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Doctor Who Universe




  • 02 - Dr. Owen Harper, who continues to have difficulty accepting his new undead existence, is relieved of his duties with Torchwood 3 (though he continues to help out as their new tea boy) as Martha Jones agrees to stay on as medical officer. Ultimately, Harper begins to come to terms with his death and returns to active duty for a mission to retrieve an alien artifact from a dying millionare, Henry Parker, who reveals intimate knowledge about Torchwood and its personnel before his passes away. With Harper reinstated, Jones departs Torchwood to return to her duties at UNIT. Soon after, Harper successfully talks a young woman out of committing suicide. (TW: A Day in the Death).
  • 19 - The Torchwood 3 team investigate the Night Travellers. Events of TW:From Out of the Rain. (Date: WEB:torchwood.co.uk)





  • Shreela Govindia dies of an autoimmune disease. (NA: Cat's Cradle: Warhead)
  • ATMOS, a combination GPS/emission control system for automobiles, becomes widespread in vehicles around the world.
  • Rose Tyler temporarily returns from her parallel Earth, initially arriving in the normal universe (DW: Partners in Crime) but later ending up in an alternate timeline where she attains a position of authority with UNIT and works with them and Donna Noble to restore the timeline. (DW: Turn Left)
  • Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper die during the events of (TW: "Exit Wounds"), some time prior to the Dalek invasion of earth.
  • The Earth is relocated to the Medusa Cascade by the Daleks under the control of the Supreme Dalek and Davros. Despite the relocation, the planet retains a full communications network. An invasion of Earth by the Daleks commences and a number of humans are taken to "the Crucible", the Dalek mothership, where they are killed in tests of the reality bomb. As part of a counter-insurgency against the Dalek invasion, former Prime Minister Harriet Jones brings together a number of the Doctor's former companions, including Captain Jack Harkness, Sarah Jane Smith, and Martha Jones in order to contact the Doctor, and before she herself is killed by the Daleks. Rose Tyler, meanwhile, contacts Donna Noble's family and is ultimately reunited with the Doctor. During this incident, The Doctor undergoes a partial regeneration in order to repair damage from a Dalek blast; as a result of this, the Doctor's severed hand later forms a mental link with Donna and grows into a second version of the Doctor, but one that's half-human without Time Lord biological abilities such as regeneration. During ths incident, [Martha Jones]], under orders from UNIT, reveals the existence of the Osterhagen Key, a weapon capable of destroying Earth. Due to her interaction with the second Doctor, Donna briefly gains the knowledge of a Time Lord, and with her help the two Doctors are able to defeat the Daleks. Afterwards, the Doctor and his companions are successful in restoring Earth to its original location using the TARDIS; this sparks worldwide celebrations around the planet. Afterwards, Mickey Smith chooses to remain on his original Earth instead of returning to Pete's World, Harkness offers Martha Jones a job with Torchwood 3, and the Doctor returns Rose and Jackie Tyler to Pete's World, along with his clone. Donna Noble is returned to her family, but with all memories of the Doctor wiped from her mind due to the danger to her survival posed by her transformation. (DW: The Stolen Earth/Journey's End)

