User:SOTO/Forum Archive/A new Tardis, at last

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Hey everyone :)

Those who have been around this community for a while know that Christmas is a time of change more than tradition. Since the holidays are when one tends to get brand new Doctors, it makes sense that we at Tardis view it as a time of renewal, as well.

In past Decembers we've:

  • given holiday amnesties to our entire block list
  • introduced this particular style of forum
  • added new admin
  • come up with major CSS overhauls

This year will be no different. Not only are we nominating a new admin (more about that later), but we're also going to be an early adopter of the new article layout that most of Wikia won't see until sometime in 2015.

As this community experienced back in 2010 when the current Wikia skin first went online, it is simply much better and more productive to get out in front of these major code overhauls than it is to sit back and wait.

It gives us a chance as a community actually affect code design — as we did with the development of these very forums.

So, sometime probably tomorrow we'll see the new article design kick in. At some point over the next little bit, most of the CSS and JS for tardis will be stripped way, way back. Some things may not work as expected, and there may be a period where we have a "naked" version of Wikia/Oasis while we await the new layout.

It may take us a few weeks to get everything sorted and working. But it'll take a lot less time if you use this particular forum, Board:A new Tardis, at last, to describe things you don't like, or comment upon things you do.

Tardis has always been a community at the forefront of change here at Wikia, and I have no doubt this new phase of Wikia development will leave us a more attractive, consistently-coded site.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below. :)

01:55, 12 December 2014
Edited 20:58, 24 February 2015
  • TimeShade
    I strongly believe wikia should create a new skin. The new one with the new layout and vabar while oasis gets it the way it was before the new navbar. The biggest issue I have with new layout is that infoboxes gets pushed down.
    11:01, 13 December 2014
  • Ashadj
    11:14, 13 December 2014
  • CzechOut
    Thanks for the feedback. The position of infoboxes is indeed a key concern, and being actively studied. One of the points of pushing this article prototype live to a wiki that has well-developed, content-rich infoboxes was precisely to further study infobox styling and positioning.

    Remember, this isn't even a beta design: it's full-on prototype.

    Your comments will be of tremendous value in shaping the end results. So keep 'em coming!

    14:54, 13 December 2014
  • Smeg Head
    If you made this the shade of fish custard, that would be better
    15:38, 13 December 2014
    I don't like how the info bar drops down.
    22:55, 13 December 2014
  • Smeg Head
    I dont like the white background to be honest - its quite annoying on my eyes
    11:31, 14 December 2014
  • 0551E80Y
    i feel like the white background is supposed to represent a snowstorm helping the Christmissy feel :D however it looks awful i like the old look, better yet i miss the round things as the background
    13:07, 14 December 2014
  • Smeg Head

    0551E80Y wrote:

    D however it looks awful I like the old look, better yet I miss the round things as the background

    What are the round things?

    I agree that it looks, to use my native English, bloody awful at the moment. I think the Admins need to take note this is a vote against the new format

    13:11, 14 December 2014
    Edited 13:12 14 December 2014
  • 0551E80Y

    Smeg Head wrote:

    0551E80Y wrote:

    D however it looks awful I like the old look, better yet I miss the round things as the background

    What are the round things?

    I agree that it looks, to use my native English, bloody awful at the moment. I think the Admins need to take note this is a vote against the new format

    you know the round things on the tardis interior walls

    13:14, 14 December 2014
  • Smeg Head
    The correct answer would have been

    "I have no idea" as in

    11: Look, the round things

    10: I love the round things

    11: What are the round things?

    10: I have no idea

    13:19, 14 December 2014
    Edited 13:20 14 December 2014
  • 0551E80Y

    Smeg Head wrote: The correct answer would have been

    "I have no idea" as in

    11: Look, the round things

    10: I love the round things

    11: What are the round things?

    10: I have no idea

    oh i didn't realize sorry

    13:21, 14 December 2014
  • Smeg Head

    0551E80Y wrote:

    Smeg Head wrote: The correct answer would have been

    "I have no idea" as in

    11: Look, the round things

    10: I love the round things

    11: What are the round things?

    10: I have no idea

    oh i didn't realize sorry

    Tsk tsk... Call yourself a fan? Its off to the Death Zone on Gallifrey for you...

    13:24, 14 December 2014
  • 0551E80Y

    Smeg Head wrote:

    0551E80Y wrote:

    Smeg Head wrote: The correct answer would have been

    "I have no idea" as in

    11: Look, the round things

    10: I love the round things

    11: What are the round things?

    10: I have no idea

    oh i didn't realize sorry

    Tsk tsk... Call yourself a fan? Its off to the Death Zone on Gallifrey for you...

    galifrey's trapped in another dimension and i presume the death zone is too i don't think we should get too carried away with this

    13:29, 14 December 2014
    Edited 13:29 14 December 2014
  • 66 Seconds
    I don't like how "Must Watch Videos" appears inbetween content on some of the articles. It splits the article in half and you can't choose where this section appears in the article layout.

    Also, featured articles at the top of category pages seem to show images taken from anywhere throughout those particular articles. In my opinion, these should show the infobox image whenever an infobox is present on the page they link to.

    15:42, 14 December 2014
  • Imamadmad
    Woah, I just came here to check a fact and can see that there are dramatic changes here. Although I rarely edit this wiki, I will give my feedback now on this new layout as it has a greater chance of affecting the way the final roll-out across Wikia will work than if I wait.
    • The layout has been made to match the style of the new Global Navigation bar. That can be considered a good thing because it introduces consistency, but it could also be considered a bad thing if you think that style looks dull compared to the old one.
      • On this topic, the Wikia logo on the global nav has slipped a bit, being aligned to the bottom of the bar and the bottom reaching a few pixels under it. This problem is not present on other, normally laid out wikis (well, specifically not present on DWA. Haven't checked elsewhere).
    • There seems to be a lot of dead space above the titles of pages. See Last of the Time Lords. There is also a larger than needed gap under the redirection notice.
    • Infobox should be above the Recent Activity module. Article content should always be prioritised over navigation on mainspace pages.
    • On the other hand, it's really good that the space under the Recent Wiki Activity module is actually being used, rather than just being left as dead space.
    • New Navbar is... OK, but not great. Stylistically wise I think it's good in the sense that it fits in with the style of the rest of the wiki and the new global nav. Functionality wise, I believe hiding the level 2 menus out of sight would only be detrimental to encouraging readers to explore further. If they have big buttons in their faces leading them to more content, they are more likely to click those buttons than if you first have to want to find them, then click the right heading (hovering doesn't do anything, which I think would make the new navbar more usable), and only then see the list of items to be encouraged to click them.
      • As bracketed above, hovering over the top level navigaton items doesn't activate the drop downs to reveal the level 2 headings. This feels counter-intuitive and somewhat wrong to people who have been using Wikia for a long time, where clicking on the top level heading usually takes you to a page you didn't want to go rather than just opening up the sub-menu. On the plus side though, it does make it more usable on touch screen devices, where I can confirm it works quite well!
    • Not sure if you're already aware, but the changing image in The Doctor's infobox is now displaying the images vertically one after the other, maxing out the infobox space very quickly.
      • Speaking of infoboxes, the words "see more" are hard to see as they're dark blue on a dark grey background. There needs to be a higher contrast so people know to click and, well, see more.
    • The action buttons on the side of the page are an interesting change. I think I like it, as it makes more actions available from the top of the page. I do however think that the sub-menus with things like "Edit", "VisualEditor", "History", etc. should be openable with hover as well as click, as I believe the navbar should operate, so that newcomers don't feel scared to click the not-very-descriptive icons in case something unintentional happens. Having the lists with words on them open up automatically would remove that extra barrier between readers becoming editors.

    That's all I can think of for now. I haven't explored that many different pages to see how the layout changes between them as I usually just use this wiki as an information source rather than doing much editing, but that should hopefully be enough feedback to go forward with. As always, willing to expand or argue any points I've made.

    15:51, 14 December 2014
  • Masterpwn
    I have been surfing around multiple pages in this new layout. There are a few pros and cons. Well, mostly cons I've noticed.
    • Spacing between paragraphs. I've noticed several pages with spacing missing and spacing too wide, despite there just being a single line space during editing.
    • I preferred the older design, it seemed a little more clean cut, organised. This one's a bit... I don't know. Too spaced out. The infobox is smooshed down and to the right.
    • The buttons off to the left were a little foreboding, but the drop down is alright once I figured what did what. Pretty convenient I suppose.
    • I think it's a bit bland, this new design compared to the old.
    • Drop downs at the top of the page hiding some more commonly used buttons is a bit annoying actually. Hinder-some, somewhat.

