Forum:Removing "Doctor Who" from "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion" and others

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It was practice in the early DWMs to call their comic stories "Doctor Who and the..." so we have Doctor Who and the Iron Legion, Doctor Who and the Star Beast, Doctor Who and the Dogs of Doom and Doctor Who and the Time Witch but outside of those the others are titled without the "Doctor Who and" prefix.

The Free-Fall Warriors (comic story) is the outlier in this list, it notes that it's "more technically Doctor Who and the Free-Fall Warriors" but is titled without the "Doctor Who and" prefix.

I'm proposing we rename all these to just call them by their names that they were later known as The Iron Legion, The Star Beast, The Dogs of Doom and The Time Witch. While still noting within the intro that they're titled as "Doctor Who and...". --Tangerineduel / talk 05:56, October 31, 2012 (UTC)

Staunchly opposed. While I'm all for dropping "Doctor Who" from most book titles, the "and' makes this their official name. It would be precisely like unilaterally dropping "Doctor Who and" from Doctor Who and the Silurians. Much as we might not like it, much as it's cumbersome, it was the editorial intent of Dez Skinn and Paul Neary to include "Doctor Who and" in the title.
These all have redirects for the "Doctor Who and"-less names. All the nav templates accommodate these "Doctor Who and" titles. It causes no problem to navigation to use the proper titles, and it would actually be more work than you may imagine to change.
czechout<staff />    17:10: Wed 31 Oct 2012
You also have the logical problem that, while it might be easy to dismiss these early DWM story titles — perhaps on the basis that in reprinted form, "Doctor Who and" has sometimes been dropped — you can't easily dismiss Doctor Who and the Nightmare Game, which is always presented with that full title.
czechout<staff />    23:05: Wed 31 Oct 2012
My main problem with dropping 'Doctor Who and' is that we don't know what the title is. Is it 'The Iron Legion' or just 'Iron Legion'? Cases from Target - novelisation is 'and the Day of the Daleks', but the TV story is called Day of the Daleks, without the 'the'. Same with Planet, Genesis and Destiny, as well as Horror of Fang Rock, Image of the Fendahl, Nightmare of Eden and many others. Very strongly opposed. Tardis1963 talk 11:40, November 1, 2012 (UTC)
Alrighty, seems I misthought that one.
I withdraw my proposal. --Tangerineduel / talk 13:47, November 1, 2012 (UTC)