The Reference Desk/I think I may have slipped up in my Doctor Whoah! coverage...

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

While doing the pages for the Doctor Whoah! strips, I've been doing so primarily using my copy of Whoah! as a guide. When it comes to documenting what strips appeared in what issue, all I knew when going in was that the first strip was published in DWM 369 and, since the collection does not make any mention of what issue each strip was in, I had to use the first strip as a basis and effectively "guess" what issues had which strip.

But I knew from the beginning that a certain problem was going to arise from doing it this way: I am unable to account for any issues where the strip doesn't feature for whatever reason. And I believe I have finally reached that point...

The most recent strip that I have made a page for parodies the climax of The Eleventh Hour. I currently have the strip documented as being released in DWM 420 (which is reflected in the title), but I realised this does not line up with the issue's release date, which was a whole three days before TEH premiered (and I know the strip would never parody a scene that hasn't been released yet). The only possible explanation is that I have, indeed, become de-synched somewhere.

What do I do? Is anyone able to give me a proper issue-by-issue guide for the strips to work with?