    Just a few things I feel about this new design. I really prefer the old one. That's my opinion though, the old over the new, not saying that it should be switched back. It should be simple enough to get used to the new layout.

    21:06, 14 December 2014
  • Ashadj
    Maybe a red design. Cause of the Christmas episode and Clara
    22:02, 14 December 2014
  • Regos Krang

    0551E80Y wrote: i miss the round things as the background

    I don't remember any "round things", but having something like this as a background (but much lighter for readability) would be very cool!
    23:03, 14 December 2014
  • CzechOut
    Hey guys :)

    Thanks for all the specificity. It's really helpful. Keep it up!

    Do want to make you aware, though, that there are some things you've listed which are more Tardis problems than article prototype problems. A good example is the picture changer at the Doctor and the Master. That's just something Wikia couldn't have contemplated because it's wholly unique to this wiki.

    I've been working this evening to try to restore the more essential "special" features of Tardis. So you should find that, for instance, picture rotation has been restored.

    Since it's difficult for you to know what's being caused by Tardis code and what by Wikia, though — don't even bother trying to work it out. Just keep listing the things you're seeing and I'll investigate each one of them in turn. And don't despair of the design; it's very much an evolving thing that will change rapidly over the next couple of weeks.

    Thanks :)

    04:24, 15 December 2014
  • 0551E80Y

    Regos Krang wrote:

    0551E80Y wrote: i miss the round things as the background

    I don't remember any "round things", but having something like this as a background (but much lighter for readability) would be very cool!

    yes yes! i miss that i'm hoping the background will be the round things of the twelfth doctor's tardis its both traditional and modern it would look marvelous

    11:50, 15 December 2014
  • Digifiend
    This one will be a local problem, but has only manifested since the skin change and so may have been caused by it: the front page's colour switcher is bugged. The text appears white whether the background is blue or white. The text should be dark when the white background is used. You probably accidentally removed a piece of javascript code.
    12:56, 15 December 2014
  • HighlanderFan83
    Can we have a choice for the background? I liked having the choice to read this wikia with the blue background, as it didn't hurt my eyes. Can we bring back the blue background alternative?

    Why was that removed as a choice, anyway?

    12:56, 15 December 2014
  • Digifiend
    See above. It was probably broken by the new skin they're testing.
    17:32, 15 December 2014
    Edited 17:33 15 December 2014
  • Ashadj
    What about a light blue background for the title sequence. Or clocks.
    17:49, 15 December 2014
  • CzechOut
    Hi guys :)

    Thanks for all the suggestions of possible creative changes to the theme. However, our purpose here is to to hew as closely to the design intent of the Wikia Engineers for this article prototype. We're tying to showcase their design intent, and sublimate our creativity. This will allow the Engineering department to build a better baseline.

    We can worry about our own communal creativity next year, as this project develops.

    02:13, 16 December 2014
  • CzechOut

    0551E80Y wrote:

    Regos Krang wrote:

    0551E80Y wrote: i miss the round things as the background

    I don't remember any "round things", but having something like this as a background (but much lighter for readability) would be very cool!

    yes yes! i miss that i'm hoping the background will be the round things of the twelfth doctor's tardis its both traditional and modern it would look marvelous

    Guys, we haven't had any background skin on this wiki for almost two years. We stopped bothering with backgrounds once we figured out that most visitors probably weren't seeing the background anyway. On this design point, we basically concur with Memory Alpha, who are similarly unadorned.

    02:16, 16 December 2014
  • OttselSpy25
    Can I just say that I notice that Wikia has redecorated and I don't like it.
    08:37, 16 December 2014
  • SteamMoose
    I like the new design. My main problem is the infobox, but I know you are working on it ;)
    17:44, 16 December 2014
  • Mewiet
    I might be blind, but I can't seem to figure out where the Add a Page button has gone.

    I also second the comments about the white being very harsh on the eyes (the French vanilla pudding color of this page's background is far preferable) and not enjoying the Must Watch Videos popping up in the middle of pages.

    22:23, 16 December 2014
    Edited 22:23 16 December 2014
  • Digifiend
    The Add a Page link is on one of the menus you get when you hover over those circles on the side of an article. It's on the third one down, looks like a cog. There should be an option called Contribute. Hover over this, and you get the links to add a new page, upload an image or video, or create a map.
    22:46, 16 December 2014
    Edited 22:48 16 December 2014
    Edited 22:49 16 December 2014
  • CzechOut

    HighlanderFan83 wrote: Can we have a choice for the background? I liked having the choice to read this wikia with the blue background, as it didn't hurt my eyes. Can we bring back the blue background alternative?

    Why was that removed as a choice, anyway?

    I apologise for the temporary inconvenience of the removal of the local, Tardis option to read the site on differently-coloured backgrounds. At this stage, we're trying to look at the article prototype as it is, and then make comments about the way we'd like it to be.

    Very few customisations are as important to me and I think the entire Tardis administrative staff than making sure we can return this option to our community. We think the skin switcher allowed more people, of a wider range of visual acuities, to stay on the site for longer periods of time.

    I have passed your specific comments upwards, but I would encourage anyone who enjoyed the skin-switching option to send a sentence or two to our Community Support team via a Special:Contact.

    15:02, 17 December 2014
  • CzechOut

    Imamadmad wrote: ...but that should hopefully be enough feedback to go forward with.

    Thanks very much for taking the time to delve so specifically into things. Your comments have been passed up the food chain!

    15:32, 17 December 2014
  • CzechOut

    Masterpwn wrote: Spacing between paragraphs. I've noticed several pages with spacing missing and spacing too wide, despite there just being a single line space during editing.

    Thanks for your comments! I've passed most of them on to other Wikia colleagues. I was wondering, though, if you could explain this one a bit more. Got any examples for me?

    15:42, 17 December 2014
  • Mewiet
    I no longer see a little box on the side near the top of an article page with an outline of the headings and subheadings for that page. Those were extremely helpful for really long articles and lists of appearance pages because they saved a tremendous amount of scrolling time.
    19:50, 17 December 2014
  • Ashadj
    Sometimes when you add new images they don't show
    20:54, 17 December 2014
  • Regos Krang

    Mewiet wrote: I no longer see a little box on the side near the top of an article page with an outline of the headings and subheadings for that page. Those were extremely helpful for really long articles and lists of appearance pages because they saved a tremendous amount of scrolling time.

    I had the same problem, but eventually figured it out - you now have to hover your mouse pointer over one of those mysterious grey circles on the left edge of the page, usually the top circle (see example picture). This will give birth to a menu which has the same function.
    Table of Contents Icon.jpg
    22:32, 17 December 2014
  • CzechOut
    How do you guys think we might make that less "mysterious" and more naturally obvious? Is it just a matter of getting used to the new button functionality, or do you think that we could add or change something to make it work better?
    15:59, 18 December 2014
  • Regos Krang

    CzechOut wrote: How do you guys think we might make that less "mysterious" and more naturally obvious? Is it just a matter of getting used to the new button functionality, or do you think that we could add or change something to make it work better?

    Just so there's no misunderstanding: I like the grey circles. It's quite useful to have that functionality throughout a page, especially a long one, and I find it quite easy using them - it was just a question of noticing them and then figuring out what they do. Once the new look is pretty definitive, it might be nice to have a "help" page describing the major changes from the old look.

    21:19, 18 December 2014
  • PicassoAndPringles
    Some short articles are having all of their content pushed down under Must Watch Videos. See Tom's dad.
    02:48, 19 December 2014
  • Digifiend
    ^Yeah, whoever thought that looked better then this (link to the same page in Monobook) needs to have another look at that. That text would easily fit in that big white space... I wonder if putting the text above the infobox would fix it (of course it would normally cause the infobox to appear lower, but the Recent Wiki Activity box is doing that already anyway)? Would only work on stubs though, and such a workaround definitely shouldn't be necessary.
    11:56, 19 December 2014
    Edited 11:57 19 December 2014
  • CzechOut

    PicassoAndPringles wrote: Some short articles are having all of their content pushed down under Must Watch Videos. See Tom's dad.

    Thanks for that report! It's not actually that it's a short article that's causing the problem. Rather, it's that the article begins directly upon the conclusion of the infobox. This wasn't a problem in any skin before this prototype, and in fact we've actively encouraged starting an article just like this:

    }}'''This thing''' was a really important thing

    The reason we encouraged this is that it meant that the article body started at the very top of the page, rather than one carriage return down from the top. So I'm seeing this, at the moment, as a bug. Until I get further instruction from other Wikia colleagues, let's just let articles like this be temporarily screwed up.

    If needs be later on, I can do a bot run where I introduce a carriage return after the closing curly brace, and the problem will resolve itself.

