Holly Willoughby
Holly Willoughby was a television presenter.
In 2018, Holly hosted This Morning with Phillip. (PROSE: Lucy Wilson & the Bledoe Cadets [+]Loading...["Lucy Wilson & the Bledoe Cadets (novel)"])
In 2023, she was depicted on the cover of an issue of a magazine beginning with "TV & Sa", above a caption reading "The Games". (TV: The Star Beast [+]Loading...["The Star Beast (TV story)"])
Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]
Willoughby is only ever referred to as Holly in Lucy Wilson & the Bledoe Cadets [+]Loading...["Lucy Wilson & the Bledoe Cadets (novel)"].
Willoughby made a guest appearance in the first episode of Britain Unzipped (24 April 2012), in which she picked out an image of who she thought was "Doctor Who". When it was pointed out that the image was actually of presenter Greg James, Holly said that he strongly resembled David Tennant, to which the majority of the audience agreed. Greg took it as a compliment.