World Wireless System

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World Wireless System

World Wireless System was Nikola Tesla's project. Wardenclyffe Power Plant Prototype was a part of it.

Nikola Tesla described this project as "a way for each of us to reach beyond our immediate sphere, to every corner of the Earth". His intention was to build a series of towers, similar to the one in Wardenclyffe. Each tower would pump millions of volt into the tunnel beneath it using a magnifying transformer. The current would race down through the Earth until it would reach the other side of the planet and then would bounce back. Then it would be channelled into the tower - wave after wave after wave - and up into the air, transmitting energy throughout the ether. Ryan Sinclair compared World Wireless System to Wi-Fi.

In 1903, Nikola Tesla presented his project to potential investors. Investors applaused as they observed the Niagara Generator working until Tesla said that he required an investment of 50000 dollars. They were unwilling to invest such ammount of money, with Mr Brady calling it a fairy tale.

A few years later, Wardenclyffe was turned down. Nikola Tesla wasn't able to empody his project, but, as the Thirteenth Doctor noted, his vision of wireless energy did happen and the idea of a connected world started from the World Wireless System project. (TV: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror)