A new Tardis, at last/Tardis to be rebuilt

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

Hey everyone :)

Those who have been around this community for a while know that Christmas is a time of change more than tradition. Since the holidays are when one tends to get brand new Doctors, it makes sense that we at Tardis view it as a time of renewal, as well.

In past Decembers we've:

  • given holiday amnesties to our entire block list
  • introduced this particular style of forum
  • added new admin
  • come up with major CSS overhauls

This year will be no different. Not only are we nominating a new admin (more about that later), but we're also going to be an early adopter of the new article layout that most of Wikia won't see until sometime in 2015.

As this community experienced back in 2010 when the current Wikia skin first went online, it is simply much better and more productive to get out in front of these major code overhauls than it is to sit back and wait.

It gives us a chance as a community actually affect code design — as we did with the development of these very forums.

So, sometime probably tomorrow we'll see the new article design kick in. At some point over the next little bit, most of the CSS and JS for tardis will be stripped way, way back. Some things may not work as expected, and there may be a period where we have a "naked" version of Wikia/Oasis while we await the new layout.

It may take us a few weeks to get everything sorted and working. But it'll take a lot less time if you use this particular forum, Board:A new Tardis, at last, to describe things you don't like, or comment upon things you do.

Tardis has always been a community at the forefront of change here at Wikia, and I have no doubt this new phase of Wikia development will leave us a more attractive, consistently-coded site.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below. :)