User:SOTO/Forum Archive/A new Tardis, at last/@comment-

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

I can confirm your findings, at least inasmuch as Chrome is concerned. I, too, am having issues with that page on both an iPhone and iPad, and using the latest version of Chrome. To my inexpert eye, this appears to be a flaw in the Article Prototype — but only on some of our largest pages —  as I'm unable to reproduce elsewhere. I'm not having problems in Chrome on other large pages on Wikia like starwars:yoda. Can you confirm that the Yoda pages loads reasonably well for you in Chrome?

I have added my findings to yours and passed them on to our Engineering department for further review. Thanks very much for coming back every so often to give further information — it really helped!

In the meantime, I recommended that you just switch back to Safari. I'm not seeing unbearable waits — and certainly not wholesale program failure — in Safari for iOS — though I have latter day models of each.

Thank you again for giving us good, solid help in making our new article design better!