User talk:JDPManjoume/Archive 1

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• JDPManjoume •

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RE: Thanks[[edit source]]

Not a problem at all :) LauraBatham 02:14, August 31, 2020 (UTC)

Re: The Mission of Doom[[edit source]]

Huh! Interesting. Yeah, all I knew was the idea that it was supposed to be "a third Dalek movie" in its creator's mind and that it had the movie Daleks in it — I wasn't actually sure any Doctor played a part in it, whether Cushing-slanted or otherwise.

Looking forward to that documentary, do tell me when and where I can watch it!--Scrooge MacDuck 00:39, September 2, 2020 (UTC)

Doctor Who Confidential[[edit source]]

Hi, I just wanted to drop by and commend you for your work on our Doctor Who Confidential articles. You have decreased the amount of "Confidential stubs" by over 50 percent. Keep it up! --Borisashton 20:05, September 8, 2020 (UTC)

Class timeline[[edit source]]

Hi again. Once again, I'd like to compliment you on your work on the Class timeline. I've added the specific dates for The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo and Nightvisiting by copying the rationales from the story pages. It might help pin down some specific dates for the books and the audios since they are all set within such a small timeframe. Best wishes, --Borisashton 21:07, September 19, 2020 (UTC)

Yeah, I guess you could push Nightvisiting forward by a week if you take the "this month" comment to mean 28 days and not October but it is difficult if they contradict each other. Good luck anyway, I've only seen the TV stuff so can't help you. --Borisashton 22:35, September 19, 2020 (UTC)

Time Scope[[edit source]]

Great to know a Time Scope author! Which story was yours? And what name were you credited under? ;) – n8 () 23:34, 10 March 2021 (UTC)

LGBTQ+ and PoC categories[[edit source]]

Hey, if you didn't know already, there are two in-universe categories related to this, being Category:Non-heterosexual individuals and Category:Non-cisgender individuals.

11:02, 20 May 2021 (UTC)

Re: Queries[[edit source]]

Both interesting "legal puzzles"!

T:NO SELF REF is only a part of the Wiki's policies for out-of-universe sources, so we needn't focus on T:NO SELF REF specifically. The section of Tardis:Valid sources dealing with untrustworthy real-world sources is quite vague, and is built more with Doctor Who-focused reference sources in mind than biographical information about tangentially-connected real-world individuals; however, it does make mention of…

(…) sites which are "forbidden" because of their fan involvement and lack of intellectual rigourT:VS

I think it is quite easy to discount that fan-club website based on those broad criteria and the circumstantial evidence you have uncovered.

For the record, however, I don't believe that "The third-party source got their information from the individual themselves" is in general a situation that should be rounded down to being in violation of T:NO SELF REF. The truth is that most "reliable" biographers will in large part get their information from the horse's mouth. The reliable secondary source's role is to double-check this information's basic accuracy, but that does not change the fact that information ultimately traced back to testimony from the individual involved is not, and indeed, cannot always be held to be in violation of T:NO SELF REF.

…Now as to the second query: I'm afraid another thread/decision would be neated to implement such categories. I sadly cannot include direct quotes due to the Forums' present state of, er, non-existence — but the mood in the original thread that led to the creation of the in-universe category was actually that such categories for real-world individuals would be a very bad idea due to the potential for misuse, and the general trickiness of applying labels to real-world people. That refusal to create the real-world categories is not necessarily the final word on the matter — but it was where discussion left off the right time it came up, so T:BOUND applies, I'm afraid. Scrooge MacDuck 03:08, 16 July 2021 (UTC)

Ah, I see. I've removed the statement again — I hadn't clocked that whether the thing exists at all was in question. (Fitting for the Burton Doctor, though, eh?)
Also, have just glanced at your "threads to have in the future" user page — don't forget you can also add stuff to User:Najawin/Sandbox 5! And at any rate, I'm personally not convinced there's a sensible way to implement the PoC categories, whether in- or out-of-universe. With the "queer individuals" categories we could be reasonably objective by resorting to "non-heterosexual" and "non-cis", but I don't think "non-white" would be any less blurry than the alternative… Just a puzzle to highlight the kinds of difficult lines in the sand we'd have to draw: was Sacha Dhawan the "first PoC Master", or was the Hispanic Roger Delgado? Scrooge MacDuck 13:01, 16 July 2021 (UTC)

Prefixes & the Two Shadas[[edit source]]

Just saw your many additions to User:Najawin/Sandbox 5! Among them, I have some counter-proposals to your idea to retain WC as a legacy prefix, which would provide an alternative answer to the Shada conundrum. Namely, I contend that we should actually introduce a new prefix: [[CARTOON]], or something of the kind. In other words, rather than focus on something as increasingly blurry as the method of first release, we should concern ourselves with something's actual medium/format, and that might mean separating live-action from animation. Retaining TV for live-action (whether televised, webcast, or home-video), we'd get TV: Shada for the version primarily featuring live-action footage of Baker, and CARTOON: Shada for the McGann animation. This would likely mean reclassifying The Infinite Quest and Dreamland, of course, and the prefix could also be used for animated recons if and when we decide on a special way of citing them vs. the missing live-action originals. Scrooge MacDuck 02:31, 18 July 2021 (UTC)

Varnas[[edit source]]

Hmm. Yeah, that definitely falls within T:NO SELF REF, and quite egregiously. That being said, I'd like to see if we can find proper sourcing for his information — heaven knows the "Antonio Amaral" page was at the centre of a bunch of drama and questions, but I don't recall sourcing being an issue, so I assume Cutaway themselves have an official list of their top-tier backers online somewhere? Could we check if Varnas is on it, and replace any self-referential citations with that?

