Fox Mulder

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Fox Mulder

Fox Mulder was a character from The X-Files and partner of Dana Scully.

Sarah Jane Smith once asked Mike Yates, who had invited her to investigate a haunted house, why he didn't call "Fox and Dana" instead. (PROSE: Housewarming)

PC Andy Davidson asked Gwen Cooper about why Jack Harkness was at the site of Jonah Bevan's disappearance, referring to him as "your mate Mulder". (TV: Adrift) He later referred to Jack and Gwen as "Mulder and Scully." (TV: End of Days)

When Ocean Waters and Melvin Minton were looking for aliens in 2010, Clyde Langer called them "Mulder and Scully." (TV: The Vault of Secrets)

Panda called the Forge a group of "cut price Mulder and Scullys". (PROSE: Project: Wildthyme)

Cleo Proctor saracastically questioned if her father was abducted by aliens, quipping "I’ll call Mulder and Scully". (AUDIO: SOS)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | edit source]

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