Aliases of the Doctor

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During his travels in time and space, the Doctor has employed many different aliases; sometimes only briefly and sometimes on an ongoing basis. Due to his refusal to tell all but a few people his real name, he has often had aliases assigned to him by others.

The Doctor's true name

The Doctor has only ever used aliases publicly — his given name has never been revealed, and as such the very name "The Doctor" is an alias. It was implied that his given name was ceremoniously withdrawn and stricken by his cousins, as punishment for a disgrace he visited upon his House. (NA: Lungbarrow) When asked about the Doctor's name, companion Perpugilliam Brown once said she'd been told she couldn't pronounce it (BBCR: Slipback).

River Song revealed to the Doctor that she knows his real name by whispering it into his ear. He seemed particularly shocked at this, later saying to her "there is only one reason I would ever tell anyone my name, only one time I could" (DW:Forest of the Dead). At least one other individual, Samantha Jones, was also told his real name (EDA: Unnatural History, EDA: Vanderdeken's Children).

The Doctor was not his real name, as, for example, Carrionite "witchcraft", using true names, did not work on him. (DW: The Shakespeare Code) Other confirmation comes from Madame de Pompadour, who recognized it as an alias when she was briefly connected to the Doctor's mind (DW: The Girl in the Fireplace); by Evelina as she attempted to foretell the Doctor's future (DW: The Fires of Pompeii), and by River Song when she revealed to the Doctor that she knew his real name (DW: Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead). The Master has apparently known the Doctor since his Academy days (DW: Terror of the Autons, The Five Doctors) but there is no indication he knows the Doctor's true name, either, although he's well aware that it's false (DW: The Sound of Drums).

List of aliases

Major names and aliases

Theta Sigma

Theta Sigma (informally or "Thete") was a nickname used by the Doctor during his years at the Time Lord Academy on the planet Gallifrey. (DW: The Armageddon Factor, The Happiness Patrol, DWM: Flashback) The name might also have been a codename used by some aspects of Time Lord government to refer to the Doctor. (The Adventures of K-9 series)

The Doctor

The Doctor chose his name himself, one also used by other Time Lords. (DW:The Sound of Drums) On at least one occasion, a Human knew this name without the Doctor even saying it out loud. (NA: Cat's Cradle: Warhead) His other aliases have usually had the alias "Doctor". He implied to Peri that his given name also began with such a title (DW: The Trial of a Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet). During his first incarnation, he adopted this incarnation for the benefit of Human colonists on the planet Iwa at the same that his grand-daughter Susan adopted the name "Susan". (TN: Frayed)

John Smith

John Smith was the alias the Doctor generally uses on Earth, when a name is often required. It is usually preceded by the title "Doctor", but not always - for example, when working undercover as a teacher at a school and as a patient in a hospital. (DW: School Reunion, Smith and Jones) It was originally given to him by Jamie during his second incarnation. (DW: The Wheel in Space) He adopted it on a semi-regular basis during his third incarnation while exiled on Earth when he served as scientific advisor to UNIT. (DW: Spearhead from Space) As "John Smith" is considered a very generic name in some Earth cultures, the Doctor's use of the alias is occasionally treated with skepticism by others (DW: Midnight).

Uses of this alias

The Supremo

For a year, the Doctor used this alias as leader of the Alliance against the army of the evil renegade Time Lord Morbius. (PDA: Warmonger)

For an unrelated use of the term, see the Supremo.


Mystery surrounds this incarnation of the Doctor. The Doctor's seventh incarnation did not encounter him, but only people, such as Ancelyn, who knew this version of him. He speculated that they had met a future or alternative regeneration of him, or both. Merlin lived in the universe of the sorceress Morgaine. (DW: Battlefield)


A name adopted by a future incarnation of the Doctor. (NA: Birthright, Happy Endings)

Minor aliases

Doctor Caligari

Name used by the Doctor when he arrived in Tombstone, impersonating a magician. (DW: The Gunfighters)

Doctor von Wer

Doctor von Wer was an alias briefly adopted by the Doctor during his visit to Scotland in 1745. It is simply Doctor Who translated into German. He also signed a note Doctor W around this time. (DW: The Highlanders)


Miss Hawthorne referred to the Doctor as "the great wizard Quiquaequod" while attempting to bluff the villagers of Devil's End into releasing him. (DW: The Daemons)

:"Qui", "quae" and "quod" are the masculine, feminine and neuter forms of "who" in Latin.


