Roller coaster

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Roller coaster

A roller coaster was, according to Peri, a thrill ride. When Erimem was feeling particularly melancholy following wholly unpleasant events in the Himalayas during the time of the British Raj, (AUDIO: The Roof of the World)

Peri offered to take her friend to ride some roller coasters the next time the TARDIS arrived on Earth. (AUDIO: Three's a Crowd)

The Sixth Doctor and Peri went on a roller coaster ride in 1980s at Blackpool Pleasure Beach. The Doctor called the experience "magnificent." (PROSE: The Nightmare Fair; AUDIO: The Nightmare Fair)

The Eighth Doctor said that he never felt safe on roller coasters. (PROSE: The Book of the Still)

Crystal liked roller coaster rides. (AUDIO: The Ultimate Adventure)