Howard (disambiguation)
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Howard may refer to:
In-universe[[edit] | [edit source]]
Individuals[[edit] | [edit source]]
Only name[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Howard, from the market. (TV: The Christmas Invasion)
- Howard, a Mass General employee. (TV: Rendition)
- Howard, a man dated by Moira. (TV: Extremis)
- Howard, a World Space Patrol trainee. (COMIC: Traitor Black Gives In!)
First name[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Howard Allan, the father of Rachel Allan. (AUDIO: New Girl)
- Howard Baker, a resident of Moreton Harwood. (TV: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Howard Burgess, the head of programming for a television station. (PROSE: The Avant Guardian)
- Howard Carter, an archaeologist. (AUDIO: False Gods)
- Howard Devor, an actor. (PROSE: Tragedy Day)
- Howard Dickens, a fan of Bernice Summerfield. (AUDIO: The Final Amendment)
- Howard Foster, an archaeologist and Peri Brown's stepfather. (TV: Planet of Fire)
- Howard Hawks, a director. (GAME: Blood of the Cybermen)
- Howard Hughes, a billionaire. (COMIC: Mystery Date)
- Howard Kane, an American general. (PROSE: Option Lock)
- Howard Keel, an actor. (COMIC: The Good Soldier)
- Howard Phillips "H. P." Lovecraft, an author. (AUDIO: The Lovecraft Invasion, et al.)
- Howard Phillips, a doctor. (PROSE: White Darkness)
- Howard Tibello, a deputy of the mayor of New York City. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan)
- Howard Whitehead, a Universal Secret Service agent. (PROSE: From Howard Whitehead)
Last name[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Diane Howard, a detective constable. (AUDIO: Island of the Fendahl)
- Katherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII. (AUDIO: Divorced, Beheaded, Regenerated)
- Kent Howard, Harry Truman's assistant. (PROSE: Endgame)
Other[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Howard Hill in Sheffield. (TV: Arachnids in the UK)
- Howard Johnson's, a restaurant. (PROSE: Presence)
- The SS Howard Carter, an exploration cruiser. (PROSE: Shroud of Sorrow)
Out-of-universe[[edit] | [edit source]]
Actors[[edit] | [edit source]]
Television[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Howard Attfield
- Howard Charlton
- Howard Cooke
- Howard Da Silva
- Ben Howard
- Kathryn Howard
- Lynn Howard
- Montagu Howard
- Sam Howard
- Howard Lang
- Howard Lee
Voice[[edit] | [edit source]]
Other[[edit] | [edit source]]
Crew[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Howard Arundel, an assistant director
- Howard Bargroff, a dubbing mixer
- Howard Berger, a makeup and special effects artist
- Howard Billingham, a film editor
- Howard Burden, a costume designer
- Howard Carter, a composer
- Howard Gartska, a sound assistant
- Howard Eaves, a sound editor and supervisor
- Howard Halsall, a dialogue editor
- Chris Howard, a director of photography
- Peter Howard, a focus puller
- Howard Jones, a VFX supervisor
- Howard King, a lighting technician
- Howard Peryer, a boom operator
Other[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Colin Howard, an artist
- Howard Whitehead, a writer