Alternate timelines

Real World


  • 01 - BBC TV broadcasts an edited version of the July 2008 Doctor Who at the Proms concert, previously released on radio and the Internet. The broadcast includes the television debut of the audience-interactive mini-episode Music of the Spheres. An extended version of the broadcast, including the performance of "Song for Ten", is later made available for UK Digital viewers.
  • 02 - Who fandom is caught by surprise when the BBC announces that the actor to play the Eleventh Doctor is to be announced in a special edition of Doctor Who Confidential the next day,
  • 03 - During a special edition of Doctor Who Confidential, the BBC announces that Matt Smith has been cast as the Eleventh Doctor.
  • 04 - The announcement of Matt Smith as the new Doctor is front page news in many UK newspapers. Since these are Sunday publications, many receive international distribution.
  • 06 - John Scott Martin dies.
  • 14 - Production begins on Planet of the Dead with the first cast read-through of the script. David Tennant, as he did regularly during Series 2 and 3 and less regularly during Series 4, records the event for posterity for a series of video diaries (dubbed "The Tennant Tapes") later posted to the BBC's website.
  • 16 - The website of the UK newspaper The Guardian publishes a column condemning then-rumored plans to film one of the 2009 specials in Dubai, citing the United Arab Emirates' human rights record.[1]
  • 19 - Filming begins on Planet of the Dead, the first of four one-hour Doctor Who specials to air during 2009 and early 2010 in lieu of a full season. These specials will mark the end of David Tennant's era as the Tenth Doctor, and also conclude Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner's tenures as producers. Concurrent with the start of production are rumours that Michelle Ryan and Lee Evans had been cast in the special. The rumours are later confirmed by the BBC, which releases publicity photographs of Ryan with David Tennant. According to Doctor Who Magazine #405, Planet of the Dead is the first Doctor Who episode to be produced in high-definition.
  • 22 - David Tennant's first day of shooting on Planet of the Dead ("The Tennant Tapes 2").
  • 28 - Media in the UK and United Arab Emirates report that a transportation mishap has resulted in a double-decker bus intended for filming scenes for the Easter 2009 special Planet of the Dead on location in Dubai, being heavily damaged, forcing writers Russell T. Davies and Gareth Roberts to revise part of their script. The resulting BBC News report serves as confirmation to earlier rumours that Doctor Who is in fact filming at least part of Planet of the Dead in the Middle Eastern country. This marks the first full-scale production of a Doctor Who installment outside Europe since the 1996 telefilm was shot in Canada and only the second regular TV episode to film major scenes outside Europe since Planet of Fire was partially filmed in the Canary Islands in 1984.
  • Late January - The weekly magazine Doctor Who Adventures publishes its 100th issue.
  • 31 - Release of The Key 2 Time - The Judgement of Isskar.




  • Scheduled release of The Magic Mousetrap
  • Easter: Scheduled broadcast of Planet of the Dead, the first of four one-hour special episodes of Doctor Who scheduled for broadcast during 2009 and early 2010 in lieu of a regular season in 2009. (Exact date TBA) Co-written by Russell T. Davies and Gareth Roberts, it is the first episode on which Davies shares writing credit, is the first episode of the revived series to credit two writers, and is the first story to credit two writers since 1993's Dimensions in Time. It is also the first episode (as opposed to telemovie) of the series to be filmed in part outside Europe since 1984. Some media sources have suggested 11 April as the broadcast date; the BBC has yet to confirm.
  • 16 - Scheduled publication of Judgement of the Judoon, Prisoner of the Daleks and The Slitheen Excursion. All three novels feature the Tenth Doctor without a companion, continuing the format established by The Eyeless. Notably, all three releases in this cycle (as well as the preceding Quick Reads release) feature returning monsters.
  • 29 - Publication of Doctor Who: The Forgotten, a graphic novel-style release reprinting the The Forgotten story arc from IDW Publishing's Doctor Who comic book series.


  • Production of the second, as-yet-untitled 2009 Doctor Who special is scheduled to begin, per a BBC announcement on 19 February.


Late spring



  • Series 3 of Torchwood is expected to air in the summer of 2009, "possibly late June or early July" according to BBC America president Gareth Ancier speaking after a Television Critics Association meeting in January (contradicting a report in Doctor Who Magazine #400 that said Spring 2009). According to Ancier, the plan as of January 2009 is for both BBC One and BBC America to air the series on the same day, the first time in franchise history such an international broadcast has coincided in this way. The third season will consist of a single five-episode story arc entitled Children of Earth.





  • 17 - 30th anniversary of Doctor Who Magazine, the longest continually running publication of its type based upon an English-language TV series.


  • 06 - 20th anniversary of the broadcast of Survival Episode 3, the final episode of the original 1963-1989 series.
  • "Christmas/late 2009" - According to Russell T. Davies in SFX Magazine, the second of the 2009 Specials is scheduled to air around Christmas 2009 (though whether this means December 25 has yet to be confirmed as of March 2009), followed possibly by one or both of the remaining specials leading to David Tennant's regeneration into Matt Smith.[3]

Unannounced dates

  • Production of the third and fourth specials will presumably occur in mid-2009, possibly dovetailing with the start of production on Series 5.
  • Production of the 2010 series is expected to begin, with Steven Moffat as new head writer and Piers Wenger as new producer and Matt Smith in the role of the Eleventh Doctor.
  • The first season of the Australian-made spinoff series K-9 is expected to air in that country sometime in the second half of 2009, likely carrying over into 2010.[4] Broadcast of the series in other countries has yet to be confirmed.
2008 21st century