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Toast was bread that had been browned by exposure to heat. People used the expression "warm as toast" to imply that they were very warm. (TV: The Tenth Planet)

Whilst in 1066 on Earth, the Monk had toast, bacon, eggs, and tea for his breakfast. (TV: The Time Meddler)

Walker ordered a breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, coffee, and rough-cut marmalade. (TV: The Sea Devils)

When Jo Grant brought a Micro Servo Robot into the Doctor's TARDIS, it connected itself to the computer and began transmitting adverts. One of these adverts had the Doctor's food machine produce toast with written adverts on it. (AUDIO: Pop-Up)

In the early 21st century, the Tenth Doctor visited Mickey Smith's apartment for a bite of toast, but ended up staying there when TARDIS jumped a time track. (COMIC: The Lodger)

While at the grand opening of the Hirnaltaan Tower, the Tenth Doctor noticed the smell of toast from the robot chefs. (COMIC: Night of the Burnt Toast)

The Eleventh Doctor blamed Rory Williams getting toast crumbs on the TARDIS console for their not arriving in Mexico. (TV: A Town Called Mercy)

Opinions concerning toast

The Seventh Doctor told Ace that he hated burnt toast. (TV: Ghost Light)

The Ninth Doctor, shortly after meeting Rose Tyler, told her to have her "lovely beans on toast." (TV: Rose) The Tenth Doctor said this to her again after his regeneration. (TV: The Christmas Invasion)

Production of toast

The Doctor tried to make toast, but accidentally burned it. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)

The Doctor once burned toast so badly that he had to open the TARDIS doors. (COMIC: The Old Kings of Skarab)

The Tenth Doctor helped Layla make toast with his sonic screwdriver. (AUDIO: Dead Air)

Milo Clancey tried to make toast for his breakfast, but his solar toaster broke down. (TV: The Space Pirates)

Birdie made large stacks of toast for breakfast after teaching himself how. (TV: Mutant Copper)