    19:07, 19 December 2014
  • Rob T Firefly
    As a frequent wiki editor, I quite miss having a single-click edit link on articles. Having to hover over the round thing and then slide over to the edit option on the popup isn't nearly as nice to use.
    20:31, 20 December 2014
    Edited 20:31 20 December 2014
  • 23skidoo
    Where did the links to the Talk pages go?
    14:39, 22 December 2014
  • Tangerineduel

    23skidoo wrote: Where did the links to the Talk pages go?

    It's within the pencil menu.

    15:34, 22 December 2014
  • Rob T Firefly
    Are there plans to bring back the customizable user toolbar? It seems to be hidden on article pages now.
    18:23, 24 December 2014
  • Digifiend
    You mean the footer? It moved to one of the circle icons on the left, but I think the CSS classes are different and therefore customisations have no effect. It seems the guys at will have to update the scripts.
    02:35, 25 December 2014
    Edited 02:35 25 December 2014
    Edited 02:35 25 December 2014
  • Rob T Firefly
    Ah, found it and it does seem to have my custom tools in it. Thanks.
    16:22, 25 December 2014
  • Lhikan634
    Several things as a frequent reader here but editor elsewheres. First, the issue with short articles is in local to the article. Articles with the issue use the top version; fixing said articles requires using the bottom version:

    As far as the new layout in general… you changed the desktop… I don't like it:

    • I also agree that the Infoboxes should appear above non-article content so that the visual and the intro text are more in-line.
    • I find the use of left-side icons are more confusing than the previous text-based links (i.e. edit, Talk, etc.). It is useful that the links follow with scrolling, but it's harder to tell what operation should be located where. There looks like there should be room for a text-based listing (i.e. Contents, Edit, Talk, Share, Tools).
    • Left-side icons also aren't the same page-to-page. Some have individual icons for social media / sharing, others have a single share icon.
    • I do prefer the format of the user tools at the bottom, it seems a lot cleaner and more "wiki" styled.
    • Paragraph spacing is inconsistent (see River Song). Some have no lines in between, others 1 line, and the majority 2 lines. The source uniformly uses 1 line between paragraphs. This especially affects the Undated/unchronicled events section, resulting in a lot of negative space.
    • There's also a lot of extra space after the article title, equivalent to about 3 lines of article content.
    • Recommended Content seems disproportionate in length to article length, especially the featured article position.
    • This may be a bit unrelated, but the drop-down for the wikia top bar seems overly sensitive. Even hovering over the pixels at the corners of that box triggers it to cover most of the article. Also, is there no way to change it? It sticks out like a sore thumb on darker-themed wikis. (Also, notifications try to cover half of the page unlike before.)
    04:41, 31 December 2014
  • Lhikan634
    Oh, and edit comparison formats atrociously, all of the summary's forced below the Recent Wiki Activity. At least on my laptop, that means that I don't see any of the revision comparison without scrolling down a page.
    17:38, 31 December 2014
  • Commander Awesome
    I don't know what it is precisely, but it's a lot harder to read

    than the previous format to me. I think it might be the font and/or the color scheme. Also, I liked the infobox being at the top right of the article so you see it when to first land on the page instead of having to look for it. The liked it better when such things as the recent activity section, must watch videos section, advertisements, etc. were all shoved to the side of the page.

    02:01, 3 January 2015
  • Quest?on
    On some longer pages, like Shadow Proclamation, the first text of the page is up to the right of the page title.
    14:22, 4 January 2015
  • 23skidoo

    Tangerineduel wrote:

    23skidoo wrote: Where did the links to the Talk pages go?

    It's within the pencil menu.

    What pencil menu? I don't see anything of the sort. I want to post a question to the Last Christmas (TV story) article and there is no link to any talk page to be found. I have clicked on everything.

    There is no link to the page history either. This new design sucks.

    15:09, 5 January 2015
    Edited 15:10 5 January 2015
  • Rob T Firefly

    23skidoo wrote:

    Tangerineduel wrote:

    23skidoo wrote: Where did the links to the Talk pages go?

    It's within the pencil menu.

    What pencil menu? I don't see anything of the sort. I want to post a question to the Last Christmas (TV story) article and there is no link to any talk page to be found. I have clicked on everything.

    There is no link to the page history either. This new design sucks.

    In the column of round things going down the left side of the page, the pencil menu is the second from top. You have to hover over that round thing, wait for the menu to pop up to the right of it, then click on what you want from that.

    After using it this way for a while I feel it's pretty, but not great for functionality. And while grouping the navigation and editing tools together with the social-networking guff can't be a good idea for anyone, if we must do it this way why do Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Google Plus all get their own knobs? Collapsing them into one collective social-network round thing would be slightly less out-of-place than keeping only three functional knobs with all their useful things collapsed into fiddly submenus while keeping root-level single-click knobs for each individual social-network flavor out on display.

    19:14, 5 January 2015
    Edited 19:16 5 January 2015
    Edited 19:21 5 January 2015
    Edited 19:22 5 January 2015
  • CzechOut
    Hey Rob,

    I've asked this in another thread, but let me ask you here: are you actually having to wait for the menu to pop up? For me, it's popping up instantaneously, the very moment my mouse strays so much as a pixel over the border of the pencil icon.

    16:38, 6 January 2015
  • CzechOut

    Rob T Firefly wrote: ...if we must do it this way why do Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Google Plus all get their own knobs? Collapsing them into one collective social-network round thing would be slightly less out-of-place than keeping only three functional knobs with all their useful things collapsed into fiddly submenus while keeping root-level single-click knobs for each individual social-network flavor out on display.

    Both things happen with the social icons. When you first load a page, you get a series of icons for each individual social platform, like this:

    Each platform's icon is displayed on initial page load

    Then, as you scroll down the page, or edit it, or use the TOC (on multi-sectioned articles), the individual social icons "roll up" into the social icon menu, seen here at the bottom:

    The social "root menu icon" is displayed, once you start working with the article
    16:49, 6 January 2015
  • CzechOut

    Lhikan634 wrote:

    • Paragraph spacing is inconsistent (see River Song). Some have no lines in between, others 1 line, and the majority 2 lines. The source uniformly uses 1 line between paragraphs. This especially affects the Undated/unchronicled events section, resulting in a lot of negative space.

    Thanks for your detailed responses. I've passed a lot of your thoughts along.

    On the specific issue of the River Song undated events section, I don't think it's quite what you think. I've moved the entire contents of this page to a test wiki, and the spacing works the same way.

    The space between paragraphs (that is the space after a <p>) — as well as the line-height itself — is greater in Article Prototype than Oasis. But I'm not seeing actual inconsistency in Prototype's vertical spacing, save between the first and second paragraph in some articles. (And even that's not inconsistent — it's regularly reproducible, and therefore a bug we can get our hands around.) So I'd quite disagree that it is generally true to say that some paragraphs have 2 lines between them and others have 1.

    The issue really is that the section has an unusual number of single-sentence paragraphs in a row, thus naturally increasing the total amount of white space in that area, and creating the illusion of extra inter-paragraph space. This sort of writing is not encouraged around here; we'd much prefer to see "proper" paragraphs, and there's no particular reason why this section couldn't be rewritten into just a few paragraphs.

    18:52, 6 January 2015
    Edited 19:00 6 January 2015
  • CzechOut

    Lhikan634 wrote: Oh, and edit comparison formats atrociously, all of the summary's forced below the Recent Wiki Activity. At least on my laptop, that means that I don't see any of the revision comparison without scrolling down a page.

    I'm not seeing this at all. I'm looking at a diff on River Song here at Tardis and a diff over at and I'm seeing no material difference.

    Could you perhaps provide a screenshot of the problem you're seeing?

    19:07, 6 January 2015
  • Lhikan634
    I think what I was seeing has been smoothed out since that post as I'm not seeing that issue now either. I am seeing that the Recent Wiki Activity box is no longer appearing on the Diff pages, and that was what was causing the mis-formatting. It was basically the same thing that was affecting some of the short articles.

    I'm also noticing that line spacing looks completely different on the article versus preview. Notably, line-space discrepancies (article) mainly seem to occur when the intro section uses more than 1 paragraph. The difference is also present in preview but isn't as glaring.

    19:40, 6 January 2015
    Edited 20:20 6 January 2015
  • CzechOut
    Yeah, I don't think article preview yet quite matches the reality of Article Prototype. Pretty sure you're mostly seeing a preview of how the article would have looked in Oasis. But again I'm not actually seeing these line space discrepancies of which you speak, and I think if you examined them closely in your web inspector, you'd probably see that it's a matter of the large line-height and <p> margin-bottoms.

