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                                Chapter 1 Training
It is the year 1000000 the Earth is getting ready for war, the White droid electro guards are all making new weapons for their leader, Captain Anacaro with red armour.
‘Hey!’ said an electro guard ‘We are beginning to train the armies and we can’t loose.’ Captain Anacaro turned.
‘What about the ship were building you know Hacra?’ he said
‘Its finished.’ replied the electro guard. ‘We are still having trouble with the thundereal armies and were trying to train as fast as we can.’
Hacra was the biggest space cruiser in the galaxy it is the size of the sun, so big you could get lost in it. Captain Anacaro liked that it was fitted with telliporters and one hundred hangers and with about a trillion rooms.
‘This new ship is perfect.’ said a electro guard. ‘Wait I can see a small space cruiser 1000 meters away wait it’s the Ultimate canon we must train and quick it’s moving down so quick train the NHA or the National Human Army wants us to do it.’ all the soldiers went to training rooms 1-6000 because there were so many not all six billion electro guards but no were near the new human population that was sixty nine trillion so much they had to go to different planets. Training wasn’t hard for the electro guards, they didn’t have feelings because they were droids every 10 hours they needed more oil or they would stop moving and shut down.
‘Turn on the big switch for the factory.’ said Captain Anacaro. The electro guard went to the big hook like switch suddenly all the factory lights went on creating electro guards.
Back at the training rooms electro guards were throwing electro spears at thundereal guards caught as prisoners
‘Aaagggghhhhhrrrrr!’ they screamed. ‘Stop! No!’
The electro guards threw spears all over then started shooting stray laser fire all over by the next test they were all fine nobody was hurt. Now it was the super explode grenades electro guards couldn’t be hurt by grenades and the rooms were grenade proof. There was a big wave of explosions. Next there was flame thrower test the room was also fire proof it was actually everything proof. Next there was a flying test where all the electro guards had to fly through an asteroid field and only one crashed. They now got hard such as driving fifty foot out of control balls, flying old planes, jumping out of vehicles before they hit a rock, jet packing at top speed doing barrel roles and the hardest driving old cars what had wheels, their cars could fly driving old cars wasn’t so easy especially for a droid. They ha no idea why they needed old cars for a war. Captain Anacaro’s hands glowed red that meant they were done but how could they finish training they still had a week?
‘You will finish your training on the planet of Maralanga,’ said Captain Anacaro clicking the button to turn off the glow.
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Hacra had sent down the electro guards from above because it was too big to land on the planet. Maralanga was covered in constant snow because it was almost touching the side of the universe Hacra could get there in an hour because it had super fast light speed. The place was flooded with humans. ‘Hey,’ said an electro guard ‘I’ve heard this is the human emperor lives, John Skaro he lives in that floating tower.’ the army almost were almost hit by a car coming down from the sky. “Hey you broke the speed limit!” Said one of the people on land, as a police car came down from the sky as well but he could not fly back up landing softly in the snow. The electro guards continued.
‘How do we get up there?’ asked one of them. ‘Oh I remember!’ they headed to a bus and when they got in it flied right up to the levitating tower. Later the bus landed the tower had lots of computers it was the size of Hacra’s main hanger what was one km tall.
‘This must be base of the NHA.’ said an electro guard.
‘NHA!?’ said a tall man with blonde hair. ‘Were now the human empire after all the things we’ve done for you.’ The electro guards stopped moving all their helmet covers flashed red what meant they were confused.
‘That’s John Skaro.’ Said one of the electro guards as they went to the training rooms.
                        Chapter 2 the hidden files
The week had ended with war and the three armies the electro guards and the human empire were fighting the thundereal armies they had some planets Damhammer,
