The Strong Survive
The Strong Survive was the official biography of Jackie Tyler from a parallel world.
According to the biography, Jackie was born on the same day as Cuba Gooding, Jr., describing her as a year younger than she actually was. Jackie mentioned this to Pete Tyler when scolding him for putting up birthday decorations that referred to it as her fortieth instead of thirty-nineth. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen)
As written on, it was available for purchase at the Henrik & Son bookstore, where Jackie was scheduled to do a 20 February 2007 book signing from 1:30PM to 3:00PM. (GAME: Cybus Spy) Jackie would be upgraded into a Cyberman immediately after her fortieth birthday party on 1 February, prior to her scheduled book signing. (TV: The Age of Steel)
Behind the scenes[[edit]]
While not explicitly stated, Jackie's emphasis on "official" and her referring to the book as a biography rather than an autobiography implies that this book was ghostwritten.