The Little Book of Absolute Power

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The Little Book of Absolute Power was the posthumously-published collection of selected notes and writings created by Chatelaine Thessalia during her investigations of the future War in Heaven. Topics included the Order of the Weal, (PROSE: "Order of the Weal" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedep":"Order of the Weal","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"}) Eremites, (PROSE: "Faction Precursors" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedep":"Faction Precursors","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"}) House Paradox, (PROSE: "Chatelaine Thessalia" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedep":"Chatelaine Thessalia","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"}) and Thessalia's War predictions. (PROSE: "War Predictions" [+]Part of The Book of the War, Loading...{"namedep":"War Predictions","1":"The Book of the War (novel)"})

In her role as Thessalia's mnemonic, Larissa was nicknamed "little book". (PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"])