Slitheen family

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Victory should be naked!Jocrassa Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen [World War Three [src]]

Template:Infobox Organization

The Slitheen Family were a family of Raxacoricofallapatorian criminals. The Slitheen were rivals (and "cousins") with the Blathereen family, descendants of the Huspick Degenerate and cousins of the Rackateen Family.


21st century


The Slitheen were from Raxacoricofallapatorius orginally, until they were given with the death sentence should they return. Following this, in the year 2006 they disguised themselves as various Humans holding leadership positions and attempted to seize control of the UK government and attempted to start a nuclear war. Their ultimate aim was to turn the Earth into a huge nuclear reactor pile and sell its remains off as starship fuel. (DW: Aliens of London, World War Three)

Blon, one of their surviving members, managed to get herself elected as Mayor of Cardiff, and tried to abuse her position to attempt to blow up Earth by destroying a local nuclear reactor. The Cardiff rift would amplify the explosion where it would not only destroy Earth but enable her to escape the planet(DW: Boom Town)

Later, another branch of the family took over a building company called Coldfire and attempted to achieve the destruction of the Earth by shutting down the Sun. This group of Slitheen were eventually defeated by Sarah Jane Smith and her friends. Though Sarah did not mean to kill them, several ended up dead. Korst Gogg Thek Lutiven-Day Slitheen, a young Slitheen survived, but not his father. (SJA: Revenge of the Slitheen) He later teamed up with two other adult Slitheen to seek revenge and make the Moon crash into Earth. (SJA: The Lost Boy) Torchwood 3 knew of at least one of these events. (DW: The Stolen Earth) Shortly after the events of "Enemy Of The Bane" a lone slitheen killed one galactic ambassador Ranius. He teleported to Sarah Janes attic and pretended to be there to award them a gift for their services to the galaxy. He was in fact there to steal K-9 who (being from the far future) could give him information on past, present and future events allowing him to 'crash the credit of the cosmos' so to speak. Although being an adult slitheen Ranius was very short and was around the same height as an average baby slitheen. Sarah Jane and co worked out his plans and used the sonic lipstick to send him back to where he came from.

Slitheen child.jpg

Later 21st century

A group of Slitheen returned to Earth in the late 21st century with hostile intentions but went home after a short time. (TDA: Snowglobe 7)

Post-21st century

After these attempts, their fortunes started to wane. They were put out of business by the Blathereen, since they were cheaper and more effective. In the year 2501, Ecktosca and Dram discovered the activities going on in Justicia and attempted to take over the operations. They were captured, but later escaped with the help of the Doctor. After the death of Don Arco, they stole the surviving warp-hole technology to rebuild their fortune. (NDA: The Monsters Inside)

Known Members



An unnamed member of the Slitheen posed as Oliver Charles and General Asquith. Other unnamed members posed as various other government officials, including

Cultural details

The Slitheen placed great importance to hunting, which included the hunting of sentient prey. (SJA: Revenge of the Slitheen) They sometimes displayed joy at triumph by disrobing. (DW: World War Three) Blon said that the Slitheen used venom grubs to dispose of family members not willing to engage in criminal activities (DW: Boom Town)

Infiltration method

The Slitheen have developed a method of disguising themselves as humans by first obtaining the skin of a dead human -- referred to as a skin suit -- and compressing themselves into it. In order for this to work the human victim needed to be heavy set, and the compression had a side effect: a gas exchange occurs which causes the disguised Slitheen to frequently expel gas with a sound similar to human flatulation. (DW: Aliens of London; SJA: Revenge of the Slitheen). Eventually, the skin suit technology was improved to allow Slitheen to assume a greater variety of human body types, and the gas-exchange issue was eliminated. (SJA: The Lost Boy)

It is unclear whether the improved skin suits are artificially created, or if humans still need to be killed and their skins obtained. Alan Jackson finds one of the Slitheen skin suits hung up on a peg, like a piece of clothing.

Minor references

Behind the scenes

Known Victims

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