The Great Exhibition

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Great Exhibition

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The Great Exhibition

The Great Exhibition — formally the Great Exhibition of Works of Industry of all Nations — was a grand London event held in 1851. It was based in a purpose-built venue called the Crystal Palace. The Fifth Doctor wanted to take Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka to the Exhibition as "a treat" in the wake of Adric's death, but instead ended up on the tarmac of Heathrow Airport in 1982. (TV: Time-Flight)

The Eighth Doctor took his companions Charley Pollard and C'rizz to the Great Exhibition, shortly after their departure from the Divergent Universe. While there, Charley met and befriended the elderly Duke of Wellington. (AUDIO: Other Lives)

The Eleventh Doctor took his companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams to the Great Exhibition, where they encountered the Hypothetical Gentleman. (COMIC: Hypothetical Gentleman)

Henry Gordon Jago witnessed Michael Faraday demonstrate electricity at the Great Exhibition. (AUDIO: The Mahogany Murderers)