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Blasphemy was the show of contempt or mockery for an exalted ideal.

Achilles called Hector's mockery of the Greek gods blasphemy. (TV: The Myth Makers [+]Loading...["The Myth Makers (TV story)"]) He made the same charge against Odysseus for his mocking of the First Doctor, whom he believed to be Zeus. (PROSE: The Myth Makers [+]Loading...["The Myth Makers (novelisation)"])

The Sensorites regarded the Doctor's talk of killing the Zilgans, which they worshipped, as blasphemy. (PROSE: The Monsters from Earth [+]Loading...["The Monsters from Earth (short story)"])

Leela was banished from the Sevateem for blaspheming against Xoanon, claiming that he did not exist. (TV: The Face of Evil [+]Loading...["The Face of Evil (TV story)"])

The Dalek Emperor in the Last Great Time War accused Rassilon of blasphemy when he likened the Time Lords to gods. This came to the amusement of Rassilon, who rhetorically asked "how can a deity blaspheme?" (AUDIO: Homecoming [+]Loading...["Homecoming (audio story)"]) Later, both the Emperor and the Daleks he had created from Game Station participants considered the idea that their human origins made them "half-human" (as Rose Tyler observed) to be blasphemous. The Ninth Doctor was taken aback that they had such a concept. (TV: The Parting of the Ways [+]Loading...["The Parting of the Ways (TV story)"])