    Discrepancy implies to me that there is some actual difference in the line spacing between any two individual paragraphs. I'm not seeing that, except in the occasional case of the spacing between the first two paragraphs of an article that has an infobox being different than the spacing of all other paragraphs. But even this is a "regular irregularity", in that its cause is well known and it can be easily and consistently reproduced.

    If you have screenshots of the irregularity you're seeing, it would be very helpful to take a look at them.

    13:31, 7 January 2015
  • CzechOut

    Lhikan634 wrote: Several things as a frequent reader here but editor elsewheres. First, the issue with short articles is in local to the article. Articles with the issue use the top version; fixing said articles requires using the bottom version:


    By the way, as I've said in another thread, this is not a fix. It seems that way on first blush, but the truth is there's an actual bug here, and we don't want to just go around making this "fix". Besides, it doesn't quite work out on all pages, depending on the amount of content that page possesses.

    You've identified a cause here, more than a solution.

    13:35, 7 January 2015
    Personally, I don't like the colours. The old site it was a lovely tardis blue while now the colours aren't very doctor who specific.
    12:20, 18 January 2015
  • HighlanderFan83
    First of all, let me just say once again, that this "new" Tardis wikia looks atrocious. Not an improvement over the design at all.

    Second, I still can't alter the colors. I want my blue background back!

    14:46, 18 January 2015
  • Lhikan634
    If I understand correctly, the current color scheme and layout are going to very basic while the prototype is being worked on by Wikia (as CzechOut mentioned, this isn't even to beta yet). It's basically a live test on this wiki before it goes live to all of Wikia.

    Again if I understand correctly, they'll get the functionality working and confirmed and then work on the fluff. This wiki has a lot of customization (CSS, etc.). If the prototype is developed with all of that customization, almost every other wiki could experience errors in formatting.

    19:56, 18 January 2015
  • 23skidoo

    Rob T Firefly wrote: In the column of round things going down the left side of the page, the pencil menu is the second from top. You have to hover over that round thing, wait for the menu to pop up to the right of it, then click on what you want from that.

    I have been able to spot a bona fide bug from this. I went back to Last Christmas and the pencil menu was there. I then scrolled down the page to read it, scrolled back up and the pencil menu was GONE and would not appear again until I reloaded the page.

    So that's why I wasn't able to see it earlier: it's disappearing if you scroll the page. I just tested this on several more articles (such as the Dark Water (TV story)) and the bug happened every time.

    20:48, 18 January 2015
    Edited 20:49 18 January 2015
  • CzechOut
    Hmmm, I've tried it on Last Christmas in Firefox, Chrome and Safari for Mac, and can't replicate. We've had an intervening code push since you wrote your comment, though, so it's possible they fixed on Wednesday. Could you please confirm whether this bug is still present? If it is, could you please give your browser and version number so I can investigate further? Thanks :)
    01:21, 23 January 2015
  • Smeg Head
    ITS BLUE AGAIN!!!!!!!!

    WOO HOO - This is almost as exciting as finding out the BBC have a copy of Feast of Stephen

    02:29, 23 January 2015
  • HighlanderFan83
    What the heck are you talking about? Its still white as paper.
    09:12, 23 January 2015
  • Smeg Head
    Oh bugger... Its gone back to white again! I was reading the page for Susan (who I think is one of the most fanciable companions) and it appeared blue - now its back to white again
    10:52, 23 January 2015

    CzechOut wrote: Hmmm, I've tried it on Last Christmas in Firefox, Chrome and Safari for Mac, and can't replicate. We've had an intervening code push since you wrote your comment, though, so it's possible they fixed on Wednesday. Could you please confirm whether this bug is still present? If it is, could you please give your browser and version number so I can investigate further? Thanks :)

    It's still doing it. I'm on Firefox 30.0 which I know is an older version (unfortunately until some add-ons I need for work are updated for newer versions I'm glass ceilinged). Lots of folks use older versions. Now that I know the trick (reload the page if I scroll down at all) it's not an issue for me anymore, though.

    15:26, 26 January 2015
  • CzechOut
    It sucks to be, as you call it, "glass-ceilinged". Heck, I was severely glass-ceilinged from 2010-2012, so I feel your pain. And technically you are indeed outside the versions of Firefox that we support. Nevertheless, I have filed a report about this behaviour in Firefox 30.0. It might well get fixed; I know there are times when Wikia's Engineering crew fixes things for older browsers. Obviously, though, I can't promise anything.

    In the meantime, I'd suggest that you perhaps avail yourself of this little trick from Mozilla that allows you to install multiple instances of Firefox on one machine. That way, you could have "work Mozilla" at 30 and "play Mozilla" at 35. (Of course, that's advice from one fellow user to another. That's not advice coming from Wikia in any way. And you should make sure you read and thoroughly understand the dual install instructions before proceeding.)

    19:42, 27 January 2015
  • 23skidoo

    CzechOut wrote: It sucks to be, as you call it, "glass-ceilinged". Heck, I was severely glass-ceilinged from 2010-2012, so I feel your pain. And technically you are indeed outside the versions of Firefox that we support. Nevertheless, I have filed a report about this behaviour in Firefox 30.0. It might well get fixed; I know there are times when Wikia's Engineering crew fixes things for older browsers. Obviously, though, I can't promise anything.

    In the meantime, I'd suggest that you perhaps avail yourself of this little trick from Mozilla that allows you to install multiple instances of Firefox on one machine. That way, you could have "work Mozilla" at 30 and "play Mozilla" at 35. (Of course, that's advice from one fellow user to another. That's not advice coming from Wikia in any way. And you should make sure you read and thoroughly understand the dual install instructions before proceeding.)

    Many thanks and I didn't know about that trick. I'll give it a try. The good news is for me the workaround ends up being very simple (I just reload the page if I scroll down past the controls). I didn't realize I had been signed out of Wikia when I commented earlier so 68 was me.

    19:57, 27 January 2015
    I was forced to update to 35.1 this morning because 30 just stopped accessing certain sites. As a result I can no longer view Youtube and updating Flash didn't do anything. I always lose functionality when I update software. Anyway, with regards to the site, I am still getting the disappearing icons problem when I scroll down and scroll back up again so it doesn't have anything to do with what kind of browser I'm using.
    13:54, 29 January 2015
Hmmmm, that's very odd. What's your OS version number?
18:49, 5 February 2015

Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167277
Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Problems with the new layout" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Tardis to be rebuilt".

The new buttons on the side of each page don't seem to work for me. I can't bring up the page's history and my ability to edit the page is now limited. Are there still some bugs being worked out?

22:35, 12 December 2014
Edited 21:05, 24 February 2015
  • CzechOut
    Yes, we're still working some issues out. We're very much in prototype mode now. Could you please go into more details as to what you mean by your "ability to edit the page is now limited"? How has it been constricted?
    23:05, 12 December 2014
  • MystExplorer
    Well, when I click on the button with the pencil, it doesn't work. Neither does the one with the gear. So I can't edit the way I normally would.
    00:51, 13 December 2014
  • CzechOut
    What browser and OS are you using?
    05:32, 13 December 2014
  • MystExplorer
    Safari Version 5.1.10 and Mac OS X Version 10.6.8
    15:57, 13 December 2014
  • Smeg Head
    I'm not liking the "prototype" version at all... Its rubbish and is causing trouble for me reading it
    16:11, 13 December 2014
  • Dvaderv2
    I don't know why, but it seems the content of most, if not all articles has been replaced by a lot of blank spaces, random letters etc. because of this 'prototype'.

    I'm browsing this wiki via Firefox (Version 34.0.5) on a computer running Windows 7 (Home Premium, with Service Pack 1), if that's important to anyone.

    17:22, 13 December 2014
    Edited 17:23 13 December 2014
  • Ebyabe
    It appeared that beginning text in some articles was not showing. Actually, it was still there, but appearing next to the article title. This only is happening in the case where the text is touching an infobox. That is:

    {Infobox }'''{PAGENAME}''' was blah-de-blah. rather than {Infobox } '''{PAGENAME}''' was blah-de-blah.

    In general, I'm not thrilled with the new layout. But then I'm not really a big fan of updates/upgrades/changes. Which is why I like Doctor Who so much.

    Wait...  :)

    23:10, 13 December 2014
    Edited 23:11 13 December 2014
    Edited 23:11 13 December 2014
  • Dvaderv2
    No, what I meant is that most of the text, including the article title itself, is completely obliterated (i.e. replaced with several Vs, Is, and blank spaces).

    Granted, if I were to copy the text and paste it into Word or a search box it would then show up as it normally would, but I'm really at a loss given that other wikis seem to be rendering text without any kind of problem.

    23:57, 13 December 2014
  • Ebyabe
    Dvaderv2, what I'm seeing is a different problem than what you're having, I think.

