if she thought the possibility of Box saving them was worth the risk. Maxie agreed, bluffing the Greth by playing on her Gendar heritage and getting it to let her connect Box to the internet — though not before ensuring the rest of the team would not overhear her confessing to her nonhuman parentage, which she was still unwilling to share. After Box indeed saved the day, Maxie and Agamya had a talk, agreeing they were friends from now on. (PROSE: Out of the Box [+]Loading...["Out of the Box (short story)"])

On 23 November 2020, a cursed DVD, which Giles had bought through eBay under the misapprehension that it was a copy of the rare Doctor X episode Doctor X and the Caverns of Andostar, fried all of P.R.O.B.E. HQ's electronics. It took Maxie two days to repair them completely. In the interim, working from an Internet café, Giles and the others believed they had traced the location of the DVD's seller, and travelled there while leaving Maxie to her work. In their absence, HQ was raided by the seller, who had deliberately sent the team on a wild goose chase; he locked Maxie in her own office and turned the place inside-out until he found his prize, a Nolvox control node. Maxie was released when the others returned from Bedfordshire on 25 November, but was unable to give them any details on her attacker; Giles had a bemused Agamya file the cursed DVD in the P.R.O.B.E. Archive. (WC: Doctor X [+]Loading...["Doctor X (webcast)"])

By 4 April 2021, Agamya was aware of Maxie's alien nature, as was the rest of the team. After Giles walked into HQ to find Maxie Masters unconscious on the floor, he immediately called the rest of the team in. He sent Agamya to search the P.R.O.B.E. Archives for any alien medicines that could help Maxie, although this was in vain. Later, after Maxie became possessed by the Cyberon intelligence and escaped from P.R.O.B.E HQ, Agamya did her best to fill in for Maxie herself as tech support, using CCTV footage to track her down to a dead-end alleway near Clapham Junction. The team hurried there and found an entrance to a cavernous underground chamber where they found a crashed Cyberon pod. After the Cyberon fluid released Maxie so it could inhabit and revive the pilot, the resurrected Cyberon attempted to choke out Tasha and Az, but Giles and Maxie managed to activate the ship's self-destruct, distracting and ultimately destroying the Cyberon while the P.R.O.B.E. members made their escape. (HOMEVID: The Only Cure [+]Loading...["The Only Cure (home video)"])