Talk:Battle of Floor 0507

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Merge[[edit source]]

Given that the Battle of Floor 0507 describes the final stage of Operation Exodus, when the Mondasian Cybermen climbed up through the ship to convert to take command (and convert the Floor 0507 villagers first as part of a "mercy mission"), shouldn't the two pages be merged into one? JMC Red Dwarf 04:55, January 27, 2018 (UTC)

Operation Exodus was the mission to conquer the whole ship. The Battle of Floor 0507 was a skirmish within that objective. You could add the merge tag and see what others say, but then debate on the matter tends to stall, based on my experience at least. Snivystorm 10:57, January 27, 2018 (UTC)

Operation Exodus could be seen as the war this battle took place in. I vote against merging.--WarGrowlmon18 19:02, January 27, 2018 (UTC)

Agreed. Operation Exodus was a generations long mission to escape the bottom and rise to the top; there were no conflicts for hundreds of years for them. The battle was certainly a separate thing, hence why the two pages should stay separate. I second keeping them apart. Snivystorm 19:14, January 27, 2018 (UTC)