    Also, I just noticed that infoboxes of all types are not appearing at all. I'm using Chrome, if that matters.

    00:40, 14 December 2014
  • Dvaderv2
    Looks like no one is having a particularly smooth transition then.
    00:44, 14 December 2014
  • Ebyabe
    I revise my prior comment. The infoboxes are there, just below the 'Recent Wiki Activity' box. Yes, Dvaderv2, things appear to be going swimmingly.  ;)
    00:51, 14 December 2014
  • Jamar Redstone
    What about the pictures? Right now only videos are showing up; will the pictures previously used to illustrate examples be inserted once everything is done?
    04:30, 14 December 2014
  • CzechOut
    Could you please link to a page where you're seeing only videos and no stills?
    00:13, 15 December 2014
  • Digifiend
    Infobox on The Master doesn't look right. The photo and other items are breaking out of the left side border. It looks like Template:Infobox Individual may need to be updated.
    04:00, 15 December 2014
  • CzechOut

    MystExplorer wrote: Safari Version 5.1.10 and Mac OS X Version 10.6.8

    Hey, I'm really sorry, but neither Wikia nor this wiki supports either of those. Please see Help:Supported browsers for more information. (We haven't supported 5.1 for any part of 2014, and not much of 2013, either.)

    04:15, 15 December 2014
  • AdricLovesNyssa
    Hey noticed that there is a random blue box underneath the information boxes. Mac OS 10.10.1 Firefox 34.0.5
    14:56, 16 December 2014
  • Digifiend

    AdricLovesNyssa wrote: Hey noticed that there is a random blue box underneath the information boxes. Mac OS 10.10.1 Firefox 34.0.5

    Confirmed in Chrome. Not a browser issue then, I suppose.

    22:52, 16 December 2014
  • KiumaruHamachi
    For me, the infoboxes are all screwed up and "Recent Activity" is ON TOP of the Infobox. Not sure if anyone else is having these issues.
    23:01, 16 December 2014
  • CzechOut
    Infoboxes are largely a known issue. The basic deal is that infoboxes must have class=infobox in order to get them to slide to the right. But because our infoboxes have class=infobox=exterior to create the nice, rounded, shadowed shell, and class=infobox-interior to create the, well, interior, it's confusing the prototype code. The result is an interior that's trying to be aligned with an exterior which isn't there anymore. instead, it's now a blue puddle underneath the infobox. Basically, base prototype code had split the infobox apart. It's an easy, if repetitive, fix in which the interior will have to get a new class name.

    The issue of the Recent Wiki Activity (RWA) module being on top of the infobox is also something that's well known, and which the Engineering team are actively considering. Just out of curiosity, how many here find the RWA useful? Not talking about the placement here, but rather the actual content of the module?

    01:51, 17 December 2014
  • PicassoAndPringles
    I think most casual users don't care much about RWA, and most people who do care just use Special:WikiActivity or Special:RecentChanges.
    02:09, 17 December 2014
  • Shambala108

    CzechOut wrote: Just out of curiosity, how many here find the RWA useful? Not talking about the placement here, but rather the actual content of the module?

    I find the content of the RWA useful.

    03:42, 17 December 2014
  • CzechOut

    Dvaderv2 wrote: I don't know why, but it seems the content of most, if not all articles has been replaced by a lot of blank spaces, random letters etc. because of this 'prototype'.

    Do you have examples of this? I haven't seen any replacement by "random letters'. That, obviously, would be bad and likely hard to correct. It'd be really important to track this down, so if you could give me links to pages where you see this phenomenon, it'd be really helpful. Thanks :)

    14:19, 17 December 2014
  • CzechOut

    Ebyabe wrote: It appeared that beginning text in some articles was not showing. Actually, it was still there, but appearing next to the article title. This only is happening in the case where the text is touching an infobox. That is:

    }'''{PAGENAME}''' was blah-de-blah.
    rather than
    '''{PAGENAME}''' was blah-de-blah.</nowiki>

    Hey, I've tried altering the article Snowglobe 7 (novel) to be like your example, but I don't seem to be able to replicate the results. Would you mind taking a look and telling me where I've gone wrong? In my example, there's no difference in where the lead text shows up, regardless of whether it touches the terminal curly brace — } — or not.

    14:28, 17 December 2014
  • Ebyabe
    The text is all showing below the article title on that page. Maybe b/c I'm using Chrome?
    18:13, 18 December 2014
  • Dvaderv2

    CzechOut wrote: Do you have examples of this? I haven't seen any replacement by "random letters'. That, obviously, would be bad and likely hard to correct. It'd be really important to track this down, so if you could give me links to pages where you see this phenomenon, it'd be really helpful. Thanks :)

    Actually, I did some testing on another PC and the pages showed up normally. I'm guessing that some custom font I installed is causing the problem. On that note, any ideas what sort of font is being used for the main body so that I might grab the original and hotfix my problem that way?

    17:14, 21 December 2014
    Edited 17:16 21 December 2014
  • Stephan222
    I am having the same problem with the edit button and new TOC. They don't work at all, I have to either edit only in sections or add ?action=edit to the end of the url.

    I'm using Maxthon on Windows 7 Home Premium and I really don't want to have to use wikia in Chrome, which is way to basic a browser for me.

    20:22, 5 January 2015
  • CzechOut
    Well, I've just tried Maxthon for Mac 4.4.0 and I'm not having problems editing. Remember, you have to hover over the edit icon (the pencil), then select "edit" from the resulting dropdown.

    That said, Wikia do not officially support Maxthon.

    14:45, 6 January 2015
  • Stephan222
    I was wondering if it could be because I have my default editor set to source mode.
    15:10, 6 January 2015
  • CzechOut
    Nope. I have mine set to source mode, too. Are you hovering over the edit icon and allowing the resulting menu to pop out?
    15:12, 6 January 2015
  • Stephan222
    I am... I think it should be noted that when I hover over the contents section, it works for the first time, but doesn't work after that. Odd.
    20:11, 6 January 2015
  • CzechOut
    Hmmm, I can't confirm that behaviour, not even in Maxthon for Mac.
    21:24, 6 January 2015
  • Stephan222
    Well, I tried changing the user agent string, didn't do anything. Perhaps I'll have to look into my custom css and js
    21:31, 6 January 2015

Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167283
Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Links!" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Problems with the new layout".

With the new design, links have become invisible. The only way to see a link is to float the mouse pointer over the text in question. Seeing the links all the time may be very old-fashioned, but I like it.

23:00, 12 December 2014
Edited 21:12, 24 February 2015
  • Regos Krang
    Actually I think the colour of the links IS slightly different, but it's quite hard to see.
    11:39, 13 December 2014
Passing your comments up the food chain...
15:37, 13 December 2014

Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167297

Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/New Layout Side Panel" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Links!". The content in the side panel (infobox) is stretched
River Song - Tardis Data Core, the Doctor Who Wiki 2014-12-13 01-13-24.png
05:53, 13 December 2014
Edited 06:20, 13 December 2014
Edited 01:12, 19 December 2014
Edited by CzechOut 21:11, 24 February 2015
  • AdricLovesNyssa
    Also in relation to this, can the see more be removed, as I often use the navigation option provided at the bottom often to go from one story to the next story. Can I make a suggest for the background of the infobox to be made a different colour to the background of the main text just to stand it out
    21:43, 14 December 2014
  • Regos Krang

    AdricLovesNyssa wrote: Also in relation to this, can the see more be removed

    I have the same request. The Infobox is now truncated, and I don't like having to click on "SEE MORE". What's more, for me the text "SEE MORE" is hidden since it shows up as dark blue on a black background - I don't know if anyone else has this problem. Also, I agree with others who dislike having the Infobox below the "Recent Wiki Activity" box.

    22:49, 14 December 2014

Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167308

Regos Krang
Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Table of Contents" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/New Layout Side Panel".

Under the old layout, any article divided into sections would begin with a Wikipedia-style table of contents. This seems to be missing with the new layout.

11:46, 13 December 2014

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167367

    Regos Krang
    This is a minor thing, but when I navigate in the new-style table of contents the "sub-menus" always appear next to the top of the main menu column, whereas one would expect them to appear next to the chosen item. In the example screenshot one would expect the "sub-menu" to appear next to "Story notes", but it actually appears next to "Synopsis" (top of the column).
    Tardis Table of Contents.jpg
    13:05, 14 December 2014
    Edited by CzechOut 21:10, 24 February 2015
    • CzechOut
      That's actually a really good point; I'll forward that on.
      14:05, 17 December 2014

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167423

    Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Main Page - New Design Issue" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Table of Contents". The text on this page is coloured white and cannot be seen unless highlighted. Not sure if this is just for me or not? Thanks
    18:38, 15 December 2014
    Edited by CzechOut 21:10, 24 February 2015
      As a temporary fix, you can hit the "change it ok" button to switch to dark mode so you can see the text.
      18:43, 15 December 2014
    • Tzvi
      I hope the higher ups don't mind, but I removed the part of the template that specified the color to be white. So now all the text is the default color, which happens to black.