(Once we have confirmation that Varnas does have a cameo, I think identifying him based on visual appearance is fine, if there are public photos of Varnas which allow the resemblance to be made apparent to an outside observer. Given that we have a solid credit for Eleanor Bron and John Cleese as "Art lovers" in City of Death we are allowed to draw our own conclusions about which of them is played by which actor, based on sheer common sense.)

At any rate, I'll definitely go have a word wit User:EpsilonGamma. Scrooge MacDuck 20:51, 27 August 2021 (UTC)

Re: Vitas Vernas[[edit source]]

Well, this issue of the two cameos of the same real world people thing has been brought up on Talk:Antonio Amaral - @Najawin brought to light a quote from Cutaway Comics explicitly stating that they were inserting the Kickstarter backers wholesale into their comics. Then Najawin brought up the point that there was precedent for conflating two individual cameos of a external character, for example Bart Simpson.

I think it's safe to say that these Kickstarter cameos are all meant to be the same person. It wouldn't particularly make a whole lot of sense to split them, anyway.

12:45, 28 August 2021 (UTC)

"Minyan immortality" could unfortunately just as easily be read as a mere geographical descriptor — immortaliy found on the planet Minyos (insofar as it is through images of scenes set on Minyos that the "immortality" would come about) rather than immortality as a Minyan. Furthermore, the phrasing "your chance to appear" seems to me like it can easily be read in support of "these are in-universe counterparts of the backers, not just random people with their faces" as the authorial intent. Scrooge MacDuck 17:53, 28 August 2021 (UTC)

David Sax[[edit source]]

Hey, just letting you know that I left a short message at Talk:Nicholas Briggs regarding the pseudonym of David Sax. Danochy 23:17, 29 August 2021 (UTC)

Non-heterosexual real world people[[edit source]]

Thanks for expanding the pages of people who identify as non-heterosexual. But why are you referring to still living people in the past tense? We only do that with people who are deceased.BastianBalthazarBux 15:27, 8 February 2022 (UTC)

I can see where you're coming from but I still find it odd referring to living people as if they are no longer with us. I always use present tense when writing about them and have never run into any problems. BastianBalthazarBux 16:39, 8 February 2022 (UTC)

Re: Precedent re. tenses for Personal Life[[edit source]]

Hello. As I understand it, all articles should be written in past tense (except for Doctor Who for some reason). For example, "The Third Doctor Adventures was an audio series produced by Big Finish Productions" even though it's ongoing, Jodie Whittaker "played the Thirteenth Doctor" when she's still in the role, "Chris Dale was an actor" when he isn't dead, David Warwick "was married to Leela actress Louise Jameson" when they're still married, etc.

Looking into it, though, this no longer seems to be enforced and some actors' pages are in present tense (Mandip Gill, David Richardson and Nev Fountain for example) and, in any case, I'm planning on bringing up the issue if the forums ever return. It's often brought up on Twitter how having the actors' pages in past tense implies that their dead.

Given the inconsistency, I wouldn't be offended if you reverted my edits and/or asked an admin about it. Jack "BtR" Saxon 17:42, 8 February 2022 (UTC)

Just to weigh in with my thoughts, I think we should write in present tense for living people. Past tense just confuses things unnecessarily and might even upset people if they stumble upon an article here and come away thinking an actor they like might be dead. Not to mention the "Bury Your Gays" trope that we shouldn't be playing into, even if unintentionally. BastianBalthazarBux 19:53, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
Burying Your Gays is entirely and completely irrelevant, but I agree that out of universe articles should be written in present tense. That's something that needs to be discussed on the forums, I imagine Jack "BtR" Saxon 20:17, 8 February 2022 (UTC)
You're right. I shouldn't have mentioned it. BastianBalthazarBux 20:21, 8 February 2022 (UTC)

RE: Sandboxing[[edit source]]

Hi! Thank you! I'm new to the Doctor Who wiki of course, and didn't know about Sandboxing! Is there a way to move my list in there? The chronological page at the moment is more story than clear watching list, which is what I was trying to write there.

I haven't been on fandom wiki for a long time, and even then only on the Skulduggery Pleasant pages. You're very good to message, thank you again. Finding my feet.


Thank You[[edit source]]

Genuinely, I appreciate it!

Editing tip[[edit source]]

Hi, I saw your recent edit summary at Queer representation in Doctor Who. If you are working on an overhaul of that page that will take place over several days, you can add the {{inuse}} template to the page to keep others from editing it while you're working on it. If you do use the template, make sure to remove it when you're done. Shambala108 03:30, 4 March 2022 (UTC)