Babel (Newtons Sleep)

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A babel committed the House Catherion massacre, (PROSE: The Book of the War) was kept by the Order of the Weal as an oracle, and tried to defeat the Adversary by transforming humanity's timeline into a weapon for the War in Heaven. (PROSE: Newtons Sleep)

Biography[[edit] | edit source]

The babel was created in the Catherion Imprimiture experiment, but it was incurably insane. Upon its escape, it committed a carnal massacre of the inhabitants of House Catherion, of which there were few stories. The Book of the War recounted that the babel decorated the Hall of Faces with its victims' crania and, when it was finally brought down by the myrmidons, it was wearing the skins, eyes, and exterior organs of its victims.

After its capture, it was imprisoned by the Order of the Weal in House Ixion. (PROSE: The Book of the War) There, Thessalia frequently consulted with it about the upcoming War. In her desperation after encountering a Faction Paradox group on Zo la Domini, Thessalia released the babel on a desolate rock near the frontier in time, instructing her little book to kill it with the continuity needle should it attack. (PROSE: Newtons Sleep)

Appearance[[edit] | edit source]

Its smooth, sexless body was colourlessly black. Its face was a mirrored globe without any markings or features. (PROSE: Newtons Sleep)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | edit source]

  • The babel is described as appearing similar to the Shayde.