When the Doctor is asked to sign a document in during a visit to London in 1963, he does so by signing a question mark. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks) The Doctor also appears to sign a document in a similar fashion prior to the Sontaran invasion of Gallifrey. (DW: The Invasion of Time)

Doctor James McCrimmon

The Doctor took the name James McCrimmon while visiting Scotland in 1879; this was the name of Jamie McCrimmon. (DW: Tooth and Claw)

Doctor Vile

The Doctor briefly masqueraded as the space pirate Doctor Vile in order to stop a war. (DW: The Infinite Quest)

Doctor McCoy

After a discussion with Donna Noble, in which she compared the sonic screwdriver with Star Trek's tricorder, the Doctor adopted the alias Dr. McCoy when dealing with a group of soldiers. (Donna called herself Captain Kirk.) The ruse fell apart when Donna was unable to maintain the pretence of being a captain. (TDA: Pest Control)

Names given to the Doctor by others


The Evil One

The Sevateem tribe referred to the Doctor as The Evil One, due to the fact that the supercomputer they worshipped had a split personality, one of which being based on the Doctor (DW: The Face of Evil)

The Ka Faraq Gatri

The Daleks referred to the Doctor as the Ka Faraq Gatri, which may mean Bringer of Darkness and/or Destroyer of Worlds. By implication, the name Destroyer of Worlds refers to the Doctor's destruction of the Dalek home planet Skaro in his seventh incarnation, an act for which he would consequently feel some remorse. (DW:Remembrance of the Daleks, NA: Timewyrm: Revelation) However, as early as his second incarnation, the Doctor knew that the Daleks had given him this name, and the Daleks used it prior to the destruction of Skaro. (DWM: Bringer of Darkness, DW: Remembrance of the Daleks (novelisation)). The name was again used by Davros upon his near destruction. (DW: Journey's End)

Time's Champion

Time's Champion was a title given to the Doctor to symbolise his service to Time during his seventh incarnation.

The Oncoming Storm

The Daleks also referred to the Doctor as the Oncoming Storm in the myths of their homeworld, as noted by his ninth incarnation, indicating that the Daleks feared him. (DW: The Parting of the Ways) This was also the name given to him by the Draconians, who were generally his allies, to indicate the traumatic events which so often accompanied his arrival. (NA: Love and War)

Rides In Night

The Doctor was known to the Pawnee Nation by the name Rides In Night. He was also known as The Brother to Coyote. (TDA: Peacemaker)


Doctor Who

The name "Doctor Who" has been applied to the Doctor, intentionally or unintentionally, on many occasions. The computer WOTAN referred to the Doctor as Doctor Who, for reasons which have never been explained. (DW: The War Machines) Clive Finch also used this name when referring to the Doctor on his website Who is Doctor Who? (DW: Rose).)

Doctor Galloway

Edward Waterfield made up this name for the Doctor when arranging to meet him (DW: The Evil of the Daleks).

Joking aliases and nicknames

Snail or Wormhole

Given to him by his cousins of the House of Lungbarrow, because, unlike Loomed Gallifreyans, he had a bellybutton. (NA: Lungbarrow)


Ace often called the Doctor Professor. She continued to use the term, even after he'd asked her not to do it any more . (DW: Dragonfire)

Mr. Spock

Rose Tyler, annoyed with the Doctor not telling her his name, proceeds to introduce him to Captain Jack as Mr. Spock, after the character from Star Trek. Jack proceeds to address the Doctor as Mr. Spock until he is corrected. (DW: The Empty Child)


During a visit to Pompeii, the Doctor used this name. (DW: The Fires of Pompeii)


Affectionate nickname given to him by Mickey Smith (DW: Journey's End).