      The page looks very plain now, but at least its readable.

      I also tried hitting the "change it ok" button and it rendered the page text in the default color of the old version, which happened to be white. So I have no idea why somebody specified white in the code when that color was already the default one.

      20:37, 15 December 2014
      Edited 20:42 15 December 2014
    • Tzvi
      I did also try hitting the "change it ok" button and it rendered the page text in the default color of the old version, which happened to be white. So I have no idea why somebody specified white in the code when that color was already the default one.
      20:42, 15 December 2014
    • CzechOut
      Hi :) Thanks very much for trying to help. However, I've reverted your edits as they don't solve the present problem. The issue at hand is why the front page background is white — not why the the font color specified by Doctor Who Wiki/Charity is white. As you point out, it's insensible for the font color to be set to white, if the background is.
      02:07, 16 December 2014
    • Tzvi
      CzechOut, thank you for taking care of it, and also thank you for all that you do here.
      05:06, 16 December 2014
    • CzechOut
      That's awfully kind of you. Thank you very much for attempting to solve it yourself. You were working along the right lines, but this place has, in some places, insanely complicated CSS. The front page is one of those places, so you can't at all be blamed for not understanding the precise interactions between several separate style sheets. Please keep on reporting what problems you find!
      05:29, 16 December 2014
    • Tzvi
      I wasn't so much looking to fix it and more to just make it work so that the text could be read until somebody else came along and fixed it the proper way. Sorta like putting a spare tire on a car, its not a fix, but something to tide you over until you can get a new tire.

      As the Doctor recently put it, I'm just "Passing through, helping out, learning."

      06:09, 16 December 2014
      Edited 06:11 16 December 2014

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167688
    Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/My opinion: too many advertisements" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Main Page - New Design Issue".

    I am all for generating maintenance revenue, but I feel the sheer quantity of ads on every page is a let down.

    03:37, 21 December 2014
    Edited 21:09, 24 February 2015
    • Shambala108
      That's not something we as a wiki can control; it's in the hands of Wikia.

      However, you can control it — by registering for an account. If you are signed in as a registered user, you only see ads on the main front page.

      03:56, 21 December 2014
      Ok, i was unaware. I will do that; thanks for the advice.
      00:56, 22 December 2014

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167751
    Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Would this be helpful?" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/My opinion: too many advertisements".

    A list of topics and quotes from books and comics for some of the stuff for Doctor Who?

    17:01, 22 December 2014
    • PicassoAndPringles
      On this wiki, only stories are valid sources. We don't use reference books or encyclopedias, and especially not forum posts. Looking at this, it seems to be a collection of quotes from novels and reference books with a good amount of speculation thrown in, and some of it is factually incorrect. Ultimately, our articles should be based off the stories, not what a forum post said about a story.
      20:41, 22 December 2014
    In addition, this particular board (A new Tardis, at last) is dedicated to discussing the major changes being done to the wiki. Therefore, this thread will be closed.
    20:58, 22 December 2014

    Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167765
    Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Searching for the search bar..." overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Would this be helpful?".

    I'm a recreational user... I visit whenever my curiosity is tickled.

    I like the new layout (the home page looks nice), and even the article pages are nice.

    My biggest problem: trying to find the search bar. One the home screen, it's at the top of the screen, apart from the actual page, part of the "wikia" menu bar. It's primarily gray, which to me symbolizes "not available" or "we want you to ignore this".

    Hmm... checking Memory Alpha, it has the same problem. Guess someone should slap the Wiki Wizards around, or at least allow each wiki to insert a secondary search field within the Wiki's design.

    23:10, 22 December 2014

      Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167766


      I'm a recreational user... I visit whenever my curiosity is tickled.

      I like the new layout (the home page looks nice), and even the article pages are nice.

      My biggest problem: trying to find the search bar. One the home screen, it's at the top of the screen, apart from the actual page, part of the "wikia" menu bar. It's primarily gray, which to me symbolizes "not available" or "we want you to ignore this".

      Hmm... checking Memory Alpha, it has the same problem. Guess someone should slap the Wiki Wizards around, or at least allow each wiki to insert a secondary search field within the Wiki's design.

      23:20, 22 December 2014
      Edited by CzechOut 21:07, 24 February 2015
      • CzechOut
        Here's a little pro-tip for you. :) On almost any page of the wikia, hit tab twice, and you'll be able to type in the search bar.
        03:07, 24 December 2014

      Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167771

      Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/hidden hyperlinks" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Searching for the search bar...".


      It's hard to discern, visually, which text is hyperlinked.

      This is a problem even with the ad-less, stark white background.

      The color of the hyperlink is too similar to the color of the regular text. #012c57 (very dark blue) vs #3a3a3a (very dark grey).

      Perhaps a TARDIS Blue background, with white text and colored hyperlinks? (Memory Alpha uses a similar design.)

      23:52, 22 December 2014
      Edited by CzechOut 21:06, 24 February 2015
      • Digifiend
        Seconded, change the link colour please.
        02:40, 25 December 2014

      Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:167794

      Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/"Must Watch Videos" is annoying" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/hidden hyperlinks".

      This isn't so much a problem and more of a 'complaint'. At first I thought it was a bug, so I used the "feedback" form and was contacted by a really nice person from support who told me it was intentional.

      I love the new design, but I really dislike the "must watch videos" showing up in the middle of each page. Although they're all Doctor Who related, I don't really care to have a bunch of Eleventh Doctor videos 'in the way' when I'm trying to read about Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks (novelisation). I understand this was done so you could eliminate the side bar, but could they possibly be moved elsewhere on the page?

      Does this annoy anyone else, or is it just me being piddly?

      15:16, 23 December 2014
      Edited by CzechOut 21:06, 24 February 2015
        I agree. They could at least do dalek videos featuring the First Doctor. Maybe a scene from 'The Survivors'?
        20:03, 23 December 2014
        Why is my reply in wikicode, or whatever it's called?
        20:03, 23 December 2014
        It's also very confusing, as it looks like the end of the page.
        20:06, 23 December 2014
      • Regos Krang
        I agree. It's annoying, interrupts the page, seems intrusive. I wouldn't mind if it were simply eliminated.
        23:02, 23 December 2014
      • Shambala108
        I agree as well. It was fine when they were on the side of the page; if a user was interested, they were easy to find but not in the way of users who weren't interested. Now they are smack dab in the middle of the page, sometimes on top of all content.

        Like many of the other new design features, this one creates more work for users.

        00:20, 24 December 2014
      • Tangerineduel
        Indeed, I echo Shambala108's thoughts. Their placement in the middle of the articles interrupts the reading experience. It's quite a jarring experience when you're reading through an article.

        Especially on the in-universe pages where you're 'in the moment, in-universe' then suddenly "Must Watch Videos" in huge text interrupting you.

        06:44, 24 December 2014
      • BoatsAreRockable
        Perhaps the must watch videos module could be placed after the categories at the bottom of the page.
        17:49, 24 December 2014
      • Digifiend wrote: Why is my reply in wikicode, or whatever it's called?

        Extra space at the start of your reply. If you'd been logged in, you would've been able to edit and fix it. Get an account!

        As for Must Watch Videos, I have this module deleted by personal global CSS, but it has no effect on the new skin. I already hated it, and it's even worse now it interrupts articles.

        02:37, 25 December 2014
        Edited 02:38 25 December 2014
        Edited 02:39 25 December 2014

      Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:168143
      Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/crashes ipad browsers" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/"Must Watch Videos" is annoying".

      The new design fails to load in Chrome and Safari on my iPad. The browsers lock and must be terminated. Works OK on MacBook, although noticeably slow. I like the look and menus of the redesign, but I think its bloated with ads and popups that bog it down.

      20:24, 29 December 2014
      Edited 21:02, 24 February 2015
      • CzechOut
        Could you please specify which iOS version you're talking about?
        00:32, 6 January 2015
        iOS 8
        00:47, 11 January 2015
      • CzechOut
        It's still doing this to you? I'm having a hard time replicating. Are you on 8.1.2? Also, what version of OS X are you running that's "noticeably slower". I'm on this site every day in both iOS and OS X and I'm both genuinely concerned about your comments and unable to notice the problem.

