Jolene (Retail Therapy)

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Jolene was a resident of the Powell Estate, in number 32. She was a parent. According to Jackie Tyler, it was common knowledge that she let her "little one" pull out daffodils from the flower beds.

Jackie thought Jolene was cheap, and criticised her fashion sense. She once told Jack Harkness that "she could make a diamond tiara look naff". Jolene was also noted for her visible roots. (AUDIO: Wednesdays For Beginners)

In 2006, when Jackie called guests together at her flat to sell Glubby Glubs, Jolene was among them. She brought fairy cakes. (AUDIO: Retail Therapy)

On Wednesday in 2007, Jolene was isolated from N-Space by the Harvesters, along with all the other residents, as part of their plot to lure in the Ninth Doctor and Rose. When Jackie saw her briefly as a "ghost", she commented that Jolene's dressing gown did not look good on her. (AUDIO: Wednesdays For Beginners)