Rabadabadaba, Manray, Blumber, Yaba and Gouro. The electro guards and the humans owned Earth, Mars, Yellowbi, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and cattma.
The other planets were owned by other races such as green pigs. Later that week Hacra was exploring space and turned round to a planet it had stopped over it in case it crushed it. The electro guards were sent to the planet to join the war but when they come down it was peaceful. The planet was covered in flowers and gold. There was a building like the new empire state building in New new York. The electro guards had picked up a file from the flowers what seemed to be talking to them.
‘This folder is odd to us.’ said the red flower. ‘It was dumped there on my friend two years ago, by a blacked out figure that had long hair but I can’t see in colour because I’m just a flower.’ The electro guards closed the file and walked away to the tall building.
‘Bye!’ Said all the flowers at the same time waving their roots at them.
‘Password?’ said a voice at the building door.
‘Password!?’ said an electro guard ‘Were electro guards we don’t do passwords!’
‘Password Incorrect’ said the voice. The electro guard shot down the door with a time bomb making a Boom! They all survived. The sixty of them went in the burnt door. They must no have had good technology because there was a Green pig dead which meant he was saying it. At floor eighty they found another file and put them together and read: The green pigs.
The green pigs are a low technology but strong race in files they have hidden 6 if you have these two connected together you must find the last three this will help you to find the lo- the rest of the page was ripped off. The army couldn’t help but notice the note didn’t have any full stops.
‘What does this mean?’ said an electro guard as they picked up another one reading: Are you Lacka? ‘Who’s Lacka!?’ They left the building what some reason led in a cave but the flowers were still there “I thought we were in a some grassy hills.” Then the door disappeared. The cave seemed to have appeared on the place. ‘Hey! There’s a elevator!’ Said an electro guard pointing. They entered the lift it was quite big. The lift suddenly shot upwards.
The war was going wild stray lasers were shooting all over, the humans had a secret hide out 60 miles under Earth. But in Hacra matters were worse.
‘Captain Anacaro!’ said an electro guard running in the room. ‘That squad you sent down earlier haven’t come back!’  Captain Anacaro clicked a tracking device and some reason at the other side of the planet it said the electro guards were there. ‘Howdidtheyendupthere?’ said the electro guard not making a space. Two hours later the squad came in with now three files they fixed them with a fixing machine. The other file seemed blank.
‘Where did you find these?’ said Captain Anacaro as he read it. ‘What does this mean?’ The paper looked smudged. They turned it over and some words magically appeared and read: For the past 2000 years new planets have formed and here when different things started
Green pigs 4040
Yumers 8000
Skans 99999
Ggns 3000
Human empire 1000000
Electro guards 6000
Thundereal guards 999999
Lost town 1000 the rest was blank.
‘This must not be old.’ said an electro guard ‘But what’s the lost town?’
‘Just some sort of old town I guess.’ replied Captain Anacaro. ‘But no other type of robot or droid can read lucky we have reading chips.’ An electro guard looked.
‘We should be getting to Cattma so the humans can try and work this out.’ he said. The next second Hacra was off to the outer rim.
The planet was covered in water with paths in mid air they had most flying cars in the Milky Way and it also had most no propeller speed boats.
A motor bike with also no wheels came flying past the squad, the driver fell off and fell straight into the water and was eaten by some sharks. They came to a train with a loopy track. The train was fast it felt like it was going to disconnect but it was kept together by a force-field and they got there already.
‘Hey were with Captain Anacaro and were wondering if we have permission.’ said an electro guard as the door opened. They went through twenty two metallic passages. The squad came to a small room with some tellies off the machine gun cameras, there was a small key board and a small sign saying “Icra funda tupron capso bunnede” what meant in English ‘main control room sunder’s house.’