        Just to make sure we're covering all the bases here, let's make sure that you:

        • are on iOS 8.1.2 and OS X 10.10.1
        • have completely powered down your machines and then turned them back on (not just restarted them, but actually started them from a point of being completely turned off)
        • are loading pages that are of roughly comparable size and noticing significant slowness on our side — so try getting a load time for Eleventh Doctor and for starwars:Yoda and muppet:Kermit.
        06:10, 11 January 2015
        Sorry to not get back to you. I don't check here that often. I'm going to amend my comments.

        I've discovered that it doesn't actually crash, it just takes SO LONG to load that I thought it had. The main page,, loads quickly. But several subpages do not. One I used to frequent was the episode list, That can take over three minutes. I thought it had crashed.

        The problem is now only in Chrome on iPad. I had tested it before with Safari. I swear it didn't work before, but now it does. Anyway, bottom line -- some pages take way to long in Chrome on iPad.

        My iPad is iOS 8.1.2.

        18:26, 17 January 2015
      • CzechOut
        I can confirm your findings, at least inasmuch as Chrome is concerned. I, too, am having issues with that page on both an iPhone and iPad, and using the latest version of Chrome. To my inexpert eye, this appears to be a flaw in the Article Prototype — but only on some of our largest pages —  as I'm unable to reproduce elsewhere. I'm not having problems in Chrome on other large pages on Wikia like starwars:yoda. Can you confirm that the Yoda pages loads reasonably well for you in Chrome?

        I have added my findings to yours and passed them on to our Engineering department for further review. Thanks very much for coming back every so often to give further information — it really helped!

        In the meantime, I recommended that you just switch back to Safari. I'm not seeing unbearable waits — and certainly not wholesale program failure — in Safari for iOS — though I have latter day models of each.

        Thank you again for giving us good, solid help in making our new article design better!

        06:00, 28 January 2015
        Good news bad news. The page on the Star Wars wiki loaded fine in Chrome on iOS.

        However, on this page the reply button was dead. I tried it in Chrome and Safari on iOS. I had to go to Chrome on my Mac Laptop to post this.

        12:09, 29 January 2015

      Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:168222

      Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/"Must Watch Videos" section" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/crashes ipad browsers".

      I don't exactly know why, but at Boemina, the article content is shifted below the "Must Watch Videos" section, resulting in a large blank space between the article title and the "Must Watch Videos" section.

      I don't know if the same problem affects any other pages though.

      03:38, 31 December 2014
      Edited by CzechOut 21:05, 24 February 2015

      Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:168444

      Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Why fix what wasn't broken?" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/"Must Watch Videos" section".

      The title of the thread pretty much sums it up. Maybe on the architecture side there were things that weren't working properly, but I've had nothing but problems with this site since the redesign. It's harder to navigate, ugly as Strax, and as I've noted in the "Tardis to be rebuilt" thread certain features have become impossible to find, including what I consider to be vital items such as Talk Pages and Page History. I'm all for improvements, but I've yet to actually find any in the redesign. If you're taking a vote, mine is for a revert to the previous version.

      15:16, 5 January 2015
      Edited by CzechOut 20:58, 24 February 2015
      • Shambala108
        You hit the nail on the head. Almost every "improvement" that's been made involves more work for the user. Things are harder to find — icons are harder to decipher than words — and previously simple one-click functions now require a hovering, then a click.

        Pages with infoboxes also look odd, as the infoboxes are well down the page and the user needs to scroll down just to see the entire thing.

        15:56, 5 January 2015
      • Revanvolatrelundar
        I perfectly agree here also. I've found that most infoboxes are almost cut off entirely. The first thing I thought of was my screen resolution, but finding that it was a very common 720p resolution it can hardly be the fault of my computer.

        One thing that has disappeared altogether (from what I can see) is the page count of the wiki, and that of the photos also. By clicking on any article it used to give me the number. It's hardly the most important thing, but it was nice to have it there.

        16:15, 5 January 2015
        Edited 16:15 5 January 2015
      • CzechOut
        Hey guys :) Thanks for all the feedback. The infobox issues — particularly those being caused by Recent Wiki Activity pushing them down — are definitely an ongoing area of concern and something we're working on. Let me leave those one side for a moment and instead concentrate on this issue of things being impossible to find.

        When I even barely touch the edit pencil on what we'll call the "left rail", I immediately see a menu, and I gotta say I've never been particularly confused by where things are. Is that pop up menu not popping up for you so immediately?

        I understand, Shambala, that it's another step, and one you might not want to take, but since it pops up if my mouse so much as breathes on it, I'm not sure I see that it makes things "impossible to find", as 23skidoo has said. If you could develop your concerns about the left rail icons, it'd be very helpful.

        By the way, I should point out why this left rail pencil icon works as it does. It's because more of our traffic is working on touch devices. In a touch environment, hitting the down arrow chevron of the old edit menu is challenging. Many people using touchscreen had a devil of a time finding, for example, page history because they just couldn't trigger the edit menu. This method gives them a bigger target to hit with their fingers, and thus a much better success rate at finding all the stuff under the edit menu.

        16:25, 6 January 2015
      • Shambala108
        Ok, specific concerns, here goes:

        As User:Rob T Firefly stated in another thread, why do the 4 social network icons get their own button, but the more important functions need a hover (or in the case of page history and what links here, two hovers)? Are the social network functions really used more than the edit and talk page functions?

        The table of contents icon is poorly placed. If there's no TOC, the pencil icon is on top, but if there is a TOC, its icon is on top. Also, aside from the fact that you need a hover (or series of hovers) to get to a specific location on the TOC, you can no longer get a look at the entire TOC in one glance.

        I get what you're saying about the touch devices (though I often edit on my ipad, and I've always found the hovers more of a pain than the clicks), but most of the improvements just cause more work. For those of us with thousands or tens of thousands of edits, it will take a while to make new habits, and for new users, who might already be unfamiliar with how to edit on a wiki, it seems like it's just more confusing having to decipher icons that are not really intuitive.

        I understand that a lot of hard work went into these changes, and that it can be frustrating to hear nothing but negative, but it's also frustrating to be used to doing things a certain way then have to make changes.

        I do like two of the new features, though they cause more work as well. The larger font size is much easier for old eyes to read, and I like the hide function for the longer infoboxes. This will hopefully help keep our story articles from looking awful.

        16:50, 6 January 2015
      • CzechOut

        Shambala108 wrote:

        As User:Rob T Firefly stated in another thread, why do the 4 social network icons get their own button, but the more important functions need a hover (or in the case of page history and what links here, two hovers)? Are the social network functions really used more than the edit and talk page functions?

        Rob is a little off in his assessment of what's going on with this — though completely understandably so. In fact, social icons do roll up into a "master social icon" once you start interacting with the page. The individual platform icons only appear on first page load. Please see Thread:167236#55 for an illustrated demonstration of the functionality.

        The table of contents icon is poorly placed. If there's no TOC, the pencil icon is on top, but if there is a TOC, its icon is on top. Also, aside from the fact that you need a hover (or series of hovers) to get to a specific location on the TOC, you can no longer get a look at the entire TOC in one glance.

        Good point. I'll be passing that one along.

        I get what you're saying about the touch devices (though I often edit on my ipad, and I've always found the hovers more of a pain than the clicks), but most of the improvements just cause more work. For those of us with thousands or tens of thousands of edits, it will take a while to make new habits, and for new users, who might already be unfamiliar with how to edit on a wiki, it seems like it's just more confusing having to decipher icons that are not really intuitive.

        I've already filed a report based upon the comments in this thread. However, i'm not entirely sure I agree with you that the icons are wholly arcane or counterintuitive. I think most people are trained by everyday use of mobile devices that a gear icon means "preferences", of one kind or another, and that a pencil means "edit", and that a box with an arrow coming out of it means "share", in some way or another. Still, it probably is less than ideal that the pencil seems to mean one thing at the sectional level and another in the left nav.

        I understand that a lot of hard work went into these changes, and that it can be frustrating to hear nothing but negative, but it's also frustrating to be used to doing things a certain way then have to make changes.

        No, I think it's much better to hear something than for these changes to just go through on the nod. All this feedback is helping!

        17:55, 6 January 2015
      • Rob T Firefly
        Why not just start with the single master social icon in the collapsed state and leave it at that? Is the ability to spam Reddit or Twitter or whatever with one less hover-click that much more important than the ability to productively contribute to and maintain the wiki?
        20:35, 20 January 2015
        Edited 20:35 20 January 2015
      • CzechOut
        How does very temporarily having a few more circles on the left side of the page prevent you from productively contributing to the wiki? When I look at them I see them operating in a protected column on the left side of the page, and they don't interfere with reading the text or editing the page.

        I would only say that they help me in terms of productively contributing to the wiki because they help me drive traffic to the site by making Tweeting a lot easier. I mean, if no one is here to read these articles, there's not a whole lot of point to the exercise, is there?

