The Beasthouse (short story)

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The Beasthouse was a 2008 digital short story written by Lawrence Miles as the blog of the time travelling son of Fu Manchu.

The story featured references to several elements of Miles's previous works, including the White Peacock cult introduced in the Faction Paradox novel The Book of the War. The Beasthouse was set in a world where time travel had inseparably culturally entangled the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.

Publisher's summary[[edit] | edit source]

For now, the true author of this journal must remain nameless, voiceless, and 28% more shrouded in mystery than any other shadowy figure from the murky London underworld of the late 1800s. He must also remain faceless, since medical science has not yet found a way to reverse the side-effects of what he simply calls "the process" (patented 1894, outlawed 1895, drug-dumped in Somalia 1996). We can only tell you that:

  1. He's the son of one of the three leading criminal masterminds of the nineteenth century. Oh, you know. The one with the moustache.
  2. He's the co-founder of the White Peacock Arms Company, the only weapons manufacturer which still takes pride in breeding giant scorpions for the Oriental market as well as producing landmines for regimes across the globe. He's also the only living CEO of the Company, in accordance with the principles of natural selection.
  3. His reminiscences of his own century, and his thoughts on our "modern" age, have been transcribed to the aethernet in 2008 by Lawrence Miles.

Plot[[edit] | edit source]

to be added

Characters[[edit] | edit source]

Worldbuilding[[edit] | edit source]

Notes[[edit] | edit source]

  • Author Lawrence Miles previously used the epistolary style in his 1999 New Adventures novel Dead Romance.
  • The final section mentions "the affair of the White Iscariot". In Miles' "Alternate Season" of Doctor Who story ideas which began with his published spec script The Book of the World, the episodes of the two-part finale are titled "The White Iscariot" and "Them".[1]

Continuity[[edit] | edit source]

External links[[edit] | edit source]

Footnotes[[edit] | edit source]