Fendelman's lab
Within Fetch Priory, Dr. Fendelman had a lab where he performed experiments using a time scanner in an attempt to examine the origins of Eustace, a seemingly-human skull that pre-dated the earliest known men by millions of years.
History[[edit] | [edit source]]
While Adam Colby and Thea Ransome were also part of his team, it was only Maximillian Stael who was taken into Fendelman's confidence and allowed both knowledge of and participation in these experiments. Fendelman had also refused to let anyone but Stael into the lab. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Image of the Fendahl
When Colby discovered the body of a dead hiker in the forest near the priory while exercising his dog Leakey and Fendleman advised against calling the police, Colby said to him "There's a body out there. We can't just leave it. Or are you breeding vultures in that secret lab of yours?!"
The entire priory was engulfed in flames after the Fourth Doctor triggered a controlled explosion. (TV: Image of the Fendahl)
When the Eighth Doctor fell through the time fissure which Fendelman used to enhance the time scanner, he witnessed several events which occurred in the lab, including the building burning. (PROSE: The Taking of Planet 5)