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Promaze was a basic protein mix that could sustain most organisms. It was a pale, pea green colour and came in powdered form (PROSE: The Garden of Evil [+]Loading...{"precisecite":"Marker 4","1":"The Garden of Evil (novel)"}) or in bars. (AUDIO: Neverland [+]Loading...["Neverland (audio story)"]) It tasted like duck pond slime. (PROSE: The Garden of Evil [+]Loading...{"precisecite":"Marker 4","1":"The Garden of Evil (novel)"})

Scientists on Gallifrey developed Promaze (PROSE: The Garden of Evil [+]Loading...{"precisecite":"Marker 4","1":"The Garden of Evil (novel)"}) using genetic modification (PROSE: Gallifrey: A Rough Guide [+]Loading...{"precisecite":"Part 1, DWM 297","1":"Gallifrey: A Rough Guide (short story)"}) in an effort to alleviate famine equitably across many species. Rations of Promaze were served to alien refugees in Riff City (PROSE: The Garden of Evil [+]Loading...{"precisecite":"Marker 4","1":"The Garden of Evil (novel)"}) as well as alien prisoners. (PROSE: The Garden of Evil [+]Loading...{"precisecite":"Marker 3","1":"The Garden of Evil (novel)"})

Kurst fed his pet pig-bear Promaze bars. (AUDIO: Neverland [+]Loading...["Neverland (audio story)"])

While belittling Leela's intelligence, Narvin remarked that someone should "give the savage a Promaze bar" for knowing what a planet was. (AUDIO: Weapon of Choice [+]Loading...["Weapon of Choice (audio story)"])