Robert Dalton

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Colonel Robert Dalton served as head of UNIT in Colonel Ross Brimmicombe-Wood's absence. (AUDIO: Time Heals [+]Loading...["Time Heals (audio story)"], PROSE: Project Valhalla [+]Loading...["Project Valhalla (novel)"]) His ancestors were Saxon. (AUDIO: Snake Head [+]Loading...["Snake Head (audio story)"]) Dalton was married but didn't get on with his mother-in-law. (AUDIO: The Longest Night [+]Loading...["The Longest Night (audio story)"])

His father, William Dalton, was also an officer in the British Army and friends with Brimmicombe-Wood's father and Charles Crichton. (PROSE: Project Valhalla [+]Loading...["Project Valhalla (novel)"])

Dalton served with Andrea Winnington, whom he disliked. (AUDIO: Time Heals [+]Loading...["Time Heals (audio story)"]) While a patriotic soldier, he viewed the nationalist ICIS with contempt, calling them a "gestapo run by the Keystone Cops". (AUDIO: Snake Head [+]Loading...["Snake Head (audio story)"])

He was part of the invasion and occupation of Syria, aimed at removing a dictator; Dalton viewed this as a justified action. (AUDIO: Time Heals [+]Loading...["Time Heals (audio story)"], The Longest Night [+]Loading...["The Longest Night (audio story)"]) In 2005, he was rushed back to the UK to take over UNIT. He was initially unaware that aliens existed at all, much less that UNIT was set up to combat them; he considered the organisation as believing it was above the law. Despite his rough start, he heroically risked his life to stop a nuclear submarine from detonating. (AUDIO: Time Heals [+]Loading...["Time Heals (audio story)"])

Dalton was killed a month later during an attempted coup by ICIS, not long after fighting off ICIS brainwashing meant to turn him into a suicide bomber. (AUDIO: The Longest Night [+]Loading...["The Longest Night (audio story)"])