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Paranoia was defined by the Seventh Doctor as "a heightened appreciation of how badly the universe wants to get you". (PROSE: Original Sin [+]Loading...["Original Sin (novel)"])

Some substances were capable of causing paranoia. These included drugs such as skar, (PROSE: Catastrophea [+]Loading...["Catastrophea (novel)"]) skoob (PROSE: Mean Streets [+]Loading...["Mean Streets (novel)"]) and Sarg (PROSE: Deadly Reunion [+]Loading...["Deadly Reunion (novel)"]) or exposure to materials such as icarons. (PROSE: Original Sin [+]Loading...["Original Sin (novel)"]) Paranoia was a symptom of robophobia. (TV: The Robots of Death [+]Loading...["The Robots of Death (TV story)"])

Harry Randall suffered from paranoia. (AUDIO: The Magic Mousetrap [+]Loading...["The Magic Mousetrap (audio story)"])

Paranoia thrived on the Internet in the early 21st century, which helped give rise to the Church of the Grey. (PROSE: Where Angels Fear [+]Loading...["Where Angels Fear (novel)"])

In 2006, the crash of an alien spaceship in London and the British government not responding led to paranoia sweeping the United Kingdom, with at least three reports of people being falsely identified as aliens and assaulted. (TV: Aliens of London [+]Loading...["Aliens of London (TV story)"])

Rosemary Kizlet's tablet was capable of changing one's level of paranoia. (TV: The Bells of Saint John [+]Loading...["The Bells of Saint John (TV story)"])

In 2069, the Shift introduced the concept of paranoia to Marie, who turned her weapons systems against herself. (PROSE: Alien Bodies [+]Loading...["Alien Bodies (novel)"])

On Frontios, Range accused Plantagenet of paranoia when he suspected the Fifth Doctor being responsible for the meteorites bombarding the colony. (TV: Frontios [+]Loading...["Frontios (TV story)"])

The Twelfth Doctor described Davros as an "insane, paranoid genius". This understanding of Davros's personality allowed him to deduce, with no prior evidence, that Davros's chair had a force field protecting it from Dalek gunstick-fire. (TV: The Witch's Familiar [+]Loading...["The Witch's Familiar (TV story)"])

During the Last Great Time War, the Daleks, unable to directly counter the telepathic talents of the Sensorites, implemented a Dalek-Sensorite parasite within the Interior to increase their paranoia. (AUDIO: Sphere of Influence [+]Loading...["Sphere of Influence (audio story)"])