Women's Institute

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The Women's Institute (AUDIO: Brave New Town) - or WI - was a local organisation of women in the United Kingdom who came together to enjoy special activities, food and fellowship. Joan Redfern's Farringham-area WI once met to hear a lecture by Alexander Shuttleworth on the archaeology of bronze age Britain.

Beyond the academic discussions, the WI meetings were also naturally a haven for gossip. Redfern herself was the subject of some gossip from time to time. (PROSE: Prelude Human Nature)

The Tenth Doctor wanted to plant a Women's Institute flag on Earth's moon. (PROSE: I Am a Dalek)

Muriel Wilberforce served as the chairwoman of the Pease Pottage Women's Institute from 1922 until her death in 1964. (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors) Christine Bush belonged to the Institute in the 1980s. (PROSE: Business Unusual)

By 1965, there was a Women's Institute in Lower Burford, Herefordshire. (AUDIO: The Forgotten Village)

Two women from the Institute gave jam to Ro-Jedda. She proceeded to eat them as a threat to Tyler Steele. (AUDIO: Zero Hour)

In 2008, McCarthy, in answer to the Eighth Doctor's objections to his killing the Autons, said he didn't care if it was the Women's Institute that was coming. (AUDIO: Brave New Town)