‘Hey, do you know what this is?’ said Captain Anacaro to a small black haired man. ‘Hmmm?’ he said. “You seem to have picked up the files, the secret files. These might look old but its sixty years old these are created by somebody who can see the future, somebody who can live millions of years a race we have not discovered.” The squad looked at him. “So just let me have them and I’ll give you them back after you’ve got the rest.” The squad waved and walked through the metal door.
                      Chapter 3 in the war
The war raged off Earth to Damhammer which was Cattma’s twin. Dammhammer was also a water planet but Cattma was secret. A huge space battle took place over Damhammer against Hacra and the ultimate cannon. Down on the planet was more stray lasers flying all over.
Some electro guards had broken down a door destroying the place like shooting the cameras, burning the place, shooting the fire extinguishers,  blowing up machines and much more.
“Try this door it might be the control room.” Said part of the squad. There was a big blast and the door went flying and smashed into the security computers. The electro guards came in with electro spears stabbing thundereal guards.
“Right Shut down the main controls.” Said an electro guard. They started to shoot the panels found a book and read:             Damhammer history
10000 founded by Ffla
100000 full technology
100100 speed boats
100200 cars
112799 flying cars
113000 made ultimate cannon
165678 made floating cities
“Well looks like every planet has history.” Said an electro guard
Some Thundereal guards had broken into Hacra, Captain Anacaro had come into a hanger full of spacecraft it was quite tall about 1 km tall it had a big force fielded window for the ships to come out of.
“Send all electro guards to the main hanger we are under attack repeat, we are under attack!” Said a voice. Twelve twenty soldier squads went down one hundred and ninety nine floors. Right then behind one of the squads appeared the same small black haired man they saw that day.
“Ah!” He said “We meet again my name is Hhura.”
“Well if you excuse us we have to sort out an attack.” Said an electro guard rubbing his memory chip.
“Well,” Said Hhura excitedly “I can help you, after all I have powers.” Suddenly some Thundereal guards came running down the corridor getting chased by some electro guards with grenades. The squad with Hhura went to the hanger equipped with rocket launchers.
“Open fire!” Said Hhura. The squad were blasting thousands of rockets at a Thundereal Carrier which exploded into small flakes of fire and the hanger’s sprinklers went off luckily everything was water-proof.
  Back on earth some troops were sent down to earth into the deep seas but these electro guards weren’t normal they were slightly different they were blue with some small propellers on their feet and they had special water guns they were designed for swimming. These special electro guards were sent down to help some Jelly divers. Jelly divers were small light blue creatures with a big defensive bubble round them. They needed help because the war was raging heavily under sea plus the Thundereal armies had dolphins they were angry because of there loss in Hacra. Some electro guards were finding out the Thundereal leader and they did, Humpa Cora he was the army’s only human. The electro guards had referred Humpa Cora to a fatty with no pants. Some squads had gone to a shop to get some equipment.
“Hello what do you want to buy?” Said a human behind the counter. The five squads wondered how he could breathe under water. 
“Well,” Said an electro guard. “We would like your army equipment, your finest army equipment.”
“Sure.” Said the man.
“How much does it cost?” Replied an electro guard.
“Well.” Said the man. “Droids like you can get it for just one hundred galactic credits.” The electro guards turned over to a list with the stuff they needed:
Space pants 2 credits
Rocket launcher 300 credits
Homing laser 0 credits
Homing cannon 0 credits
Laser machine gun 300 credits
Squeaky mustard 2 credits
Green marmalade 1 credit
Droid’s body Armour 30 credits
Force field chip 50 credits
“Hmmm?” Said an electro guard. “We’ll have a rocket launcher, a homing laser, a homing cannon, a laser machine gun and a force field chip, so six hundred and fifty credits?”
“No!” Said the man. “As I said only one hundred credits for droids so got one hundred?”
“Yes.” Said an electro guard. “Our leader, Captain Anacaro always gives us two thousand nine hundred and sixty two credits.”
The electro guards wouldn’t stop talking about the lost town. It seemed to spread about the galaxy. Some electro guards had pulled an old dinosaur skeleton out of the ground.
“Right,” Said Captain Anacaro “We have the technology to bring him back to life and making his skin grow back straight away.” The other soldiers didn’t know what he was talking about. Captain Anacaro got out a device and put it on the dinosaur skeleton carefully in case it fell to bits. The bones looked stronger, skin came out of nowhere and it was alive. It was a small meat eater
“Let’s call him Chopa, look at the chopping claws.” Said Captain Anacaro.
In space the war against Hacra and the Ultimate cannon raged deadly. A group of small electro guard fighters started shooting  on the Ultimate cannon’s shield generator what led with a big, BANG what made the shield disappear. Some Thundereal space cruisers turned to an electro guard space cruisers and blasted it to smithereens. Some electro guard space cruisers destroyed a small fleet of fighters coming to attack. Hacra had turned round and attacked thirty Thundereal cruisers. Suddenly a wave of cruisers made a whoosh of flames. In a electro guard fighter a transparent hologram of Captain Anacaro
“John Skaro has been caught,” He said “We must somehow rescue him he has been taken to Surahu, a Thundereal prison it is located in Saffmar, the far north. I am sending this message to every electro guard.” A laser went flying and hit the same electro guard listening to the message and let a big explosion killing the same Thundereal guard what hit him and the remains hit the Ultimate cannon then all the ships in the hanger exploded and caught the pipes leading to the main reactor and destroying it making ships fly all over destroying other ships in the way which led to disaster hitting satellites. All the electric on the planet started to turn off.
The zoo of Damhammer wasn’t going as good as thought. Some humans walked past a big cheetah like creature with brown hair what seemed to be talking not only talking, talking to a half hippo half seal.
“What’s wrong with the electric?” It asked
“Something about electro guards and Thundereal guards hitting the satellite and destroying our electric.” Replied the brown cheetah like creature. The tigers were screaming then a red bird with a few feathers it looked like a phoenix. Was it? It was. A phoenix was a mythical creature what was thought to be extinct but a phoenix was a rare type of bird what came from puiton a forest planet, their tears have healing powers and the come back to life from ashes. The phoenix seemed to be talking as well but in squawks
“(Squawk squawk!)” He yelled. He seemed to be auguring with the brown cheetah thing.
“Well Fire Phoenix,” replied the brown cheetah thing “I’m having trouble finding the lost town.”
“(Squawk)?” Said the phoenix that seemed to be asking.
The brown cheetah looked.
“Well” He said “For one we can’t get out this blooming cage!” The brown in his face turned red, he was furious. He raised his yellow claws and tried to claw the small phoenix which was to fast and flu away out of sight.
“I’ll get you for this Fire Phoenix just you wait!” Yelled the brown cheetah, he had coughed out a translator causing him to talk.
                              Chapter 4 The rescue 
It was time for the electro guards and the humans to group up and rescue the leader of the human empire, John Skaro. They were suppose too go to Surahu, a giant prison.
“How long will this take?” Asked Hhura on somebody’s back because he was so small. “It better be quick!” They went into a forest and could hear voices
“Who’s this?” “What are you on about?” “People and robots right there look!” The red phoenix out the zoo fluttered on Captain Anacaro’s solder.
“(Squawk!)” He wailed.
“I know that bird that’s Fire Phoenix!” Said a tall man. The Phoenix looked. As they moved further through the dark forest strange thing started to happen like trees coming to life and the path through the trees kept changing. The army was about to continue when a river formed from nowhere
“Jump!” Screamed a man. The whole army managed to succeed. Then a man got struck by an attacking root making blood drip down from his lip where he was hurt. Two electro guards had picked him up. Then five men jumped down from the trees.
“If you want to get past us, three of you will have to FIGHT US FIVE!” Laughed the first man evilly. So three came out Captain Anacaro, an electro guard and Hhura.
“Right,” Said the second man “If we win you can’t get past if you do we help you. Deal?”
“Deal,” Replied Captain Anacaro “Wait if we use Fire Phoenix we can see can see how good he is,” The electro guard stepped back in the army as Fire Phoenix fluttered in. “Good luck.”
“We will start soon,” Said the third man “Three, two, one, FIGHT!” Hhura had jumped on the first man and started to thump his head then the fifth man pulled him off. Captain Anacaro started to kick the third man with his metal feet. “Two down three to go!” Shouted a electro guard. Fire Phoenix swooped down and turned in to flames, then blasting fire balls. The flames turned off but then he swooped down and clawed the last three’s eyes.
“O-ok yo-you in.” Said the first man pushing himself off the ground shaking the mud off his hand “S-so where do y-you want t-to go with us?”
“Well,” Said Captain Anacaro “Were going to rescue John Skaro, the human emperor.” They led out of the woods to a green field filled with green sweet corn and long yellow grass then the bumped into a big plump farmer.
“Yeah,” He said “I’ll listen to you when you help me find my flying sheep aahh! This pigeon will do.”
“He’s a phoenix.” Said Hhura.
“Yes yes, as long as he does.”
“All the sheep have fallen out the sky, idiot.” Replied Hhura. They continued to a space port with lots of spacecraft taking off.
“Ok ladies, gentlemen and, err? Droids?” Said a small pale and thin man. “The take off for flight forty seven to mars as in…forty seven minuets hey how strange oh… now in forty six how sad.” The man didn’t seem very clever. “Hey look at the size of that number six how funny!” He said “Ok find the engine for flight forty seven and I’ll help your neck!”
“And why do you need it?” Said a man.
“Well,” Said the man “I thought it was a toy for my son,
Hi, good name I made it my self like it. So! I took out the engine and dropped it on the sky.” He didn’t make sense “It fell on the roof and some reason I said “Ruff, ruff! So get it please.” Fire Phoenix fluttered up and got it before he even finished.
“Thanks!” Said the man and he came with them. Later the humans set up a camp but the electro guards didn’t need it. As night fell you could see the prison, Surahu light up it looked massive, even from the cliff they were on.
Day came quickly, it was a sunny day, Surahu looked like a big black blob and you could hear birds chirping, they all sounded normal apart from Fire Phoenix singing. The army set off through the grassy planes, down the hill, round the rocks and they could see the cliff they woke up on. They stood under the cliff and started to move more closely to the prison but they stopped at a metal wall about fifty feet tall.
“Let me through,” Said the voice of Captain Anacaro. “It would have been more fun if I stole it off a zombie.”
“Stole what?” Asked Hhura. Captain Anacaro turned round unveiling a big rocket launcher with a gold sign which read: “Super rocket launcher 1000000”
It also had a red handle with a big bullet hole to put the rocket in.
“Where did you get that?” Asked Hhura eating a large piece of pizza.
“Joe’s, the underwater shop,” Replied Captain Anacaro “Now, careful! We don’t want any trouble with It.” The humans looked confused, what or who was It? Hhura looked shocked as if Captain Anacaro had said the worst swear word.
“Now take cover!” Said Captain Anacaro as everyone jumped out the way and the rocket had blown the wall down.
“Now one more off our list.” He said reading the list:
1 get to the prison
2 get in
3 find the cell
4 rescue Skaro
5 escape
He ticked off “get in”
The army, Fire Phoenix and Captain Anacaro went through the remains of the wall and entered.
“Knock knock?!” Chuckled voice
“Who’s there!?” Asked Hhura.
“Boo!” Replied the voice.
“Boo who?” Asked Hhura again.
“Aww!” Said the voice “Please don’t cry, ha ha!”
The voice came from a green pig locked in the corner, the army let him go. The prison got darker and more confusing.
“I Thought there would be guards.” Said a woman. Shadows were coming round a light courtyard corner with broken windows the army quickly Jumped through several trapdoors. Captain Anacaro was listening through.
“I Heard a green pig escaped ten minutes ago.” Said the first voice
“D’ you know anything about the lost town?” Said the second voice.
“Why?” Asked the first voice.
“I read about it and I want more info.” Said the first man
Captain Anacaro had planted a time bomb, had just jumped out the way when the two men exploded. Captain Anacaro turned round to see about five million cells in front of him, all in the same corridor.