        01:25, 23 January 2015
      • Revanvolatrelundar
        The massive video links in the middle of articles make it hard to read articles as they are placed slap-bang in the middle of sections.
        20:47, 3 February 2015
      • LelalMekha
        I realize this "battle" is lost, since touch devices and social media features seem to be the future of wikias -- regardless of how much it displeases me. I mean no offense against you, CzechOut, or any other person who's working on this, but I needed to express my disapproval of that new direction, just for the sake of honesty. Of course, I'm a defector from Wookieepedia, where editors have remained much more conservative than on many other wikias. While I do think the new Tardis is harder to use and not really "good-looking," I shall abide by the community decision and get used to it. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Once again, I'd like to stress that you guys are working hard on that redesign, and are to be commended for all those efforts, regardless of my disliking that new direction.
        11:34, 4 February 2015

        LelalMekha wrote: I realize this "battle" is lost, since touch devices and social media features seem to be the future of wikias -- regardless of how much it displeases me.

        The irony is that in my experience it is actually very difficult, and in some cases actually impossible, to add new text to sites like Wikia using a mobile device. I have tried on both iPad and iPhone and it just doesn't work. There's a site called that hides spoilers using special coding and in order to view it you need to highlight the text. You can't highlight very easily with the on-screen keypad. So it's one thing to redesign yourself for people who are content to just read and not contribute, but for those who want to contribute, they're the ones being penalized with these types of updates. (I'm talking in general terms and not addressing a specific change to this wiki.) I'm only contributing to this discussion, for example, because I'm able to use a proper computer with a proper keyboard and a 24-inch HD screen.

        15:07, 4 February 2015

      Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:168623

      Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Stub templates" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Why fix what wasn't broken?".

      Hey guys :)

      One of the problems with our design that Article Prototype is highlighting is the fact that our vast sea of stub templates — and things that are similar to stub templates like {{lock}} and {{ImageLink}} – are not behaving well because of their placement in any particular page's code code. Sometimes people put {{stub}} on the first line, sometimes the last, and still others at different places in the middle. This wasn't so disastrous in Oasis, but in the Article Prototype, it's perfectly obvious that these tags aren't in standard places.

      Thus I'm having to make truly gargantuan bot runs that basically stop on every page of the wiki to replace the template with a similarly-named category, so that I can then go back and place each template at a more precise location in the code.

      The practical upshot is that all these tophat templates will be in flux for a few days. Please do not delete these oddly named categories. I'll be taking care of that in a later bot run. Thanks for your understanding. :)

      11:29, 9 January 2015
      Edited 21:04, 24 February 2015

        Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:168643

        Regos Krang
        Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Colours, Infoboxes" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Stub templates".

        Thanks for the new colour scheme, it's (generally) a vast improvement. However, now that links are a very nice light-blue, they are hard to see against the whitish background of the Infobox. I am still in favour of eliminating the "SEE MORE" and having longer Infoboxes, but I do understand that not everyone favours this. And I suppose you will have noticed that the new colours render this post itself very very difficult to read.

        23:52, 9 January 2015
        Edited 23:54, 9 January 2015
        Edited 23:55, 9 January 2015
        Edited by CzechOut 05:58, 11 January 2015
        • Gokyr586
          Hmm...for whatever reason, the forum still uses the old theme while the rest of the wiki uses the new one...
          02:23, 10 January 2015
        • Snow pea lover 100
          Yes I understand it is hard to read your post.
          03:15, 10 January 2015

        Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:168660

        Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Link colors are impossible to read and other color issues" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Colours, Infoboxes".

        It looks like a change was made to the colors and now it's almost impossible to read many of the links on many pages because of the colors. For example the list of all of the Doctor Who serials - I can hardly see any of them. The article pages are all blue instead of white which makes it harder to read the text as well. Please change it back....

        09:45, 10 January 2015
        Edited 05:57, 11 January 2015
          I agree. These colors are terrible for reading.
          00:49, 11 January 2015

        Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:168685

        Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Local styling changing" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Link colors are impossible to read and other color issues".

        Hey everyone :)

        As some of you have already noted, the colour styling isi a bit off this weekend. That's because I'm actively trying to reclaim our basic commitment to a Tardis blue design, and to address some of the more basic concerns that were expressed when we were using the completely out-of-the box design. One of the biggest complaints was that links were unnoticeable. And that's really a local problem, more than a fault of Wikia's Article Prototype.

        The problem I've found is that, since this is truly a prototype, it's only active in a single namespace. That means that changes I've made with universal CSS selectors are doing one thing on article pages, and quite another on every other type of page, like these forum spaces.

        So for a few days, your indulgence will be greatly appreciated. Obviously, legibility is an extremely important issue, and it's one that has a very high priority here at Tardis.

        05:54, 11 January 2015
        Edited 05:55, 11 January 2015
        Edited 21:02, 24 February 2015
        • Kirby128
          Try making the links green, yellow, orange, or some other color that contrasts well with blue (other than red or white).
          17:21, 11 January 2015
        • Ashadj
          The doctor who logo or a reddish, purple and blue colour.
          19:10, 14 January 2015
        • Глючарина
          Your changes seem to have broken monobook. Articles in main namespace are all now in this painfully ugly standard design.

          Could you please fix it back?

          20:23, 31 January 2015

        Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:168730

        Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Firefox hangs on large pages" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Local styling changing".

        I'm seeing a brief hang of my browser (beachballing etc) under Firefox 34 on Mac OSX 10.9. CPU usage jumps to about 90% during this brief hang which lasts a second or three.

        I can replicate the similar CPU usage with Opera 26.0, Yandex 14.12, SeaMonkey 2.31 and Sleipnir 4.5.1

        I can’t replicate it in Safari 7.1.2

        Only in Firefox do I actually experience a brief beachballing within Firefox.

        This only seems to happen on significantly sized pages, I see it especially on TV story pages.

        12:44, 12 January 2015
        Edited by CzechOut 15:15, 16 January 2015
        Edited by CzechOut 15:20, 16 January 2015
        Edited by CzechOut 21:03, 24 February 2015
        • CzechOut
          Hmmmm. At first, I thought this was a remnant of the problem we had in 2014 with Mavericks. Safari 7.0.1-7.1 had a real problem with our largest pages, but that was — as you've noted — solved with 7.1.

          And Firefox 34.0.5 is not the current version of FF, so I thought maybe that was the problem.

          But after some testing, I can confirm your weird results in FF 35 under Yosemite.

          It does seem to have something to do with page size, and it also seems to be something to do with the Article Prototype; similarly-sizeed articles on standard Oasis wikis, like starwars:Yoda are not having a problem in Firefox.

          Are you also getting a non-responsive script error box?

          07:37, 15 January 2015
        • CzechOut
          This issue is currently under review by people further up the Wikia chain of engineering command than me. We've now got multiple reports of similar results. Thanks to Tangerineduel for tipping us off on this one!

          For other Tardis community members reading this, I do want to clarify that the issue is not Mac only. We're now seeing similar results in Firefox for Windows and Linux. It's also very important to note that this is not a generalised Wikia issue. Firefox works fine on over 99% of the network. Remember that we're running an article prototype here at Tardis, and — as with all things pre-alpha — some bugs are likely to be running around.

          A temporary workaround here at Tardis is simply to use Chrome or, if on a Mac, Safari.

          I'll advise when the issue appears to be resolved, but my guess is that those who follow Wikia's weekly technical update blogs might hear more about this issue there, as well.

          in the meantime, we at Tardis and Wikia apologise for this temporary inconvenience, and we thank you for joining us on this voyage of technical discovery!

          15:15, 16 January 2015
          Edited 15:19 16 January 2015
          Edited 15:21 16 January 2015
        • DirectWest17
          Thanks to you to. :)
          17:10, 21 January 2015

        Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY XXXXXX User:SOTO/Forum Test/A new Tardis, at last/Thread:169072

        Warning: Display title "A new Tardis, at last/Table of Contents, Edit, Tools icons disappear?" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Firefox hangs on large pages".

        When I start scrolling down a page those left side icons Table of Contents, Edit, Tools icons disappear and the only way to get them back is to refresh the page. Is this intentional? I'm on Firefox with a OS X Yosemite.

        20:28, 19 January 2015
        Edited 21:03, 24 February 2015
        • PicassoAndPringles
          I was having this issue before and some investigation showed it to be an Adblock problem. You can either disable the Antisocial filter list in options or disable adblock on Wikia.
          21:33, 19 January 2015

        Category:SOTO archive threads YYYYYY Warning: Display title "User:SOTO/Forum Archive/A new Tardis, at last" overrides earlier display title "A new Tardis, at last/Table of Contents, Edit, Tools icons disappear?".