Psycho-temporal bridge

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A psycho-temporal bridge was a form of teleportation that, given sufficient energy, could allow the user to be transported to the location of an individual with whom they shared a psychic link, regardless of where they were in spacetime. It could even allow access outside the user's universe, and, once formed, the bridge could be crossed by others outside of the psychic link. (TV: Survivors of the Flux)

The Ravagers, Swarm and Azure, harvested the Time Force from the Temple of Atropos on the planet Time during the Great Disruption when four of the Mouri were broken. This temporal force, (TV: Once, Upon Time) in conjunction with the spatial energy harvested from lifeforms trapped within their Passenger forms, (TV: Survivors of the Flux) as well as the psychic link that once existed between the Old Swarm and the Fugitive Doctor that had been reactivated between the Younger Swarm and the Thirteenth Doctor, (TV: The Halloween Apocalypse) allowed the Ravagers to follow the Doctor into Division Control, situated in the Void between Universes One and Two, after she was transported there by Tecteun. (TV: Survivors of the Flux)