“Hey,” He said. “Is John Skaro in this corridor?” The prisoner was asleep but the one behind said, “I know!” He said in excitement as Captain Anacaro looked at him.
“You go up five floors from here, through the west tower, down the spiral staircase and he’s right at the bottom.” Captain Anacaro had noticed it was a big weak metal base.
The army set of up a tall staircase then five soldiers came from the other one.
“Freeze!” Yelled the first guard, holding a recaradio blaster. This was a rare gun, very strong lasers.
“Go and shoot them.” Whispered Hhura. There was a big blast the guards were dead. “Get there guns.” Captain Anacaro and Hhura had taken the recaradio blasters. They had set of up another floor with more guards and killed them again. When the army was halfway up the staircase two more guards appeared, Captain Anacaro had threw one of the edge leaving blood fill half the room. Hhura had shot one’s nose and he fell off as well.
“Good work, Hhura!” Said Captain Anacaro.
“But you did most work.” Said Hhura straightening his gold glasses. They had one more floor to go. Eventually they found the west tower, went outside and saw a small thin bit they could climb along
“Ok,” Said Captain Anacaro. “Just looks like me, Hhura and Fire Phoenix.” Fire Phoenix flu over to the over straight away as Captain Anacaro and Hhura climbed over. They had went through a hatch to the deserted spiral staircase and found John’s cell
“Hey,” Said Hhura. “Don’t worry we are saving you! And we’ve got food!”
“Now don’t worry,” Said Captain Anacaro throwing a red hook. “Just stand back so you don’t get hurt,” Hhura also grabbed the hook “Tug, Hhura!” The bars came catapulting over Captain Anacaro and Hhura, smashed out the window and in the lake.
                              Chapter 5 the base
“So now the problem is trying to escape!” Yelled Hhura “Come on!”
“Off that’s Hhura’s gun!” Said Captain Anacaro as
Fire Phoenix swooped down and clawed the guard’s eyes.
“Quick!” Said Hhura “When the guards blind we can run!” But when the got back up the spiral staircase the door was locked.
“Back down!” Said Captain Anacaro as they headed down again. “Through this door!” When Hhura and John got in Captain Anacaro followed, slammed the door and locked it. They were on a bridge with bowls of hot food in a big room.
“More guards, Captain Anacaro!” Said Hhura shooting one making him fall in a pot of hot curry.
“This bridge is not stable.” Said Captain Anacaro. There were more bridges over more pots of hot food.
Captain Anacaro spotted two more guards on the bridge at his far right.
“There blasting!” Hissed Hhura shooting one. “A door!” John and Captain Anacaro Could see the door as well reading: “West tower >
“That’s where we need to be!” Said Captain Anacaro blasting the other guard into some squeaky mustard. “We just have to find how to get down there.” John had clicked a button and suddenly another bridge came out leading down to the floor. It was a long drop to the ground; they didn’t want to fall of because the bridge they were on had no railings. They eventually got to the bottom and found them self back in the west tower with the rest of the army.
“Things haven’t been good,” Said Joe, the man from the underwater shop. “We’ve fought about sixty guards in that short time.” John could hear footsteps in the background.
“Quick,” He said. “More guards are coming and-”
“Don’t worry,” Said Hhura we’ve got recaradio blasters! Just follow us.” The arch behind them had just caved in, the prison was falling down. A pillow fell down the, the roof started to collapse.
“Run!” snapped John as they all hopped through the tall door, what also collapsed behind them. Captain Anacaro saw the two dead guards they had shot earlier. They went down the steps and ended up in the large corridor again. Captain Anacaro looked at the broken ladders then looked at a prisoner with some.
“Can I have them?” He asked.
“Sure.” Said the prisoner. Captain Anacaro collected them and put them in place of the old ladders. The army climbed up to the deserted courtyard, but it wasn’t deserted it was full of guards.
“Right-” Whispered Captain Anacaro as a tall man with long brown heir came behind him. He had metal droid body armour and strange silver fingers.
“Trying to escape eh?” He said looking furious. “Hmm? Should I kill you before I burn down the Damari Bridge? Not sure. Hmm? Well I’ll kill you!”
“What? Said John. “One against thirty?”
