Pygmalion's Tears (episode)

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Pygmalion's Tears was the fifth special season pass storyline in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Fourth Doctor and Leela.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Leela face off with an ancient foe released in Victorian London.

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

In Victorian London, a man named Damian Teller is unveiling a new sculpture. Damian says that his whole life he has waited to create such magnificent work and that inspiration hits when you least expect it, and he patiently waited for it and finally, his muse arrived. An angel descended and he needs to manifest it. He says his name will be carved in history as the greatest sculptor in the world with his magnum opus, The Lamentation of the Angel, a masterpiece that will stand the test of time.

In the TARDIS, Leela laments to the Fourth Doctor that she dislikes the uncomfortable tunic she's been made to wear. The Doctor tells her that it is a dress and where they are going her usual apparel would scandalise people and he does not like being center of attention. Leela tells him that he said their visit would not take long and that she don't wish to wear the clothes any more. The Doctor promises that they will merely be popping in an out for a quick snack. Leela queries as to the meat pies the Doctor mentioned, and the Doctor tells her they’re scrumptious little pockets of dough filled with mysterious meat, but Leela says it does not sound tasty.

Having arrived in Victorian London, the Doctor discovers a museum opening night, which he finds delightful. Leela asks what a museum is, to which he replies that it is a grand old building full of dusty relics and art, which is sometimes questionable. He wonders if maybe they will let him be the curator, saying he could be a great curator. Leela says she does not understand the purpose of building buildings for old things, and the Doctor tells her that humans are a nostalgic bunch, saying they should check it out as it could be good. They overhear a citizen asking someone else if they have seen the statue, saying it really does look like an angel. The Doctor asks if he heard right, saying that this is not good. Leela says they did say that, but asks what an angel is. The Doctor begins to explain, but stops himself, saying they should just go inside and see the expo.

Inside the museum, Leela says she does not understand why so many people gathered to see a shaped rock. The Doctor says that one needs to appreciate the fine arts, or at least feign doing so, it being part of being an adult. The sculptor Damian Teller calls out to the crowd, saying that today they are gathered to see his finished masterpiece. The Doctor note that the show is about to begin. Damian says that this day will be carved in time as his magnum opus is unveiled, and that under the veil lies his greatest work, a heavenly creation in his own words. He tells people to prepare themselves for an experience unique to the world, telling crew to turn off the lights. The lights go off.

In the dark, the Doctor cries out that it is sheer and utter insanity. Leela says that she can hardly follow it with her eyes, asking what it is. The crowd cries out for help as they are attacked by the statue. The Doctor says it is an ancient horror so horrible that his own people fear them. Leela says she cannot see it, asking how it moves so fast, and what they should do. The Doctor says that unless you have a good look at it, it can move at blinding speeds. The Doctor says he will turn on the lights and as soon as he does, she is too look at it and not blink. He uses his sonic screwdriver to turn on the lights. Leela says that she sees it and it will not leave her sight.

The Doctor tells Leela that if she gets tired, she needs to let him know so he will take over, but tells her not to blink. Leela says she is a hunter and she does not get tired. Damian sees the chaos, asking what happened and why his creation would do this. The Doctor tells him that he should run, and they will handle it, but Damian asks why he should run when the dream of any sculptor is in front of him, his creation is alive. The Doctor sighs as he realizes that Damian is one of those artists, telling Leela not to blink. Leela agrees.

Outside, the Doctor says that they need to keep an eye on it or it will get them. Leela says that she is trying, but the smoke in the air makes it difficult. The Doctor sarcastically remarks that the Industrial Revolution was such a good idea. Damian pleads with them to stop hurting hos creation, and Leela asks if she can knock out the howling maniac. The Doctor says that there is no need, telling her not to heed the words of the stupid as they’re contagious. Leela asks if he has a plan to stop this thing. The Doctor tells her that the creature is called a Weeping Angel and that they need to keep looking at it, saying it can't hurt anybody if somebody watches it. Leela asks what they should do.

The Doctor says he has a plan, saying it’s not a great plan nor a good plan, but indeed still a plan. Leela says that consider how hard his hearts are pounding, she thinks it is better than the alternative. The Doctor says she is correct, saying she has quite the good ear. She asks what their move is. The Doctor tells her it might be dangerous and asks if she's up to it. She says that a warrior of the Sevateem knows no fear in the face of danger. The Doctor tells her she needs to blink fast enough to stop it from approaching her as she moves towards the River. Leela says she can do that. He tells her to be careful, as one touch can send her years back in the past.

As Leela does what she’s told to, the Doctor tells her to keep going in the direction. Leela taunts the Weeping Angel to come towards her. The Doctor starts connecting and tinkering with stuff, but Damian cries for them to stop, asking why they can't understand that it is magnificent that his creation is alive. Leela says that the man is blocking her vision, but the Doctor asks her to not look away, but it is too late, as Damian disappears where he stood, to Leela's confusion. The Doctor tells her to not look away.

The Doctor tells her to keep her eyes on it as he is almost done, but Leela is worried now as it the Angel is gaining in on her. The Doctor says he is ready and for her to keep looking at it as she moves towards him. Leela agrees. The Doctor tells her to push it into the Thames. Leela does so and the Doctor finish the job. Leela tells him that the river is freezing. The Doctor say that is exactly the plan and the moment they stop watching the Angel, it will perish inside of it.

Leela asks if they are done and the danger is over. The Doctor confirms, but just then an old man approaches them, saying that it is never over because art is eternal. Leela asks him who he is and what he means by what he said. The Doctor then smells Artron energy, asking the man if he is the sculptor. Leela say that he can't be, as he is old. The old man says that he is indeed Damian Teller, and that he can free his creation. The Doctor wisg him good luck with that as the moment they stop looking at it, it is gone. Damian says that he will then break it free before that happens. The Doctor says that he is free to try, and tells him he should get a pick-axe.

Leela worries that Damian will free the statue, but the Doctor says that his device generated multiple layers of ice and there is no technology that could help, saying that Damian is just an old man with a dream that will die before him like many others. Leela says that sounds depressing. The Doctor says that he thinks it’s better that his dream dies with him rather than surviving him. Leela agrees that that might be for the best. The Doctor concludes that he will break a thousand dreams in exchange for the life of one innocent.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

September Lineup Preview
Lost in Time - Version 2.1.2
  • The storyline's title and synopsis weren’t given in-game. However, the title was given in a "September Lineup Preview" dropped in the Settings Inbox on 3 September 2024, while the App Store featured both the title and a synopsis in update Version 2.1.2 on 16 September 2024.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

To be added