Short Trips: Defining Patterns

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Short Trips: Defining Patterns was the twenty-third Short Trips anthology published by Big Finish Productions.

Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]

The known universe is home to countless trillions of lives, all interweaving with each other and affecting the line of history. When someone makes a decision, no matter how significant or seemingly irrelevant, they cause unknown effects throughout the ages...

Perhaps other, unreachable, factors are at play too: does the universe have a destiny? Are we all predetermined to follow a particular path? Do we reap what we sow or is it a case of what will be will be? Are coincidences really just that, or do we miss their deeper meanings?

Everywhere he looks, the Doctor sees the same patterns — the same events, decisions and actions cropping up again and again. Look at the bigger picture, however, and maybe — just maybe — you'll see how the universe works. How the universe lives...

But, as the Doctor and his companions discover, are these patterns really there? Or do we, by the very nature of seeing them, define them?

Stories[[edit] | [edit source]]

# Title Author Doctor Featuring
1 Machine Time George Ivanoff 4th
2 The Time and Tide Neil Corry 7th Ace
3 Losing the Audience Mat Coward 1st Susan
4 One Card for the Curious Xanna Eve Chown 7th Ace
5 Séance, or Smoking is Highly Addictive, Don't Start John Davies
6 The Celestial Harmony Engine Ian Briggs
7 Mutiny Robert Dick 4th Harry, Benton
8 Numb Dave Owen 3rd Sarah
9 Closing the Account Stephen Hatcher 7th Ace
10 The Great Escapes Simon Guerrier Lucie
11 Loose Change Steven Savile 6th
12 Lepidoptery for Beginners John Dorney 2nd Jamie, Zoe
13 One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Chris Thomas 2nd Jamie, Fifth Doctor , Turlough
14 Homework Michael Coen 2nd Jamie, Zoe
15 The Devil Like a Bear Brian Willis 7th Ace
16 Stanley Lizzie Hopley 4th Leela
17 Twilight's End Cavan Scott & Mark Wright 7th Nimrod
18 The Book of My Life Ian Mond 6th
19 Defining Patterns Ian Farrington Emily Chaudhry, Will Hoffman

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Michael Coen was the winner of a competition run by Big Finish to find new writing talent.

Audio release[[edit] | [edit source]]

An audio version of Lepidoptery for Beginners, read by Duncan Wisbey, was recorded by Big Finish Productions and released as a free download for subscribers in October 2010, alongside A Death in the Family.[1] Additionally, a reading of Twilight's End by Beth Chalmers was released to subscribers whose subscription included Robophobia in August 2011.

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]