“One’s not bad. ONE’S NOT BAD!” Raged the man. His eyes started to glow green, and then the whole of his body lit up green. Suddenly a big blast lit the room and the man was gone.
“Teleport device.” Said Captain Anacaro. Then he saw some writing in a different language. “Now what, he modern Devin chi code? Wait it says, there is a base located in the town of Sumprus (remember this is to remind us not learn) we have writ it in sumbra to stop other people looking at this.
“How did you know what it said?” Asked john.
“Never mind.” Replied Captain Anacaro. The guards were all going through the door at the other side of the courtyard. The army found themselves back in the entrance corridor. Two guards were fixing the door using paper to measure the size.
“Oh, dawn!” Said the guard dropping his paint brush.
John picked up a gun and shot a guard off the ladder. He tried to shoot the other but the laser went through the paper. Hhura shot the other one off knocking him in a drain. When the army got outside there was a shiny blue car. Captain Anacaro put Fire Phoenix in a cage and put him in the car as him, Fire Phoenix, John and Hhura got in. “Sorry army, meet you at the base and remember it’s in Sumprus! Shouted Captain Anacaro.
“Can I drive?” Asked Hhura.
“No,” Replied Captain Anacaro. “You’re too small.” The car took off and zoomed off out of sight.
“Oh, no!” Said Hhura. “We are too high! That means-” The car suddenly shot down starting to hit other cars out of the sky. The car done a sharp turn before hitting a tower. The car suddenly shot down to the pavement and scraped right down the pavement. These cars weren’t meant to land they were meant to hover a bit off the ground. The car started to set on fire. Captain Anacaro grabbed Fire Phoenix with Hhura and John and ran. The car exploded as soon as the four got down the street. John looked at a picture of the base and could see the spitting image. It had lots of windows round metal walls and two small doors hidden in the bottom rows of windows. As they went inside it was just empty rooms but there was a big statue of a hooded figure.
“We can set this up to our base.” Said John scratching his nose. “We should all the electro guards and all the Human Empire about this. A voice came behind the four.
“I was almost emperor.” It said. “Yes, I’m
Susan Smith, the Human Empires senator.” The woman had black hair with gold half moon glasses.
“And,” Said Susan. “If you weren’t saved I would be in charge. By the way nice place.”
“Just leave and I’ll meet you at the company building.” Replied john. The army arrived with little to say about the base.
                  Chapter 6 about the lost town     
That next morning John headed to the meeting. The sun was glimmering over the skyscrapers with hardly any clouds. You could see distant space cruisers fly past. John arrived at the tallest building which was the
Corac Company. Corac stood for, “Capital opening rating anything company.” Inside the entrance there was a giant statue of a electro guard. The walls were made of green marble which made it look old. John entered a lift. The interiors were gold with a big mirror at the back. John heard a ding. The doors opened John was in a rectangular room with a large circle table with six chairs round it. Two seats were empty. John sat down in one. Round the table was three men and Susan Smith, the senate. The three men were called Xabi, Dom and Simpson.
“Who sits in that seat, emperor?” Asked Simpson.
“Suba,” Replied John. “He’s in hospital a laser went through his hand.”
“Now,” Said Susan. “I want tell you the lost town is all lies. Even people who say it’s real, who would care about a old town?”
“Because the lost town holds life, the oxygen gets low nowadays. So that produces oxygen it’s just forgotten.” Said Xabi. “Nobody’s actually found the town. Meteors have formed more planets and life. So out of all
Thirty five planets it’ll be nearly impossible to find.”
“Nonsense!” Shouted Susan. “NO SUCH THING!”
That moment everyone got out a gun and pointed them at Susan.
“We have a right to execute you, Susan,” Said John. “Let me explain. One thousand years ago a man called Epana created a town when he noticed that the oxygen was low he created a small town. The town was more like a base to control the force field.” Everybody sat back down. “Epana started to lose control of the shield it made things happen like making the continents shift. The sea formed next to the town. Epana suddenly couldn’t control it at all. The shield created a blast cracking the town in two.”
“And!?” Asked

