Howling:11 doesn't know River?

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This might have been addressed or I'm missing something really big(sorry if I am, please don't be angry :-/) but how does 11 not know River very well? In the Silence in the library 2-parter, River knew who 10 was and we found out that in her timeline, he had taken her places and ended up crying because he knew he would die in the library. Now, 11 says he doesn't know her very well. I don't understand this; is it because she knows his faces, but not their order so it was 11 who cried after he got to know her?

Similarly, the sonic screwdriver she has previously belonged to 10. So did 11 go back, get his old screwdriver, and then give it to River? Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm just a little baffled by the issue. :P Thanks for any help!

It may also be 12 or 13 who cried. We have no idea how long the relationship/story arc will last. Additionally, the Doctor could have simply obtained a SS similar to 10's SS. --Bold Clone 23:01, December 29, 2010 (UTC)
She also might not have specifically refering to 10, as the one who gave it to her. Eventually we may see 11's now green screwdriver destroyed, to the point to where he will need to make a new one. Maybe he'll go back to blue, and construct a second one for River. Only Steven Moffat knows... Kythxnne 20:35, May 10, 2011 (UTC)

The Tenth Doctor's sonic screwdriver never had red settings, so he must get a new one, that looks similar to the one he had as the Tenth Doctor, later in life. He probably won't give River the screwdriver until he knows her much better than he does now. The implication also seems to be that River knows what all of his faces look like, but not their order, so she may have assumed that the Tennant Doctor was the 12th or 13th Doctor, or that Smith was the 9th.Icecreamdif 22:57, May 10, 2011 (UTC)