Tiermann's ship

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Tiermann's ship was a spaceship designed and built by Ernest Tiermann, to transport himself and his wife Amanda to Tiermann's World. Their son Solin Tiermann was born on the journey. Ernest boasted that “its design has never been surpassed” in the 15 years since its invention. The ship was sleek and shiny, reflecting Ernest's expensive tastes. It was small enough to rest on top of the Dreamhome, and Ernest claimed it was only capable of carrying three humans, along with their luggage.

When the Tiermann's attempted to flee the Dreamhome and the approaching Voracious Craw, the Dreamhome's sentient computer Domovoi attempted to pull the ship back to the ground with a tractor beam. When this failed, the Domovoi took over Amanda's cyborg components and forced her to sabotage the ship, causing it to crash into the ground. The ship was destroyed and Amanda was killed, but Ernest and Solin survived. (PROSE: Sick Building)