Latest revision as of 12:30, 29 February 2024

Welcome to the Tardis! We've regenerated.
This is the main wiki for the beloved BBC action-adventure and science-fantasy franchise Doctor Who... alongside spin-offs like Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Class, and so many others.

We've now gone independent! See announcement for details.
113,561 articles • 3,720,985 edits
Your cosmic joyride awaits
Following the 60th anniversary specials and The Church on Ruby Road, the TARDIS is now home to Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor and Millie Gibson's Ruby Sunday, still under the watchful eyes of Russell T Davies's Bad Wolf crew. Click below to find out more!
New to Who?

Intimidated by the long history of Doctor Who? No need. You'll be able to jump right in with the next season, come springtime, and enjoy it as a brand new show! These four concepts are probably all you'll actually need.

If you want to know more, check out our guides on Doctor Who!
Explore the Whoniverse!
Doctor Who isn't the only series set in the Whoniverse to air on TV. Check out some others!

Tales of the TARDIS circle.png Torchwood Spinoff.png SJA spinoff.png K9 spinoff.png Class Spinoff.png

Further down the rabbit hole, Alice?
Want to know more than the surface level? Consider looking into some of these ongoing non-TV series.

Big Finish circle.pngTenth Doctor DWM landing.pngDoom's Day.pngDoctor Who redacted.pngTitan Comics landing.png
Faction Paradox landing.pngIris png.pngCandy Jar landing.pngArcbeatle 1.pngCutaway Comics.png

Step Back in Time
Click a bubble to find out more about a section of Doctor Who's 60-year expanded media history.

Dr. Who landing.pngThe Daleks landing.pngDr. Who Annual.pngPolystyle landing.png
Target landing.pngK9 and Company landing.pngVirgin Novels.pngBBC Books landing.png
Time Lord Victorious landing.pngAdventure Games landing.pngReeltime landing.pngBBV landing.png

Want to know more about the worlds of Doctor Who? Check out some of these specially designed landing pages!
Doctor WhoTorchwoodSJAK9CharactersSpeciesLocationsTechnologyTransmatButtons2018.png
Doctor Who is a "family franchise", which means there's something in it for all ages.
It does not mean that all content is appropriate for all ages.

There's more than just TV

You can certainly choose to enjoy Doctor Who as purely a television series. But did you know that there are far more stories told in the comic and audio form than exist in the whole television catalogue? Luckily, there's no such thing as canon in this fandom. So you can enjoy exactly the kind of Doctor Who you prefer. And we'll be here to cover it all!

Take a trip in the memory TARDIS!
Tales of the TARDIS logo 2.jpg

Tales of the TARDIS is the first new spin-off to join the Whoniverse on BBC iPlayer. Each episode comprises a classic Doctor Who story edited into one omnibus-style episode, bookended by new scenes featuring members of the original cast in "a remembered TARDIS". It's a great place to start dipping your toes into Doctor Who's older stories, or to revisit old favourites!

Running from the Black Guardian?
'top the tower.jpg

Try out a random article from the Tardis Wiki! Like the Fourth Doctor's randomiser, this will take you anywhere in time and space... mostly Earth in the 20th or 21st centuries. Who knows what you'll find?

Listen to the Doctor and friends!
Highest Science cover.jpg

Novel Adaptations are full-cast audio dramas adapted from Virgin New Adventures and Virgin Missing Adventures. They featured the Fourth, Fifth and Seventh Doctors, voiced by the original actors.

Stripped for Action!
Crime Like Politics is Always Personal (comic story).jpg

Lytton was a four-part comic mini-series independently published by Cutaway Comics. The storyline focused upon the eponymous mercenary Gustave Lytton, originating from Doctor Who's Resurrection of the Daleks, following him and his batman Charlie Wilson protecting the Jazz Soiree Club in Soho to travelling to a parallel Earth...

Enter the Game Station
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Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror was a 1985 platform video game released for the BBC Micro and other gaming computers. The game featured the Sixth Doctor, traveling with a robotic cat companion named Splinx, attempting to stop the Tremas Master from disrupting the universe.

Who is the Doctor?

Curious about the Doctor's many incarnations? Click a face below to learn about one of the Doctor's numbered regenerations!
Hartnell box.pngSecond Doctor Home.pngThird Doctor landing.pngFourth Doctor landing.pngFifth Doctor landing.pngSixth Doctor landing.pngSeventh Doctor no background.pngEighth Doctor no background.pngNinthDoctor no background.pngTenth Doctor no background.pngEleventh Doctor no background.pngTwelfth Doctor no background.pngThirteenth Doctor no background.pngFourteenth Doctor no background.pngFifteenth Doctor landing.png