
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

In 61 AD, the West Midlands was where the revolt of Boudicca, the English queen of Norfolk, was defeated by the Romans. (PROSE: Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia [+]Loading...["Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia (reference book)"])

By 2424, the Waste-Midlands was a location in England. The "gleaming towers" of Mancopolis were apparently visible from this area. (COMIC: Mancopolis (part two) [+]Loading...{"part":"Two","1":"Mancopolis (comic story)"})

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Waste-Midlands are clearly intended to be the future version of the West Midlands, however no DWU story has yet established the 21st century version of the location in-universe.