User:Najawin/Sandbox 2

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Rough sketch of priorities for summarizing things. Subject to change, but after the first three, the novel/anthology/novel structure is likely to stay firm, it'll just be the novels switch or anthologies switch.

  1. The Boulevard: Volume Two (Not yet released)
  2. Newtons Sleep
  3. A Romance in Twelve Parts
  4. The Brakespeare Voyage
  5. Burning with Optimism's Flames
  6. Head of State
  7. The Book of the Peace
  8. Weapons Grade Snake Oil
  9. Liberating Earth
  10. Golden Age

Lesser priority, might just do randomly if I have time, but won't block out time for them:

  1. Go through and do all the side pages I never did for The Book of the Enemy, as well as probably some modifications to The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Enemy and maybe First Draft. I'm not happy with those summaries.
  2. Dead Romance (How does this not have a plot summary yet?)
  3. The Beasthouse
  4. You Are The Absurd Hero
  5. This Town Will Never Let Us Go

After this I'm not sure. I might go through the City of the Saved stuff, but that interests me less tbh. I never really got into audio dramas as a medium, but I might go that route and maybe do Kaldor City? Summarizing audio seems like a lot more work than summarizing text. (I know the original FP audios have scripts floating around, might use those. But still'd have to go through BBV for the more modern stuff. Ugh.) Or I might just go to the VNAs if I can find copies. Probably won't do Sextet, I don't think I have the background for that.