The White Canvas

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The White Canvas, also known as the empty lands, was a seemingly endless expanse of white paper- or fabric-like ground, constituting its own abnormal alter-time reality bubble.

The White Canvas was accidentally created by Auteur when she used the power of the gauntlet to fictionalise the Original Mammoths, their painted warrior servants, and the inhabitants of the 10,000 Dawns as part of a grand ritual, only for the ritual to be derailed at the last minute by Graelyn Scythes. Because the ritual could not complete, the accumulated fiction reached a critical mass and destabilised, colliding to form the White Canvas. The White Canvas was itself uninhabitable, with anyone stepping onto it unprotected soon losing sight of whatever defined reality they had come from, and then beginning to sink into the white themself.

However, Auteur managed to create a Town in the heart of the White Canvas, secluded from all other realities. She ruled it for seventeen years, using it to raise the deaged Graelyn over again without any knowledge of the outside world. The White Canvas was known as "the empty lands" to the inhabitants of the Town, and it was forbidden to venture there. Auteur had learned to harness the White Canvas's power, later proving able to summon a patch of it beneath Mullion to send her through a surreal metafictional nightmare controlled by Auteur herself as an intimidation tactic, before returning her to where they'd started from within the Town.

After Graelyn and her friends succeeded in figuring out the truth and reversing all of Auteur's fictionalisation, unmaking the Town, the White Canvas endured. Immediately after the Town's destruction from the White Canvas's perspective, but much later from Auteur's subjective timeline, a dying Auteur was taken back to the Canvas by F.I.D.O and Graelyn to save their life. It was there that they summoned Gideon and his compatriots (PROSE: White Canvas) of Faction Paradox, (PROSE: A Bloody (And Public) Domaine) who agreed to induct Auteur into their ranks properly, saving their life in the process. (PROSE: White Canvas)